Title: Annual State Conference
Improving our future by degrees
- Annual State Conference
- Oklahoma State University Student Union
- Stillwater, Oklahoma
- May 19, 2005
2- Research Capital of the Plains
- Advancing Oklahomas Education System
3Research Capital of the Plains
- Capital Bond, HB1191
- Economic Development Research Endowment Fund, SB
918 - National Lambda Rail
- University technology transfer policies
- SBIR principal investigators
- 12E, OIN, IP commercialization
4Advancing Oklahomas Education System
- Cooperative alliances with technology centers
- Student portal
- Analysis of research funding
5Federally financed academic RD expenditure, 2002
Per capita Rank State expenditures
1 DC 360.84 2 MD 257.46 22 MO 78.94 28 TX 64.
73 38 KS 49.45 48 OK 32.18 53 Me 19.95 Average
6Federally financed academic RD expenditure, 2002
National change, 1990-2002.. 126.5 Oklahoma
change, 1990-2002.. 194 Oklahoma share, 1990
to 2002 0.04 to 0.51
7Federally financed academic RD expenditure, 2002
University of Oklahoma 33.5 OU Health Sciences
Center 28.2 Oklahoma State University 27.6 Unive
rsity of Tulsa 7.0
8Federally financed academic RD expenditure, 2002
Percent change among states of similar size,
Rank State Share Change
1 Mi 89.9 2 SC 64.8 3 KY 62.3 4 KS 51.4 5
IA 44.6 6 CT 36.8 7 AK 35.5 8 OK 27.0 9 O
R 18.9
9Federally financed academic RD expenditure, 2002
Percent change in share among states of similar
size, 1999-2002
Rank State Share Change
1 MI 39 2 SC 21.7 3 KY 19.0 4 KS 12.7 5 I
A 6.3 6 CT 1.2 7 AK 0.0 8 OK -7.3 9 OR -12
10State Research Profile
- Oklahomas Federal RD funding capture rate 55
per capita - National Federal RD funding capture rate 269
per capita
738 million in federally-sponsored RD funding
is left on the table each year