Title: Inspecting Respirators
1Inspecting Respirators
The examples you are about to witness were
obtained from respirator users through the years.
Most problems were discovered during the annual
fit tests or represent problems found most
frequently at that time.
2General Cleanliness
- A respirator that is not clean can
- Cause a reduced seal
- Cause undue wear to certain respirator parts
reducing its effectiveness and speed replacement - Lead to skin problems if cleanliness is a
chronic problem.
3General Cleanliness
- Look for dirt, films of chemical, oils, soap or
disinfectant residue, and make-up - Check how the respirator and cartridges are being
stored to protect from chemicals and other
4General cleanliness
Dust and grit under the exhalation valve can
reduce a fit factor to an unacceptable level.
Even when it doesnt look dirty, the seal can be
affected. A good reason to keep it clean.
5General cleanliness
Harness straps not washed will collect chemicals
and dirt between the fibers, which degrades the
These residues are also in contact with the
users skin.
6Degradation of harness straps
Result is no ability to adjust the harness for
comfort and good seal.
7Degradation of harness straps
These users did not replace the harness when
needed and made adjustments to their straps that
were non-adjustable.
These users could not adjust the straps to meet
their needs for comfort and fit.
8Degradation of harness straps
Another one for entry into the World Book of Duct
9Broken harnesses will not allow adequate
tightening and adjustment
10Check face piece for effects of UV radiation
Fading of color, chalky, and loss of flexibility,
Deterioration of elastic straps, loss of
11Check the face piece for distortion, proper
Distorted seal surfaces
12Check the face piece for distortion
Also check how the respirator is stored and in
what kind of package to protect from distortion
(Is it compressed?)
Distorted seal surface
13Check face piece for cuts, tears, cracks, and
It might be obvious.
14Check face piece for cuts, tears, cracks, and
And it might not.
15Check face piece for cuts, tears, cracks, and
So check carefully
16Inspect respirator face piece components
17Inhalation and exhalation valves
Are they present?
This does happen!
18Inhalation valves
Are they flat? Are the edges curled up?
Inhalation valve pretty bad curl
Inhalation valve extreme curl
19Inhalation valves
Are they flat? Are the edges curled up?
Inhalation valve moderate curl
20Inhalation valves are the supports cracked?
This sort of thing is easily missed
21Inhalation valves are the supports cracked?
A direct short for contaminants to the breathing
zone when inhaling
22Exhalation valves
Are they curled? Are they flat?
Poor seal here is direct short cut for
contaminants to breathing zone when inhaling
23Inhalation exhalation valves
Is the valve seat torn?
Is the valve seat completely seated in-place in
the valve support?
24Inhalation exhalation valves
- Are they pliable?
- Are they clean?
- Are they flat?
- Are they your buddys or the correct ones?
- Do you need to order some to have on-hand?
- Are they installed in the respirator? Did they
get left out after cleaning? - Check
25Full face respirators
- Is the speaker diaphragm in-place?
Have they been dropped? Check for cracks
Tiny crack
Larger crack
- Are they contaminated?
- Has the end-of-service life period been reached?
- Are they the right cartridge for the job?
28A Checklist
- Cleanliness dirt, chemical film, soap and
disinfectant film, oils, and make-up - Straps and harness Flexibility, elasticity, no
cracks, not twisted, adjustable, clips work - Cartridges soiled, cracks, end-of-service life
period reached
29A Checklist
- Face piece cracks, cuts, holes, ultraviolet
deterioration (chalky, discoloring, faded),
stiffness, reduced pliability, proper shape, no
deformities, stored un-compressed - Face piece components Exhalation and inhalation
valve in place, valves properly seated, valve
seat not torn, valves pliable and flat, valves
clean, speaking diaphragm in place
30Respirator Inspection Training is complete
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