Title: Miami County EMS
1(No Transcript)
2Miami County EMS Our Code
- Have a working knowledge of the EMT Oath
- Have an understanding of the EMT Code of Ethics
- Understand the Miami County EMS Mission statement
- Be familiar with Our Code at Miami County EMS
- Work through some scenarios that have moral and
ethical dilemmas
- Where do they come from?
- What determines if they are right or wrong?
- Can someone change your morals?
- of, pertaining to, or concerned with the
principles or rules of right conduct or the
distinction between right and wrong ethical - founded on the fundamental principles of right
conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or
- Can someone change your ethics?
- Where do your ethics come from?
- Whats the difference between an ethic and a
- the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a
particular class of human actions or a particular
group, culture, etc. - moral principles, as of an individual His ethics
forbade betrayal of a confidence.
8EMT Oath
- Be it pledged as an Emergency Medical Technician,
I will honor the physical and judicial laws of
God and man. I will follow that regimen which,
according to my ability and judgment, I consider
for the benefit of patients and abstain from
whatever is deleterious and mischievous, nor
shall I suggest any such counsel. Into whatever
homes I enter, I will go into them for the
benefit of only the sick and injured, never
revealing what I see or hear in the lives of men
unless required by law.
9EMT Oath
- I shall also share my medical knowledge with
those who may benefit from what I have learned. I
will serve unselfishly and continuously in order
to help make a better world for all mankind.
10EMT Oath
- While I continue to keep this oath unviolated,
may it be granted to me to enjoy life, and the
practice of the art, respected by all men, in all
times. Should I trespass or violate this oath,
may the reverse be my lot. So help me God.
11Code of Ethics
- Professional status as an Emergency Medical
Technician and Emergency Medical
Technician-Paramedic is maintained and enriched
by the willingness of the individual practitioner
to accept and fulfill obligations to society,
other medical professionals, and the profession
of Emergency Medical Technician. As an Emergency
Medical Technician-Paramedic, I solemnly pledge
myself to the following code of professional
12Code of Ethic
- A fundamental responsibility of the Emergency
Medical Technician is to conserve life, to
alleviate suffering, to promote health, to do no
harm, and to encourage the quality and equal
availability of emergency medical care.
13Code of Ethic
- The Emergency Medical Technician provides
services based on human need, with respect for
human dignity, unrestricted by consideration of
nationality, race, creed, color, or status.
14Code of Ethic
- The Emergency Medical Technician does not use
professional knowledge and skills in any
enterprise detrimental to the public well being.
15Code of Ethic
- The Emergency Medical Technician respects and
holds in confidence all information of a
confidential nature obtained in the course of
professional work unless required by law to
divulge such information.
16Code of Ethic
- The Emergency Medical Technician, as a citizen,
understands and upholds the law and performs the
duties of citizenship as a professional, the
Emergency Medical Technician has the never-ending
responsibility to work with concerned citizens
and other health care professionals in promoting
a high standard of emergency medical care to all
17Code of Ethic
- The Emergency Medical Technician shall maintain
professional competence and demonstrate concern
for the competence of other members of the
Emergency Medical Services health care team.
18Code of Ethic
- An Emergency Medical Technician assumes
responsibility in defining and upholding
standards of professional practice and education.
19Code of Ethic
- The Emergency Medical Technician assumes
responsibility for individual professional
actions and judgment, both in dependent and
independent emergency functions, and knows and
upholds the laws which affect the practice of the
Emergency Medical Technician.
20Code of Ethic
- An Emergency Medical Technician has the
responsibility to be aware of and participate in
matters of legislation affecting the Emergency
Medical Service System.
21Code of Ethic
- The Emergency Medical Technician, or groups of
Emergency Medical Technicians, who advertise
professional service, do so in conformity with
the dignity of the profession.
22Code of Ethic
- The Emergency Medical Technician has an
obligation to protect the public by not
delegating to a person less qualified, any
service which requires the professional
competence of an Emergency Medical Technician
23Code of Ethic
- The Emergency Medical Technician will work
harmoniously with and sustain confidence in
Emergency Medical Technician associates, the
nurses, the physicians, and other members of the
Emergency Medical Services health care team.
24Code of Ethic
- The Emergency Medical Technician refuses to
participate in unethical procedures, and assumes
the responsibility to expose incompetence or
unethical conduct of others to the appropriate
authority in a proper and professional manner.
25Our Mission
- To provide emergency medical services
commensurate with the expertise of its Medical
Director, the staff of the EMS and the facilitys
resources. These services will be provided to
all patients, regardless of their ability to pay.
26Our Mission
- Develop relationships with other EMS providers to
assure continuity of care to patients who cannot
or should not be treated by Miami County EMS, to
insure that the countys emergency medical health
needs are met.
27Our Mission
- Evaluate, on a continuous basis, the changing EMS
system and the countys appropriate role in terms
of quality, cost, and access.
28Our Mission
- Miami County EMS through the County Commission,
Chief, and Staff shall, on continuing basis,
establish goals and objectives consistent with
this stated mission.
29Scenario 1
- Your unit is dispatched to a MVC. Upon arrival
your patient requires extrication out of the
vehicle. She is AO x3 and is stable. The
patient is in possession of her purse, and SO
requests you obtain her drivers license. In the
purse you see a bag of weed. Do you tell the
Sheriffs Department?
30Our Code
- EMS will challenge you on its personal and
professional level. The intent of Our Code is
to help guide the employees through some of those
challenges. Our Code is advice that has been
learned the hard way, through trial and
errorsuccess and failure. Be wise enough to
learn from others.
31Our Code
- The success you experience at Miami County EMS
will depend on how well you understand the
elements in this presentation and apply them to
your personal and professional life.
32Keep your ego in check
- Maybe youre nice enough. But why do you
struggle to fit in? A common culprit is ego.
Beware of the following rapport ruining
33Playing topper.
- When someone tells a funny anecdote, dont rush
to top it. Example Joe discusses his kids
soccer game. You pipe up and brag about how your
kid scored the winning goal last weekend.
- A co-worker shares his struggles trying to master
a new skill. You should nod and empathize, but
instead you interrupt to give unsolicited advice.
Even if youre an expert and youre itching to
chime in, wait until someone asks for help.
35Taking yourself too seriously
- A good natured colleague gently jokes about a
mistake you made. Dont take offense or defend
yourself. Laugh along. Its OK.
36Rid yourself of labels
- Your colleagues label everyone from the the bean
counters to the paper pushers. Dont join in.
Refer to each department by name (finance,
human resources) without the cute moniker. You
never know whos going to take offense.
37Acknowledge your mistakes
- everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes we say things
that can be taken wrong or unintentionally hurt
someones feelings. The simple fix is to
acknowledge it and say youre sorry and mean it.
This will demonstrate maturity and character.
38Wait until the right time to provide input
- when you have an idea, realize that it might not
be the right time to share it. If it makes
someone else look bad in front of a group or
translates into you looking like a Know-it-All,
the best course is to wait until another time or
bring it up with your Lieutenant or Battalion
Chief in private.
39Follow the Chain-of-Command
- Miami County EMS operates with a
chain-of-command. That means that official
requests or reports move through the department
in a logical sequence from one rank to another.
There are informal means of communicating ideas
or suggestions within the department by casual
conversations with the Chiefs. Regardless of the
idea, it will undoubtedly flow through the
chain-of-command or flow through a committee
review process.
40You are your Brothers Keeper
- In this profession you are expected to look out
for your counterparts. You are expected to be
honest and demonstrate integrity. Integrity is
following through on what you say you will. You
will lose respect within the department if you
dont practice integrity everyday.
41Spend your working hours
- Talking about golf will probably not make you a
better EMT or Paramedic.
42There are three rules that supersede all other
- 1) Do right
- 2) Treat Others Like You Would Like To Be Treated
- 3) Do Your Best
- You will be held to these without exception by
those you work with.
43Know what is expected of you
- do it, and then do a little more than what was
44Learn something new everyday
- Those that have been in EMS for over 28 years at
times feel that they have just scratched the
surface of the knowledge required to be great in
EMS. Always learn something new every chance you
45If it doesnt have your name on it
46Read everything
- you find about EMS, listen to advice and war
stories from fellow EMTs and paramedics, and
observe everything around you at a call or
accident scene. Remember what works and what
does not.
47Dont leave dishes in the sink
- Youre mother should have taught you better.
Also, pick up after yourself. The reputation of
a slob is hard to discard.
49An EMT/Paramedic
- should be able to trust you with his life, his
wife, and his money. Violate any one of them and
youre done.
50Its better to give than receive
- Help a co-worker out when you can, but dont
expect much in return. EMS folks like most
people will soon forget a favor received, until
they need you again. Just enjoy the good feeling
of helping others, thats why you are in the
51Regardless of what happens
- be reliable. Show up when you say you will.
Work for someone when you say you will. Carry
through with your commitments to others. You may
get by with letting people down once or twice,
but it will be no secret on the job as to your
52Pay back anything thats owed
- whether you owe time, money, or a favor pay it
back. You will damage your character and look
dishonest if you blow off a commitment or a debt.
53Practice good hygiene
- In EMS we all live together and there is nothing
worse than living next to someone who doesnt
bathe and quite frankly, smells.
54When you need help
- ask for it. Whether its personal or a
professional dilemma you are experiencing, odds
are you are working with someone who has already
been there. Your officers and co-workers can be
a great resource, but you have to let them know.
55Nobody likes a complainer
- Another good term for this in EMS is a whiner.
The best way to isolate yourself and to
demonstrate a flawed character is to complain
about everything the pay, the hours, the
station, the food. It wont take you long to
earn what you deserve if you engage in whining.
56Youre not better than anyone else
- As much pride as EMS has, the bottom line is, we
are public servants. We work for those who live
in our community. Your chest should swell with
pride, but it should be pride in providing a
caring and compassionate service.
57Demonstrate respect
- for the symbols of the department and wear your
uniform with pride. Be proud of who you are and
the organization you are part of. Be respectful
towards any retiree, they spent a lifetime
earning the publics trust that you now enjoy.
58The job of an EMT/Paramedic
- is important, but so are your lifelong
relationships. Take care of your mate and kids
and come to work ready to perform heroic deeds
and undertake courageous endeavors that very few
people will ever get the opportunity to
experience. However, for the safety of everyone,
you have to have your head in the game.
59Nobody likes a slacker
- When new, every job is your job unless it is
assigned to someone else. You should be the
first one up and the last one to sit down when
there is work to be done. Doing so will gain you
respect and increase your influence.
60You will be defined
- by the habits you practice. If you have a spare
minute, do you spend the time reading the paper,
working the crossword, or studying the streets.
If you develop good study habits and put in the
time necessary to be thoroughly knowledgeable in
your job you will reap the accolades of your
co-workers and supervisors. If you are known as
someone who has to be pushed to study, you will
be widely known for that also.
61Not following orders
- and going your own way will cost you your career.
62Be careful
- of what you do or say. This is how you will be
remembered for the rest of your career.
63Its very tough to understand
- what someone is telling you with your mouth
64Read. Read. Read.
65Go at this job like it was your calling
- Doing less is obvious to those you work with.
66When training
- listen to what is being taught. Its being
respectful to the instructor, which will be you
some day.
67Dont sit
68There are only a handful of jobs
- when you truly have peoples lives in your hands.
This though should be on your mind when training
and preparing yourself to do whatever is asked of
69Represent this department
- with pride whenever attending training or
conferences. Acting like an idiot will get you
70Be respectful to those with rank
- around the public use their rank in addressing
71If you have a question
- ask it. Its better to know than to not know and
get caught short. There are no dumb questions.
Someone else is probably thinking it too, look
like the smart one for asking it!
72Good hearted joking
- around the station is one thingits a totally
different thing to get into belittling someone or
trying to raise your own stock by devaluing
others. Realize it for what it is and dont join
73Treat the stations
- as if they were your home it is. Turn off the
lights. Clean up after yourself, and double
flush if you need to.
74If you want a raise
75Dont put toast crumbs
76Being good at something
- is no accident. To excel in any field you must
practice in situations that are as realistic as
possible, only then can you find out where your
weaknesses are.
77The best
- never quit looking for ways to get better
78Bring your own soap
- Use your own towel. Whats the last thing you
wash? Me too, and you just washed your face.
79If you know--Teach
- If you dont, listen and learn.
80Never put yourself
- above your crew, station, or team.
81Have a plan
- No matter where you are in your career have a
plan. Too often we are reactive, without
planning you are always playing catch-up.
82Look for ways
- to make the job safer, easier, faster,
anythingJust because thats how weve always
done it doesnt make it the best way possible.
83Live without regrets
- you never know when the opportunity to mend could
be gone forever.
84Find a way!
- Too often we find ourselves saying, I wish I
couldI wish I wasI sure would like toI dont
think I can If we said instead, I willIm
going toI can youd find yourself standing at
your goal.
85Bring money to work
86Leave your cell phone turned off
- during the day especially during classes and
training. Use your voice mail to return calls at
an appropriate timeduring training is NOT that
87Avoid complacency
- Dont start off your career going full blast,
then slack off because you have the badge.
88Be the first one
- in line when a supervisor asks for volunteers to
do something.
89Attend all schools and classes
- you can. The more knowledge the better you will
90Learn from the classes
- Do not simply attend. Someone has put a lot of
effort into preparing and teaching the class.
Respect the effort.
91The old saying
- first impressions last forever is very true.
Be yourself, be honest, and be prepared to play
the new guy game.
92Never think you know it all
- It makes you look silly and immature.
93Both ends of a generation gap
- Have something to learn from the other.
94Respect the age and experience
- of older EMS people. You can benefit greatly
from their insights.
95Choose your heroes carefully
- Who you associate with and who you choose to
emulate will speak loudly for who you are.
Choose poorly, and you will be remembered that
96Although retirement
- seems so far away, make decisions now that will
afford you comfort in 30 years. Recognize you
start investing in KPF today and treat sick
leave as something sacred. You never know when
the need will arise for an extended use of sick
97If it stinks
98Its never a bad
- thing to buy too much food, but its always a bad
thing to buy too little.
99Set high standards for yourself
- Dont be coerced into keeping secrets or covering
up bad behavior or poor performance. If you do,
you become involved in a conspiracy. Not a place
to be it never ends well.
100If someone on the job needs help moving,
- with projects, or suchand you have the
timevolunteer to help them. It will be repaid
in spades.
101What happens here
- This is your primary job. Day off jobs are just
that. Dont get them confused or reversed.
102Always remember
- that in the eyes of many (especially children),
we are heroes. Wear the title well. It is our
duty to continue this tradition and our
obligation to retain this designation for those
that follow us. We can do this by acting
appropriately and professionally, while on and
off duty.
103The most popular person
- In the world is the hard-worker. In every
country and every culture a hard-worker is
appreciated and will always be accepted. Not all
people will warm up to the most intelligent, or
the best looking, or the wealthiest, but a
hard-worker is welcomed in any circle.
104Dont mess with anything relating to trade time!
- In theory only a third of the cant be missed
graduations, funerals, and birthday parties, etc.
should fall on our off duty days. However, by
some mysterious quirk of the universe about two
thirds of them actually do. This job would be
miserable without trade time, so be a good trade
partner. When youve agreed to work for someone,
show up! If you owe someone time, work it back
willingly. Dont do anything to cause management
to question our trading policy!
105If you have something
- that bothers you like flatulence, swearing,
certain music, or the middle being taken out of
the new cake, dont tell anyone. Everyone will
do it just to get your goat. So dont tell, or
have some thick skin, which isnt a bad thing to
have anyway.
106Scenario 2
- You are dispatched to the scene of a cardiac
arrest. Upon arrival you find a 24 y/o male in
cardiac arrest. Your protocol states to work the
code for 20 minutes and to stop any further
efforts. It is a winter day, roads are snow
covered, and the hospital is 30 minutes away.
You prepare to call the code, and tell the
mother about your plan of action. She becomes
very emotional and wants you to transport him.
What do you do?
107Whenever possible
- Handle minor internal disputes and problems at
your own level. As an EMT/Paramedic you find
that the off going shift is leaving a lot of
stuff sitting around, handle the matter in a
mature manner with your counterparts on that
shift. The likelihood of a problem being
resolved in a quick fashion with minimal hurt
feelings, is inversely proportional to the number
of bars on the collar being brought to bear on
said problem.
108Always strive
- to be First to work, First to start cleaning,
First to the truck, First to start training,
First to do the dishes, and the First one up in
the morning.
109Always strive
- To be Last to finish cleaning, Last to finish
training, Last one to get your food, and the Last
one to do your laundry.
110The New Guy game
- You will always be the new guy at the station
until someone with less time is stationed with
you. You may still be the new guy after being
on the job several years. Your day will come
when you are no longer the new guy and it will
be someone elses turn.
111Use sick leave only
- when youre truly sick or helping your family
with sickness. Youre not fooling anyone if you
abuse it. If you have a serious event, you will
be glad you have some to draw upon.
112There is no rule
- that says the last piece of cake has to be
divided 32 times before someone washes the pan.
113Dont use every pan
- in the kitchen if you cook. You clean items as
you work.
114Support others in time of crisis
- A kind word. Thoughtful listening. And, empathy
will demonstrate your character.
115The only thing EMS workers
- can steal from other shifts is food (this is
called borrowing, except its hard to return
116Look for the best traits
- in everyone and make them your own.
117Never talk behind someones back
- It makes you look small and odds are those same
people youre sharing things with will soon be
sharing things about you with others. Its
disloyal and petty behavior.
118You will buy ice cream,
- if youre in the newspaper!
119All work and no play
- makes you old. Enjoy the job and those you work
with. Work when youre supposed to, play when
you can fit it in.
120Your health
- is the most important thing you have. Protect it.
121The Unwritten
122If you become lost
- in a train wreck call, STOP. Gain control of
your thoughts, and your breathing develop a plan
and execute it.
123Its OK to feel panicky
- Anyone can feel that way at any time. Whats not
OK is to act that way. If you feel panicked
STOPthink how you were trainedand do that.
Fall back on your training. It will save you.
124Stay in voice
- and visual contact with crew members. Do not
go it alone.
125Check your equipment
- Each time you check a truck, check to see that
its all there and in good condition. Cutting
corners in checking your equipment endangers your
life as well as the others on your truck. Dont
do it. You lose respect and become unreliable.
That tag is not easy to overcome. Check the
compartments for missing equipment, it may just
refresh your memory of where items are.
126Each morning
- after you put your gear on the truck and check it
over, report to your Battalion Chief that the
unit is ready to go. Management will
appreciate it and it demonstrates that youre
responsible. Dont fake it. Dont report
something you havent done, you will eventually
be found out.
127Avoid pathogen exposures
- Always wear your gloves and eye protection. Be
consistent in this and management will notice.
128Always wear your seatbelt
- In the unit youre driving. Its department
policy and just makes good sense. How many lives
have you seen that were saved by seatbelts?
129Wait for help
- in lifting heavy loads or patients. Back
injuries can produce a life time of pain and end
careers. No one has to injure themselves. If
there is a question in your mind whether or not
something is too heavystopask for some help.
Thats why we work together.
130If youre hurt, injured,
- or reached your fatigue point, tell your
Battalion Chief. The worst thing you can do is
compound an emergency by becoming a patient
instead of a rescuer.
131Maintain your
- Situational awareness. If youre in trouble
ask for help quickly.
132Using your nose
- to identify chemicals only shortens your life and
your career.
133You can kick your way
- through sheetrock walls into an adjoining space
if youre trapped.
134Never go into an emergency
- scene empty handed. Carry something that would
be of value.
135We cant save everyone
- we just provide them the best chance to survive.
136Never don what you are
- going to wear on the way to an emergency without
your seatbelt on. Dress before you respond or
after you arrive.
137When on the street
- or next to a highway, stay out of the traffic
lane. Do not assume other drivers will see you.
Wear your vest!
138If youre working on the roof
139Practice controlling
- yourself. Realize you didnt create the
emergencies and we have prepared you to deal with
them. You have to get control and calm yourself.
140If you worked for another department
- nobody cares how they did it there. Make
constructive suggestions at the right time and in
the right place.
141No where on your job description
- did it list human sacrifice as a job
requirement. Operate so that everyone goes home.
142After the call
- be eager to begin getting ready for the next one.
Demonstrate your work ethic and determination to
get the job done. Everyone wants to go home ASAP.
143When people die
- stay focused on your job. Its OK to get
tearyit only shows you care.
144Someone has to protect the county
- when everyone else is at the Big One. Thats
just as important.
145The difference between
- part-time and full-time is not a paycheck. Its
how you conduct yourself and the professionalism
you display. Both can fall short.
146If you dont know where
- youre going, turn off the siren and find out.
147Radios can
- and will fail you at the worst possible time.
148If someone wants to
- talk about a difficult call they had, let them.
An understanding ear can do more for the heart
and soul than therapy.
- Never-Ever-bet your life on technology.
150Drive to reach
- the scene of the emergency safely. Everyones
life depends on it the victims, your fellow
co-workers, people on the street, and even your
151When things become more dire
- on the emergency scene you have to be more
disciplined in carrying out your assignments.
Efficiency and speed may save someones life.
- only a cuss word will help.
- is not what you do in the face of fear its the
actions you take despite it.
154Calm yourself before
- using the radio. Sounding hysterical is not
reassuring to the incident commander or scanner
155Sadly, there is no place
- for you in this department if you freelance at
emergencies. That endangers everyone and drives
Battalion Chiefs crazy. You dont want that.
156Scenario 3
- You are dispatched to the scene of a fire stand
by. You are aware that there are patients
trapped in the structure. Mother has been
extricated and has 2nd degree burns to her body.
Her children are trapped inside. The FD states
to you that they have found the bodies of the
children and they are dead. The mother says she
wont be transported to the hospital until she
knows her children are out and OK. What do you
157Needle sticks
- are not funny. Use the sharps containers, and
immediately report the incident to management.
158Keep your hands off
- other peoples bags. Stay out of their lockers,
159We will not risk anything
- for lost property or victims that cannot be
saved. You need to keep that in mind.
160Dont put any equipment
- back on the truck dirty. Everyone will know you
did it.
161If you take something off
- a truck, report it to your Battalion Chief.
162If you get the chance
- pick up any medical trash (containers and such)
before you leave the scene. People will
appreciate it.
163Medical Alarms
- are not always false alarms. Go in as prepared
to a medical alarm as you would a code blue.
Dont get caught with your pants down.
164911 emergencies
- Are not emergencies for EMS. That is what we are
trained to handle. Act with confidenceyouve
been prepared.
165Never forget to say thank you
- for a meal or drink if anyone provides it for you
(especially at the scene of an emergency). Even
if its a baloney sandwich.
166Be observant of who is around you
- off-hand joking after someone has suffered a loss
can reflect badly on the department and makes us
appear to be uncaring.
167Be wary of management
- that does not train regularly with their crews.
168Simply because you have a blister
- doesnt mean everyone has to see it.
169Were not at war with
- law enforcement or fire over whos most
important. We all have a job to do, even though
people like us better.
170Its OK
- to tell someone you are sorry for their loss.
171And my personal favorite!
- If youre hungry EAT, you never know when your
next chance will be.
172Thank you!
- Please make sure you signed in on the attendance
roster - Please fill out an evaluation for the class and
turn it in to receive CEUs
- Do you have questions???
- What did you think of the program?
173(No Transcript)