Title: History of Biological Warfare Globally
1History of Biological Warfare - Globally
- 1925 Geneva Protocol
- 1972 Biological Weapons
- Convention
- signed by 103 nations
- 1975 Geneva Conventions
- Ratified
- Opened for signature 17 June 1925, entered into
force 8 February 1928 - Geneva Protocol
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4Biological Weapons Convention
- Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,
Production and Stockpiling of - Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons
and on Their Destruction - Signed at Washington, London, and Moscow April
10, 1972
5Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and
President Vladimir on Cooperation Against
- November 13, 2001
- At Shanghai, we resolved to enhance cooperation
in combating new terrorist threats, including
those involving weapons of mass destruction. - We agree that, as a key element of our
cooperation to counter the threat of terrorist
use of biological materials, officials and
experts of the United States and Russia will work
together on means for countering the threat of
bioterrorism, now faced by all nations, and on
related health measures, including preventive
ones, treatment and possible consequence
6What role can Russia play in Combating Infectious
Diseases And Bioterrorism Threats
- The threat of biological weapons and their use in
bioterrorism have increased. At the same time
there are huge improvements in the knowledge of
infectious diseases. How do we contain the threat
of biological warfare (BW) and bioterrorism and
continue to make progress in eliminating and
treating infectious diseases?
S.V. Netesov, L.S. Sandakhchiev, VECTOR,
7In the past 20 years, more than 30 previously
unknown infectious agents have been identified.
- They causing such diseases as AIDS, hemorrhagic
fevers, antibiotic resistant bacterial strains,
hepatitis C, etc., A significant part of these
infectious diseases result from the ability of
microorganisms to mutate and adapt to humans and
their medical treatment environment of medical
prophylaxes and treatments. These properties,
combined with increasing human mobility and
migration and the increasing number of people
with suppressed immunity, and several other
factors, make the emergence of new diseases and
variants more likely.
8Biological Warfare Nonproliferation and Threat
- The issues of nonproliferation and threat
reduction of biological weapons based on
infectious agents are different from other
weapons of mass destruction (WMD). - We believe that the major nonproliferation and
threat reduction efforts should focus on already
working with emerging pathogens research centers,
which might present a source of expertise for
potential bioterrorists.
9Russias Role in Infectious Disease Research and
International Cooperation
- Russia has great potential in the area of
infectious disease research, as well as in
development and manufacture of therapeutic and
prophylactic preparations at facilities of the
Russian Ministry of Public Health, those of
BIOPREPARAT and of local public health
establishments. Two large State Research Centers
of the Russian Ministry of Public Health for
Applied Microbiology (Obolensk, European region)
and Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR (Koltsovo,
eastern region) were involved in biological
defense programs of the former Soviet Union
before 1990.
- The State Research Center of Virology and
Biotechnology VECTOR, operated by the Russian
Ministry of Public Health, is a large research
and production complex, whose primary activities
are focused on basic and applied research in the
theoretical virology, molecular biology,
virology, immunology, aerobiology, epidemiology,
and biotechnology. VECTOR also develops and
manufactures preventive, therapeutical and
diagnostic preparations.
11- VECTOR is one of two scientific and experimental
facilities in Russia mainly focusing on virus
infection research. The State Research Center for
Applied Microbiology, Russian Ministry of Public
Health (Obolensk, Moscow Oblast), is a similar
scientific and experimental center, involved in
bacterial infections research. VECTOR and
Obolensk are the only institutions in both Russia
and the rest of the CIS countries in which
studies of highly dangerous pathogens can be done
at an up-to-date level.
- VECTORs research and production facilities
amount to more than 250,000 m2 on over 8,000
hectares (19,768 acres). The research and
experimental facilities at VECTOR are equipped
for up-to-date scientific work with highly
pathogenic human and animal viruses, under
conditions of complete biosafety. Several
buildings meet special biosafety requirements for
high containment facilities (BSL 2, 3, and 4) an
air-tight external perimeter, negative pressure
in the working zone, complete sterilization
(liquid, and solid) or reliable filtration (air)
of all types of discharge.
- The research and technical staff of the Center
are highly qualified personnel, specializing in
the field of genetic engineering, molecular
biology, virology, theoretical virology,
immunology, epidemiology, and ecology. The staff
has extensive experience in highly dangerous
viruses research and in production of diagnostic
and prophylactic preparations for public health
and veterinary needs.
- The Collection of Cultures of Microorganisms in
VECTOR contains over 10,000 deposit entries
various viral strains, including the national
collection of variola virus strains and strains
of BSL-4 viral pathogens recombinant viral
strains strains of microorganisms, including
producer strains. The Collection received
international recognition in 1995 when it was
affiliated with the European Culture Collection
Organization (ECCO).
- VECTOR also houses one of the two WHO
Collaborating Centers for orthopoxvirus diagnosis
and repository for variola virus strains and
their DNA. The other WHO Collaborating Center for
smallpox and other poxvirus infections is at the
CDC in Atlanta, USA. As a WHO Collaborating
Center, VECTOR preserves and studies the Russian
collection of variola virus isolates. The
research collaboration between these two Centers
is promising in terms of basic science and
confidence building.
- VECTORs Breeding and Holding Facility for
laboratory animals, which includes one of only
two monkey breeding facilities operating in
Russia, is used for testing therapeutic and
diagnostic preparations. Facilities for the
performance of preclinical and clinical trials of
new medicinal preparations are available at
- Possible research at the proposed International
Center could focus on arboviruses, including
tick-borne encephalitis virus that is endemic in
Russia HFRS virus, Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus
both endemic in Siberia filoviruses Marburg
and Ebola orthopoxviruses smallpox virus,
monkeypox, and cowpox viruses viruses causing
hepatitis A, B, C paramyxoviruses, rabdoviruses,
influenza viruses, etc. This list of viruses
could be extended by bacteria and parasites, such
as tuberculosis, which is increasing sharply now
in Russia, and opisthorchiasis human parasitic
disease affecting the liver. The latter is
endemic in Siberia, too.
18(No Transcript)
19The aims of the Federal Center of Hygiene and
- Sanitary and Epidemiological measures in case of
situation with the outbreaks of infectious
diseases or during disasters - Statistical monitoring for control of infectious
diseases at the federal level, reporting
20The structure of the Federal Center of Hygiene
and Epidemiology
- Disaster department
- Epidemiological department
- Laboratory services
21(No Transcript)
22The period until 1991Life expectancy (both
23The period until 1991Life expectancy in 1965
24The health care principles upon which the Soviet
health care system was to be based (Nikolai
- government responsibility for health
- universal access to free services
- a preventive approach to social diseases
- quality professional care
- a close relation between science and medical
practice - continuity of care between health promotion,
treatment and rehabilitation.
25Next steps following the establishment of the
Semashko model in 1918
- The health care system was under the centralized
control of the state, which financed services by
general government revenues as part of national
social and economic development plans. - All health care personnel became employees of the
centralized state, which paid salaries and
provided supplies to all medical institutions. - The main policy orientation throughout this
period was to increase numbers of hospital beds
and medical personnel.
26Next steps following the establishment of the
Semashko model in 1918 (cont.)
- Russia made massive strides in arresting the
spread of infectious diseases. - Drastic epidemic control measures were
implemented, particularly in the cases of
tuberculosis, typhoid fever, typhus, malaria and
cholera. - These involved community prevention approaches,
routine check-ups, improvements in urban
sanitation and hygiene, quarantines, etc.
27Health crisis
- The diverging paths of Russia and other
industrialized nations with respect to health
status from the 1960s onward has been attributed
to the failure of the Russian health care system
to successfully respond to the epidemiological
28The leading causes of death in the Russia
- Cardiovascular diseases with rates that are the
highest in the European Region. - External causes of injury and poisoning
- Cancer
Average for 1999-2001
30WHY was prophylaxis with Ciprofloxacin extended
to 60 days?
More on Sverdlovsk ?
Source New York Department of Health
BECAUSE in Sverdlovsk cases appeared more than 40
days after exposure, and because of data from
animal experiments
Source New York Department of Health
31Lidia Tretyakova looks at the tombstone of her
father, Lazar Karsayev, at a cemetery in
Yekaterinburg, Russia, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2001. A
mysterious outbreak of anthrax killed at least 68
people, including Karsayev, 22 years ago in the
Russian industrial center of Sverdlovsk, today
known as Yekaterinburg. At the time, neither the
victims nor their families suspected they had
been hit by a biological weapon. (AP Photo/Alexei
32Laboratory workers at the Sverdlovsk regional
epedemiological service put on the special suits
they wear when working with anthrax and other
dangerous bacteria in Yekaterinburg, Russia,
Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2001
33(No Transcript)
- Is an unlawful act of violence
- Intimidates governments or societies
- Goal is to achieve political, religious or
ideological objectives
Arthur H. Garrison
35Prevention of Terrorism
- Primary prevention
- Education!!!
- Understand the differences in cultures,
religions, beliefs and human behaviors - Think of the peace, freedom and equality of all
human beings, not just my group of people - Eliminate the root of terrorism
36Prevention of Terrorism
- Secondary prevention
- Establish surveillance and monitoring system on
terrorism attack - Improve protective system for citizens
37Prevention of Terrorism
- Tertiary prevention
- Early detection of the sources
- Prevent the extension of impairments
- Rescue the survivors
- Console the rest of the population
38Proportion of death from terrorism in total death
in the United States
39Risk of Dying
Penguin Books, 1987
40Death Rate of Various Causes in 2000 USA and that
from Terrorism
41Why did terrorism draw considerable attention in
- The risk of dying from terrorism was extremely
low in 1990s, and was still relatively low
compared with some diseases in 2001 - But the death rate increased by 500 times in 2001
due to Sept. 11 - Overall the death rate of terrorism has not been
high - Despite the low risk, shock, surprise and fear
engulfed the United States and world
- Terrorism is unlawful act
- Terrorism has a long history of being used to
achieve political, religious and ideological
objectives - Terrorism can be conducted through firearms,
explosive devices and biological, chemical,
nuclear materials - Even through the events of 2001, the risk of
dying from terrorism has remained much lower than
that from motor vehicles, smoking, and alcoholic