Title: Strategyproof Sharing of submodular costs: Budget Balance Vs. Efficiency
1Strategyproof Sharing of submodular costsBudget
Balance Vs. Efficiency
U1 2
U2 2
U3 3
Cost( 1,2 ) 3
3Lecture outline
- Introduction
- Budget Balance Vs. Efficiency
- Suggested mechanisms
- Marginal Cost
- Shapley
- Multicast networks
- Feasibilty of mechanisms in multicast networks
- conclusions
4The Model
- N agents
- Agent can either receive service or not (binary)
- ui - willingness of agent i to pay for the
service - C(S) - cost for providing the service for a set
of users S
- The mechanisms output
- qi - does agent i receive the service?
- if qi 1 she receives. if qi 0, she doesnt
- xi - the payment of agent i (cost shares)
5Submodular cost function
- We will deal with submodular cost functions
- C is submodular if ? S,T ? N C(T) - C(S?T) ?
C(S?T) - C(S) - (In our model C is also non-decreasing and C(?)
6Mechanisms desired properties
- No Positive Transfers (NPT)
- Cost shares (payments) are nonnegative ?i xi ?
0 - Voluntary Participation (VP)
- Welfare level (u - x) of no service at no cost
(qi0,xi0) is guaranteed for truthful agents - Consumer Sovereignty (CS)
- Each agent has ui guaranteeing getting the
service (regardless of the other reported values
7Mechanisms desired properties Incentive
- Strategyproof mecahnsim
- Telling the true ui is a dominant straegy for any
agent - Group-strategyproof mechanism
- No coalition of agents has an incentive to
jointly misreport their true ui - Stronger form of Incentive Compatibility.
8Models desired properties (cont.)
The social welfare is not the sum of the agent
surpluses, and doesnt depend on payments (xi)
- Budget Balance
- ?xi C(R) (when R is the receivers set)
- Efficiency
- For any u, the mechanism should maximize the
social welfare W(N,u) maxT?NuT -C(T)
(where uT ?i?Ruj) - Remark In our model the utilities are
quasi-linear (uiqi - xi)
9Models desired properties
10Models desired properties
Marginal Cost
11Cost Sharing Methods
- A Cost Sharing Method f allocates C(S) among
the agents in S - fi(S) - is the payment of agent i when the
receivers set is S - ?fi(S) C(S) (budget-balance)
- Cost Sharing Function is cross-monotonic
if S?T, i ? S ? fi(S) ? fi(T) - Agent cant pay more when receivers set expands
12Cost Sharing Methods (cont.)
- Consider the following allocation algorithm that
uses the Cost Sharing Method f - The mechanism that uses f with allocation S(f,u)
is denoted by M(f)
- S0 N
- St1 i ui ? fi( St )
- (proceed untill St is unchanged)
- S(f,u) is the final allocation
13Theorem 1 (without proof)
- For any cross-monotonic function f, the mechanism
M(f) is budget balanced, group strategy-proof and
meets NPT,VP,CS.Conversely, for any mechanism M
which is group strategy-proof, budget-balanced
and meets NP,VP,CS, there is a cross monotonic
cost sharing method f such that M(f) is
welfare-equivalent to M
14Choosing cost sharing function
- We saw that every cross-monotonic function
defines a mechanism with the desired properties
(except efficiency) - Which mechanism is the best?
- We will choose the method f for which M(f)
minimzes the maximal welfare loss - ?(f) supu bestWelfare(u) - welfareM(f)(u)
- where bestWelfare(u) maxT?N(uT - C(T))
welfareM(f)(u) (Us(f,u) - C(s(f,u))
15Shapleys cost sharing method
- Consider the following cost sharing function,
based on Shapley Value - T!(S - T - 1)!
- fi(S) ?T?S-i S!
- Theorem 2 (without proof)Among all M(f) derived
from cross-monotonic functions, M(f) has the
uniquely smallest maximal welfare loss - ?(f) lt ?(f) ?f?f
C(T?i) - C(T)
16Models desired properties
Marginal Cost
17Marginal Cost Mechanism
- The welfare of coalition S is w(S,u) maxT ? S
( UT - C(T) ) - Coalition S is called efficent if us - C(S)
surplusi uiqi - xi ( w(N,u) - w(n -
i,u) )
- Marginal cost pricing mechanism
- The reciever set (q) is the largest efficent
coalition - The cost shares (payments) given by VCG xi
uiqi - ( w(N,u) - w(n - i,u) )
marginal welfare of agent i
18Marginal Cost Mechanism
- Theorem 3If M is a strategyproof and efficient
mechanism, meeting NPT, VP, then M is welfare
equivalent to MC. Conversely, the MC mechanism
meets NPT, VP (and CS), and is efficient and
strategyproof - Efficient mechanism is mechanism that select
efficient allocations (not necessarily the
largest) for all profiles (us) - Welfare equivalent means that?u ?i uiqi(u) -
xi(u) uiqi(u) - xi(u)
19Marginal Cost Mechanism proof
- Let M be any strategyproof and efficient
mechanism (also meets NPT,VP) - Ill show that M is welfare equivalent to MC
- strategyproofness efficiency ? x(u) is
xi(u) uiqi(u) - W(N,u) - hi(u-i) - Ill prove the following
- hi(u-i) W(N-i,u) (as in the MC mechanism)
- if efficient set is not maximal, welfare
equivalence maintains
20Marginal Cost Mechanismproof
- We know xi(u) uiqi(u) - W(N,u) - hi(u-i)
Ill show hi(u-i) W(N-i,u) - Consider arbitrary u-i
- u0 - the completion of u-i by u0i 0
- NPT, VP ? xi(u0) 0
- xi(u0) uiqi(u0) - W(N,u0) - hi(u-i) ?
hi(u-i) W(N,u0) W(N - i,u0) W(N - i,u)
if S efficient, S-i also efficient us -
C(S) ? us-i - C(S-i)
? xi(u) uiqi(u) - W(N,u) - W(N - i,u)
21Marginal Cost Mechanismproof
- Now we know that M takes the same form as MC,
except R (the receivers set) can be any efficient
allocation - not necessarily the maximal efficient set
- Lemma (technical, without proof)if any S,T are
efficient, then so is S?T - S is efficient if us - C(S) W(N,u) (
maxT?N(uT - C(T) ) - consequence of submodularity of C
- ? if S efficient, and S is largest-efficient the
n S ? S
22Marginal Cost Mechanismproof
- If i?S, in both M, MC
- qi(u) 0 , xi(u) 0
- If i?S?S, in both M, MC
- qi(u) 1, xi(u) uiqi(u) - W(N,u) - W(N -
i,u) - If i?S - S
- W(N,u) W(N-i,u) (S ?N is efficient)
- In M qi(u) 0, xi(u) 0 ? Agent i has welfare
of uiqi - xi 0 - In MC qi(u) 1, xi(u) ui ? Agent i has
welfare of uiqi - xi 0
23Marginal Cost Mechanism
- Theorem 3If M is a strategyproof and efficient
mechanism, meeting NPT, VP, then M is welfare
equivalent to MC. Conversely, the MC mechanism
meets NPT, VP (and CS), and is efficient and
24Marginal Cost Mechanismproof
- Strategypoofness and efficiency are known
properties of the VCG mechanism. - NPTW(N,u) us - C(S) ? ui us - i - C(S -
i) ? ui W(N-i, u) ? xi(u) uiqi(u) -
W(N,u) - W(N - i,u) ? ui -
W(N,u) - W(N - i,u) ? 0 - VPwelfarei uiqi(u) - xi (u)
uiqi(u) - uiqi(u) - W(N,u) - W(N - i,u) ? 0
welfarei(qi0, xi 0 )
25Marginal Cost Mechanismproof
- CS
- lemma If ui ? C( i ) then us?i - C(
s?i ) ? us - C( s ) - proof(1) C(S?i)) C(S?i) ? C(S) - C(i)
(submodulaity)(2) C(S?i) ? C(S) - C(i)
(i?S, C(?) 0)(3) us-C(S?i) - C(i) ? us
-C(S) us?i - C( s?i ) us ui - C( s?i
) ? us C(i) - C( s?i ) ? us -C(S) ? ?
for big enough ui ( ? C(i) ), any largest
efficient set will contain i
26Marginal Cost Mechanism
marginal cost
(not needed) ?
Incentive Compatibility
Budget Balance
X (never surplus)
X (minmax loss)
27Lecture outline
- Introduction
- Budget Balance Vs. Efficiency
- Suggested mechanisms
- Marginal Cost
- Shapley
- Multicast networks
- Feasibilty of mechanisms in multicast networks
- conclusions
28Multicast transmission
29Multicast transmission
- Pick set of receivers
- create a tree connecting the receivers
30Multicast transmission model
- (N,L) - an undirected graph
- N - the nodes in the network
- L - links in network
- P - user population (0 or more users in each
node) - C(l) - cost of link l?L
- ? 0 , known to nodes on both ends
- R - the receivers set
- T(R) - tree connecting R
- subtree of a given universal tree T(P) covering R
!!! - C( T(R) ) ?l?T(R)C(l) (submodular)
31Computational model
- An instance of this problem contains 3
parameters - n - number of nodes in the multicast tree
- p - number of users (population size)
- m - total size of input C(l)l?L?uii ?P
- Desired commnication-complexity properties
- Total messages on links (ideally O(n))
- Maximal number of messages on link (ideally O(1))
- Limited maximal message size
- Local computation comlexity
32MC cost sharing feasibility
- Theorem 4 MC cost sharing requires exactly two
messages per link. Proof ideaThere is an
algorithm that computes the cost shares by
performing one bottom-up traversal on tree,
followed by one top-down traversal.
33Theorem 4 proof
- W?(u) welfare from the subtree rooted at ?
- W?(u) u? ? W?(u) - c?
- child(?) is all the child nodes in the tree
- u? is the sum of the utilities of the user in ?
- C? the cost of the link between ? and its parent
??child(?) W?(u) ? 0
34Theorem 4 proof
- Following is an algorithm for the implementation
of MC in multicast network - The allocation (q ? 0,1P )qi(u) 1 if
W?(u) ? 0 for all nodes ? on the path from user
i to the rootElse, qi(u) 0. - if the welfare of any subtree on the way to the
root is negative, no broadcast to this subtree !
35Theorem 4 proof
- How the algorithm uses 2 messages per link?
- The W?(u) can be computed by bottom-up traversal
- The allocations can be computed by propagating
qi(u) in a top-down traversal - Computing the cost shares will also be computed
in the same top-down traversal
36Theorem 4 proof
- Cost sharing (payments)according to the VCG
formula xi(u) uiqi(u) - W(N,u) - W(N-i,u) - Recall that W(N,u) maxT?N uT - C( R(T) )
- How can we compute W(N-i,u) ?
37Theorem 4 proof
- yi(u) min w?(u)
- Case 1 If ui ? yi(u)
- Receivers set stays the same when dropping
i.Thus, W(N,u) - W(N-i,u) ui? xi(u) ui -
W(N,u) - W(N-i,u) 0 - Case 2 If ui gt yi(u)
- Dropping user i results elmination of subtree
with the total welfare yi(u) ? xi(u) ui -
W(N,u) - W(N-i,u) ui - yi(u)
? node on the path from i to the root
38Theorem 4 proof
total of exactly 2 messages per link
39Theorem 4 clarification
- In our model the tree must be a subtree of a
given universal tree T(P) - Is it computationally feasible, when we can
select ANY subtree of the original network?
- No ! The problem becomes NP-hard to approximate
within ratio ?. - even if the original graph is bounded-degree
40Shapleys cost sharing method
- Reminder Shapleys mechanism is M(f) when
- T!(S - T - 1)!
- fi(S) ?T?S-i S!
C(T?i) - C(T)
41Shapley cost sharing feasibility
- Theorem 5Shapleys cost sharing requires, in
the worst case, ?(n p) message exchanges (?(n2)
when pO(n) ) - Whats wrong with worst case of ?(n2) ?
- Centralized approachs worst-case is also ?(n2)
- In our complexity model, centralized approach can
be applied to any (polynomial) cost sharing
mechanism - Thus, Shapley can be considered as with maximal
communication complexity. - Shapley has no benefit for being distributed !
Marginal Cost
Exactly 2 messages per link ( total ?(n) )
?(n2) msg exchanges FEASIBILITY PROBLEMS
- Moulin H. and S. Shenker (1997). Strategyproof
Sharing of submodular costs Budget Balance
versus Efficiency Economic Theory.
http//www.aciri.org/Shenker/cost.ps - Feigenbaum J. Papadimitriou C. and Shenker S
Sharing the cost of multicast transmissions
44group strategyproof
- Group strategyproof
- No coalition of agents has an incentive to
jointly misreport their true ui - Formal defnition
- for a fixed T ? N,
- for any u,u such that uj uj ?j?T and
allocations (q,x) and (q,x) repectively - if uiqi - xi ? uiqi - xi ?i?Tthen all the
inequalities are equalities. - Strategyproofness is when T 1
45group strategyproof
- Lets see why MC is not group-strategyproof
- C(1)C(2)6 C(12)8
- u1 u2 5
- s(u) 1,2x1(u) x2(u) 5 - (8 - 6) 3
- But, agent 1 can change to u1 7her allocation
stays the samex2(u) decreases to 2 !!!