Title: Dumb Side of Intelligence
1Dumb Side of Intelligence Research Association
Tony Payton CIGMR
2- Association studies powerful methods for
- identifying genes that influence behavioural
- or disease phenotype
- Simple principle compare allele frequencies
- in cases and controls
- Inconsistency in literature
- Examples
- Reducing spurious findings
- Manchester cognitive study
3Publication trends in field of psychiatric
4- Multiple positive associations without failure
- to replicate is rare
- 166 disease/gene associations investigated
- ?3 groups
- 6 consistently replicated
- Hirschhorn et al, (2002) Genet Med 4, 45-61
5Serotonin Transporter Gene (5-HTT)
- Short allele ? transcriptional efficiency
- Possession of short allele associated with
neuroticism - 8 of genetic variance (505 subjects, P0.0031)
- Lesch et al. 1996. Science, 274, 1527-1531
6A total of 22 studies some positive but majority
7Adapted from Moyzis et al, 2002
Association between 7 48bp repeat in exon 3 of
DRD4 and novelty seeking (Benjamin et al, 1996,
Nature Genetics)
To date 15 studies performed reporting both
positive and negative associations
By 2001 23 publications for DRD4 VNTR and ADHD
8- Alcoholism
- Schizophrenia
- Novelty seeking
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Depression
9Late-onset Alzheimers disease
- In contrast to neuropsychiatric conditions
- defined histological features
- diagnostic criterea
- 2003 gt10 publications/month
- 50 genes associated
- 1 consistently replicated by
- multiple groups
- ?4 allele of APOE
- General intelligence is a diverse range of
- mental abilities
- Processing speed
- Vocabulary ability
- Memory
- Cognitive ability is highly heritable
- gt110, 000 twin/sib pairs
- heritability approx. 50
- Bouchard and McGue, 1981
11Genes associated with intelligence
- Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor (Chorney
et al, 1998) - Muscle segment homeobox 1 (Fischer et al, 1999)
- Catechol-O-methyltransferase (Egan et al, 2001)
- Dopamine receptor D2 (Bartres-Faz et al, 2002)
- Cholinergic muscarinic 2 receptor (Comings et
al, 2003) - Brain derived neurotrophic factor (Egan et al,
2003) - Cathepsin D (Payton et al, 2003)
- Serotonin receptor 2A (Quevain et al, 2003)
12Has intelligence research learned from
previous behavioural studies?
13Failure to replicate
- IGF2R Hill et al, 2002
- DRD2 Moises et al, 2001
- Ball et al, 1998
- Petrill et al, 1997
Whats going on?
- 1.5 million SNPs in 33,000 genes
- Multiple diseases associated with a single gene
- APOE AD, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, MS
- 30 other diseases/traits
- Different outcomes
- Dementia Alzheimers disease, vascular disease,
- frontotemporal, Lewy body
- combinations of above
- Multiple alleles
- APOE 3 common alleles, 6 genotypes
- Subgroup splits
- men vs women, young vs old etc
15Fishing for genes without getting bitten 5
161. Adequate Power
- Contribution of gene towards variance of trait
- or risk of disease is 1-8
- Adequately powered study require 1000s subjects
- frequency of polymorphism
- odds ratio 1.1-1.5 (10-50 relative ? in
- Odds ratio 1.3
- similar allele frequency 2,000-10,000
subjects - rare disease allele 160,000
- 80 power
- Zondervan and Cardon (2004) Nat Rev Genet 5,
17Sample sizes in 579 genetic association studies
Adapted from Ioannidis (2003) Trends in Mol Med
9(4) 135-138
182. Replicability
- Validation by an independent dataset prior
- to publication
- in-house
- collaboration
- lt20 of all studies in AD genetics used an
- independent cohort
- 8 publications reporting intelligence genes
- 1 has replicated using two cohorts
- Quervain et al, 2003
193. Use of Haplotypes
- Haplotype analysis
- ? power
- ? number of tests
- ? false positives
- 5q cytokine locus/Crohn disease (Rioux et al,
2001) - Calpain 10/type 2 diabetes (Horikawa et al,
2000) - Tau/supranuclear palsy (Conrad et al, 1997)
- 2003 only 1/3 association studies examined
- gt1 polymorphism/gene
- half examined gt4 polymorphisms/gene
20- In 2003 only 23 of AD publications fulfilled
- ?2 3 basic criterea
- sufficient power
- replication
- haplotype analysis
4. Biological plausibility majority of studies
meet this criterea animal models expression
studies linkage studies
215. Meta-analysis
- Combines results across studies
- Two results at p 0.06 are stronger evidence
against - the null (p 0.0014) than a single result at
p 0.05 - Ten results at p 0.10 are stronger evidence
against - the null (p 0.000025) than five at p 0.05
(p 0.00012) - Rosenthal and DiMatteo (2001) Annu Rev Psychol
52, 59-82
22Meta-analysis publications in field of
psychiatric genetics
235HTT Neuroticism 44bp promoter
Munafò et al. (2003). Molecular Psychiatry, 8,
22 case-control studies 4 positive 18
negative p0.038
24DRD4 Neuroticism 7 48bp rpt exon 3
Munafò et al. (2003). Molecular Psychiatry, 8,
17 case-control studies 4 positive 13
negative Not significant
Faraone et al, 2001,Am J Psy
8 case-control studies 4334 5 positive 3
negative p0.001, OR 1.9
14 TDT studies 3300 2 positive 12
negative p0.02, OR 1.4
26Dopamine receptor D5 and ADHD
- Microsatelite marker upstream of DRD5 (Daly et
al, 1999)
- 3 studies failed to replicate (non-significant
trend) - Barr et al, 2000
- Tahir et al, 2000
- Payton et al, 2001
- Meta-analysis of 14 studies (gt5000)
- p0.00005, OR 1.24, 95CI 1.12-1.38
- Lowe et al, 2004 (Human Genetics 2004 in press)
27- Popularity of meta-analysis is that it can
address - issue of power
- Successful
- 20-30 studies show significance/combined
- Lohmueller et al, 2003
- Limitations
- investigate 2 genotype groups
- accurately adjust for heterogeneity
- Not as good as adequately powered primary
- association study
28(No Transcript)
29Manchester cognitive study
- Aim
- Establish a large cohort healthy older
volunteers - Investigate genetic association with cognitive
ability and rate of cognitive decline
1. Power gt2200 volunteers involved
2. Replication 2 cohorts from Manchester and
Newcastle Each cohort gt1100 volunteers
303. Haplotypes
Cholinergic Gene Locus
314. Biological Plausibility
325. Study Design
- Well characterised cohort
- Caucasian
- Physiological tests
- Psychological tests
- General Health
- Demographic Data
- Array of cognitive tests
- Processing speed
- Vocabulary
- Memory
33- All volunteers tested at five year intervals
- (minimum follow-up of fifteen years)
- Allows identification of genes that regulate
both - level of cognitive ability and rate of
decline of - cognitive domains
- Identical tests performed
- Current research
- minimum of 1000 subjects
- replication group
- Use of haplotypes ? power, ? tests, ? false
- Meta-analysis good for ? power
- Has research in the field of cognitive genetics
- learned anything from older association studies?
Not really!
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and
human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the
former" Albert Einstein
365. Analytical methods
- Population stratification
- Disease frequency varies between subpopulations
- chance affected individuals selected from
subpopulation - marker allele ? frequency in subpopulation
- Spielman et al, 2003
- Genomic control to access ancestry
- Pritchard et al, 2000