Title: Linguistics 187287 Week 8
1Linguistics 187/287 Week 8
Generation, Rewriting, and Applications
- Ron Kaplan and Tracy King
- Parsing string to analysis
- Generation analysis to string
- What type of input?
- How to generate
3Why generate?
- Machine translation
- Lang1 string -gt Lang1 fstr -gt Lang2 fstr -gt Lang2
string - Sentence condensation
- Long string -gt fstr -gt smaller fstr -gt new string
- Question answering
- Production of NL reports
- State of machine or process
- Explanation of logical deduction
- Grammar debugging
4F-structures as input
- Use f-structures as input to the generator
- May parse sentences that shouldnt be generated
- May want to constrain number of generated options
- Input f-structure may be underspecified
5XLE generator
- Use the same grammar for parsing and generation
- Advantages
- maintainability
- write rules and lexicons once
- But
- special generation tokenizer
- different OT ranking
6Generation tokenizer/morphology
- White space
- Parsing multiple white space becomes a single TB
- John appears. -gt John TB appears TB . TB
- Generation single TB becomes a single space (or
nothing) - John TB appears TB . TB -gt John appears.
John appears . - Suppress variant forms
- Parse both favor and favour
- Generate only one
7Morphconfig for parsing generation
- P!eng.tok.parse.fst G!eng.tok.gen.fst
- eng.infl-morph.fst G!amerbritfilter.fst
- G!amergen.fst
- ----
8Reversing the parsing grammar
- The parsing grammar can be used directly as a
generator - Adapt the grammar with a special OT ranking
- parse ungrammatical input
- have too many options
9Ungrammatical input
- Linguistically ungrammatical
- They walks.
- They ate banana.
- Stylistically ungrammatical
- No ending punctuation They appear
- Superfluous commas John, and Mary appear.
- Shallow markup NP John and Mary appear.
10Too many options
- All the generated options can be linguistically
valid, but too many for applications - Occurs when more than one string has the same,
legitimate f-structure - PP placement
- In the morning I left. I left in the morning.
11Using the Gen OT ranking
- Generally much simpler than in the parsing
direction - Usually only use standard marks and NOGOOD
- no marks, no STOPPOINT
- Can have a few marks that are shared by several
constructions - one or two for dispreferred
- one or two for preferred
12Example Prefer initial PP
- S --gt (PP _at_ADJUNCT _at_(OT-MARK GenGood))
- NP _at_SUBJ
- VP.
- VP --gt V
- (NP _at_OBJ)
- (PP _at_ADJUNCT).
- parse they appear in the morning.
- generate without OT In the morning they appear.
- They appear
in the morning. - with OT In the morning they
13Debugging the generator
- When generating from an f-structure produced by
the same grammar, XLE should always generate - Unless
- OT marks block the only possible string
- something is wrong with the tokenizer/morphology
- regenerate-morphemes if this gets a
string - the tokenizer/morphology is not the
problem - Hard to debug XLE has robustness features to help
14Underspecified Input
- F-structures provided by applications are not
perfect - may be missing features
- may have extra features
- may simply not match the grammar coverage
- Missing and extra features are often systematic
- specify in XLE which features can be added and
deleted - Not matching the grammar is a more serious problem
15Adding features
- English to French translation
- English nouns have no gender
- French nouns need gender
- Soln have XLE add gender
- the French morphology will control
the value - Specify additions in xlerc
- set-gen-adds add "GEND"
- can add multiple features
- set-gen-adds add "GEND CASE PCASE"
- XLE will optionally insert the feature
Note Unconstrained additions make generation
The cat sleeps. -gt Le chat dort.
- PRED 'dormirltSUBJgt'
- SUBJ PRED 'chat'
- NUM sg
- SPEC def
- TENSE present
PRED 'dormirltSUBJgt' SUBJ PRED 'chat'
NUM sg GEND masc
SPEC def TENSE present
17Deleting features
- French to English translation
- delete the GEND feature
- Specify deletions in xlerc
- set-gen-adds remove "GEND"
- can remove multiple features
- set-gen-adds remove "GEND CASE PCASE"
- XLE obligatorily removes the features
- no GEND feature will remain in the f-structure
- if a feature takes an f-structure value, that
f-structure is also removed
18Changing values
- If values of a feature do not match between the
input f-structure and the grammar - delete the feature and then add it
- Example case assignment in translation
- set-gen-adds remove "CASE"
- set-gen-adds add "CASE"
- allows dative case in input to become accusative
- e.g., exceptional case marking verb in input
language but regular case in output language
19Generation for Debugging
- Checking for grammar and lexicon errors
- create-generator english.lfg
- reports ill-formed rules, templates, feature
declarations, lexical entries - Checking for ill-formed sentences that can be
parsed - parse a sentence
- see if all the results are legitimate strings
- regenerate they appear.
20Generation How it works
21Design considerations
- Use f-structures as input
- Allow for a limited form of underspecification
- produce strings for f-structures that are larger
than the input - conservative extension of language-specific
attributes is decidable (internal attributes)
22Design considerations
- Produce all possible realizations, without
duplicating common subparts packed output - Process packed ambiguous input
- operate on multiple meanings without duplication
- detect ambiguity-preserving realizations
- Share processing advantages with parser
- context-free backbone
- maintain packing throughout
23Termination Issues
24True and spurious cycles
- True Cycles
- in fact, the grammar may allow infinitely many
realizations - finite representation of infinite realizations
(CFG pumping) - Spurious Cycles
- hard to distinguish from true cycles
- can produce infinitely many hypotheses
- input determines number of iterations
25Spurious cycles
The grammar does not bound the cycle.
26Approach generation as parsing
- Quickly construct a context-free chart (guide),
that includes at least all possible realizations - effectively transforming grammar on the fly, to
specialize it to the particular input - LFG f-structure ? CFG
- Refine the context-free chart to eliminate
spurious cycles and handle true ones - Parse, to ensure constraints are satisfied
271. Build guide
N 4
281. Build guide detect cycles
292. Refine track resources
N 4
303 . Filter using the parser
- The refined grammar still over-generates
- constraints have not been applied yet (e.g. AGR)
- f-structures must be compared against input
- Invoke the parser on the packed hypotheses
The grammatical strings are the
desiredrealizations of the input!
31Generation from Packed Input
32Packed parses
Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet
33Packed transfer output
débranchez le cordon dalimentation de la prise
V débranchez
PP de la prise murale
NP le cordondalimentation
35Ambiguity Preservation
36Ambiguities dont always matter(for translation)
Move the lever
to the left ...
to obtain unheated air
from the vent
37Nondistinct realizations
V déplacer
P pour
NP le levier
PP Ã gauche
V obtenir
NP de lair non chauffé
PP aux ouïesdaeration
Disambiguation is not required!
38Rewriting/Transfer System
39Why a Rewrite System
- Grammars produce c-/f-structure output
- Applications may need to manipulate this
- Remove features
- Rearrange features
- Continue linguistic analysis (semantics,
knowledge representation next week) - XLE has a general purpose rewrite system (aka
"transfer" or "xfr" system)
40Sample Uses of Rewrite System
- Sentence condensation
- Machine translation
- Mapping to logic for knowledge representation and
reasoning - Tutoring systems
41What does the system do?
- Input set of "facts"
- Apply a set of ordered rules to the facts
- this gradually changes the set of input facts
- Output new set of facts
- Rewrite system uses the same ambiguity management
as XLE - can efficiently rewrite packed structures,
maintaining the packing
42Example F-structure Facts
- PERS(var(1),3)
- PRED(var(1),girl)
- CASE(var(1),nom)
- NTYPE(var(1),common)
- NUM(var(1),pl)
- SUBJ(var(0),var(1))
- PRED(var(0),laugh)
- TNS-ASP(var(0),var(2))
- TENSE(var(2),pres)
- arg(var(0),1,var(1))
- lex_id(var(0),1)
- lex_id(var(1),0)
- F-structures get var()
- Special arg facts
- lex_id for each PRED
- Facts have two arguments (except arg)
- Rewrite system allows for any number
- of arguments
43Rule format
- Obligatory rule LHS gt RHS.
- Optional rule LHS ?gt RHS.
- Unresourced fact - clause.
- clause match and delete
- clause match and keep
- -LHS negation (don't have fact)
- LHS, LHS conjunction
- ( LHS LHS ) disjunction
- ProcedureCall procedural attachment
- clause replacement facts
- 0 empty set of replacement facts
- stop abandon the analysis
44Example rules
PERS(var(1),3) PRED(var(1),girl) CASE(var(1),nom)
NTYPE(var(1),common) NUM(var(1),pl) SUBJ(var(0),v
ar(1)) PRED(var(0),laugh) TNS-ASP(var(0),var(2))
TENSE(var(2),pres) arg(var(0),1,var(1)) lex_id(va
r(0),1) lex_id(var(1),0)
"PRS (1.0)" grammar toy_rules. "obligatorily
add a determiner if there is a noun with no
spec" NTYPE(F,), -SPEC(F,) gt SPEC(F,def
). "optionally make plural nouns singular this
will split the choice space" NUM(F, pl) ?gt
NUM(F, sg).
45Example Obligatory Rule
PERS(var(1),3) PRED(var(1),girl) CASE(var(1),nom)
NTYPE(var(1),common) NUM(var(1),pl) SUBJ(var(0),v
ar(1)) PRED(var(0),laugh) TNS-ASP(var(0),var(2))
TENSE(var(2),pres) arg(var(0),1,var(1)) lex_id(va
r(0),1) lex_id(var(1),0)
"obligatorily add a determiner if there is a
noun with no spec" NTYPE(F,),
-SPEC(F,) gt SPEC(F,def).
Output facts all the input facts plus
46Example Optional Rule
"optionally make plural nouns singular this will
split the choice space" NUM(F, pl) ?gt
NUM(F, sg).
PERS(var(1),3) PRED(var(1),girl) CASE(var(1),nom)
NTYPE(var(1),common) NUM(var(1),pl) SPEC(var(1),de
f) SUBJ(var(0),var(1)) PRED(var(0),laugh) TNS-AS
P(var(0),var(2)) TENSE(var(2),pres) arg(var(0),1,
var(1)) lex_id(var(0),1) lex_id(var(1),0)
Output facts all the input facts plus
choice split A1 NUM(var(1),pl)
A2 NUM(var(1),sg)
47Output of example rules
- Output is a packed f-structure
- Generation gives two sets of strings
- The girls laugh.laugh!laugh
- The girl laughs.laughs!laughs
48Manipulating sets
- Sets are represented with an in_set feature
- He laughs in the park with the telescope
- ADJUNCT(var(0),var(2))
- in_set(var(4),var(2))
- in_set(var(5),var(2))
- PRED(var(4),in)
- PRED(var(5),with)
- Might want to optionally remove adjuncts
- but not negation
49Example Adjunct Deletion Rules
- "optionally remove member of adjunct set"
- ADJUNCT(, AdjSet), in_set(Adj, AdjSet),
- -PRED(Adj, not)
- ?gt 0.
- "obligatorily remove adjunct with nothing in it"
- ADJUNCT(, Adj), -in_set(,Adj)
- gt 0.
He laughs with the telescope in the park. He
laughs in the park with the telescope He laughs
with the telescope. He laughs in the park. He
50Manipulating PREDs
- Changing the value of a PRED is easy
- PRED(F,girl) gt PRED(F,boy).
- Changing the argument structure is trickier
- Make any changes to the grammatical functions
- Make the arg facts correlate with these
51Example Passive Rule
- "make actives passive
- make the subject NULL make the object the
subject - put in features"
- SUBJ( Verb, Subj), arg( Verb, Num, Subj),
- OBJ( Verb, Obj), CASE( Obj, acc)
- gt
- SUBJ( Verb, Obj), arg( Verb, Num, NULL),
CASE( Obj, nom), - PASSIVE( Verb, ), VFORM( Verb, pass).
the girls saw the monkeys gt The monkeys were
seen. in the park the girls saw the monkeys
gt In the park the monkeys were seen.
52Templates and Macros
- Rules can be encoded as templates
- n2n(Eng,Frn)
- PRED(F,Eng), NTYPE(F,)
- gt PRED(F,Frn).
- _at_n2n(man, homme).
- _at_n2n(woman, femme).
- Macros encode groups of clauses/facts
- sg_noun(F)
- NTYPE(F,), NUM(F,sg).
- _at_sg_noun(F), -SPEC(F)
- gt SPEC(F,def).
53Unresourced Facts
- Facts can be stipulated in the rules and refered
to - Often used as a lexicon of information not
encoded in the f-structure - For example, list of days and months for
manipulation of dates - - day(Monday). - day(Tuesday). etc.
- - month(January). - month(February). etc.
- PRED(F,Pred), ( day(Pred) month(Pred) )
54Rule Ordering
- Rewrite rules are ordered (unlike LFG syntax
rules but like finite-state rules) - Output of rule1 is input to rule2
- Output of rule2 is input to rule3
- This allows for feeding and bleeding
- Feeding insert facts used by later rules
- Bleeding remove facts needed by later rules
- Can make debugging challenging
55Example of Rule Feeding
- Early Rule Insert SPEC on nouns
- NTYPE(F,), -SPEC(F,) gt
- SPEC(F, def).
- Later Rule Allow plural nouns to become singular
only if have a specifier (to avoid bad count
nouns) - NUM(F,pl), SPEC(F,) gt NUM(F,sg).
56Example of Rule Bleeding
- Early Rule Turn actives into passives
(simplified) - SUBJ(F,S), OBJ(F,O) gt
- Later Rule Impersonalize actives
- SUBJ(F,), -PASSIVE(F,) gt
- SUBJ(F,S), PRED(S,they), PERS(S,3),
NUM(S,pl). - will apply to intransitives and verbs with
(X)COMPs but not transitives
- XLE command line tdbg
- steps through rules stating how they apply
1 (NTYPE(F,A)), -(SPEC(F,B))
gtSPEC(F,def) File /tilde/thking/courses/ling18
7/hws/thk.pl, lines 4-10 Rule 1 matches
(2) NTYPE(var(1),common) 1
--gt SPEC(var(1),def)
Rule 2 NUM(F,pl)
?gtNUM(F,sg) File /tilde/thking/courses/ling187/
hws/thk.pl, lines 11-17 Rule 2 matches 3
NUM(var(1),pl) 1 --gt
Rule 5 SUBJ(Verb,Subj),
arg(Verb,Num,Subj), OBJ(Verb,Obj),
CASE(Obj,acc) gtSUBJ(Verb,Obj),
arg(Verb,Num,NULL), CASE(Obj,nom),
PASSIVE(Verb,), VFORM(Verb,pass) File
/tilde/thking/courses/ling187/hws/thk.pl, lines
28-37 Rule does not apply
girls laughed
58Running the Rewrite System
- create-transfer adds menu items
- load-transfer-rules FILE loads rules from file
- f-str window under commands has
- transfer prints output of rules in XLE window
- translate runs output through generator
- Need to do (where path is XLEPATH/lib)
- setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /afs/ir.stanford.edu/data/l
59Rewrite Summary
- The XLE rewrite system lets you manipulate the
output of parsing - Creates versions of output suitable for
applications - Can involve significant reprocessing
- Rules are ordered
- Ambiguity management is as with parsing
- Sentence Condensation
- Notetaking
61NLTT language components
Morph FST
Token FST
Allpacked f-structures
Core XLE Parse/Generate
Named entities
N best
62Sentence condensation
- Goal Shrink sentences chosen for summary
- Challenges
- Retain most salient information of input
- and guarantee grammaticality of output
- Example
- Original uncondensed sentence
- A prototype is ready for testing, and
Leary hopes to set requirements for a full system
by the end of the year. - One condensed version
- A prototype is ready for testing.
63Sentence Condensation in the LFG Framework
- Apply fine-grained tools for stochastic LFG
parsing, transfer, and generation to sentence
condensation - Condensation decisions made on fine-grained
functional structures instead of context-free
trees or strings - Expressive transfer-module for modifying parse
structures - Powerful MaxEnt disambiguation model on transfer
output - Grammatical well-formedness of output guaranteed
by filtering through constraint-based generator - Efficient ambiguity packing methods applied
64Condensation System
Packed F-structures
Packed Condens.
Stochastic Selection
Simple combination of reusable system components
- Transfer component developed for machine
translation (by Martin Kay, cf. Anette Frank MT
Summit99). Extended, hardened by Dick Crouch. - Small hand-written set of transfer rules
- Obligatory and optional rules (possibly multiple
output for single input) - Rules may add, delete, or change parts of
f-structures - Transfer operates on packed input and output
66Sample Transfer Rule
- adjunct(X,Y), in-set(Z,Y) ?gt del-node(Z,r1),
rule-trace(r1, del(Z,X)). - Rule optionally removes adjunct Z by deleting the
fact that Z is contained within the set of
adjuncts Y associated with expression X. - Adds trace of rule usage to accumulating history
of rule applications - Rule-traces record relation of transferred
f-structure to original f-structure for
stochastic disambiguation
- Use of generator as filter since transfer rules
are independent of grammar, and not constrained
to preserve grammaticality! - Robustness techniques in generation
- Insertion/deletion of features to match lexicon
- For fragmentary input from robust parser
grammatical output guaranteed for separate
68One f-structure for Original Sentence
69Packed alternatives after transfer condensation
70Selection lta1,b1gt
71Selection lta2gt
72Generated condensed strings
- A prototype is ready.
- A prototype is ready for testing.
- Leary hopes to set requirements for a full
system. - A prototype is ready and Leary hopes to set
requirements for a full system. - A prototype is ready for testing and Leary hopes
to set requirements for a full system. - Leary hopes to set requirements for a full system
by the end of the year. - A prototype is ready and Leary hopes to set
requirements for a full system by the end of the
year. - A prototype is ready for testing and Leary hopes
to set requirements for a full system by the end
of the year.
All grammatical!
73Transfer Rules used in Most Probable Condensation
- Rule-traces in order of application
- r13 Keep of-phrases (of the year)
- r161 Keep adjuncts for certain heads, specified
elsewhere (system) - r1 Delete adjunct of first conjunct (for
testing) - r1 Delete adjunct of second conjunct (by the end
of the year) - r2 Delete (rest of) second conjunct (Leary hopes
to set requirements for a full system), - r22 Delete conjunction itself (and).
- Ranking of system variants shows close
correlation between automatic and manual
evaluation. - Stochastic selection of transfer-output crucial
50 reduction in error rate relative to upper
bound. - Selection of best parse for transfer-input less
important Similar results for manual selection
and transfer from all parses. - Compression rate around 60 less aggressive than
human condensation, but shortest-string heuristic
is worse.
75Note-Taking Application
- Ronald Kaplan, Richard Crouch, Tracy Holloway
King, Michael Tepper, Daniel G. Bobrow
76Note-taking Simple, commonignored
- Analysts scan sources, copy important passages
into note-file - Copy-paste selections from Explorer to Word?
- Awkward interaction
- Selected passages have both useful and irrelevant
information - The earliest signs of trouble--a slight nasal
stuffiness, twinge of pain in the joints,
fatigue, and a dry, persistent cough--resemble
the onset of a cold or flu.
- A note-taking tool Shrink sentences for speedy
recall/review - The earliest signs of trouble resemble the
onset of a cold or flu.
- One-key interaction
- Keep information of interest to user/task
- Avoid meaning distortion
- Preserve grammaticality (for readability)
- Retain full selection (for detail and context)
- Record provenance
- Fail-soft manual entry/edit in worst case
- (Note-taking ?
- Front end simple note-taking interface
- Back end deep language processing
78Source browser
79User interests
Also User history Project profile
80Click to drill down
Original passage
81Fail-soft manual repair
82The Language Mapping LFG XLE
English, German, Arabic, etc.
Functional structures
Igor carried plague.
83Accompanied by an armed guard, Domaradsky carried
a dish with a culture of genetically altered
plague through the gates of the ancient fortress
like a rare jewel.
ADJUNCT(f,a) ?? delete(a)
84Accompanied by an armed guard, Domaradsky carried
a dish with a culture of genetically altered
plague through the gates of the ancient fortress
like a rare jewel.
ADJUNCT(f,a) ?? delete(a)
Domaradsky Disease
85Extend by ontology discard more
- Containers are typically less significant than
the stuff inside - Rule Reduce container with stuff to stuff
- dish is a container, so
86Avoid meaning distortion
- Some predicates are downward monotonic (deny,
preventnot) - It is misleading to discard modifiers in the
context of such predicates
Domaradsky denied carrying a culture of
genetically-altered plague.
87? Note-Taking
Architecture Condensation
Stochastic Selection
88Note-taking prototype
- Artful combination of front-end UI and back-end
language processing
- Front end tuned to user, task
- Simple augmentation of existing desktop tools
- No training
- Fail soft
- Exploits (but conceals) complexity of back-end
Needed coreference, hardening, evaluation
89Other Applications
- More on applications next week
- Mapping to semantics and knowledge representation
90(No Transcript)