Title: Survey of Medical Informatics
1Survey of Medical Informatics
- CS 493 Fall 2004
- October 18, 2004
- V. Juggy Jagannathan
- Chapter 1-6 Patient Safety - Achieving a New
Standard of Care. - IOM Report
3Crossing the Quality Chasm A new health system
for the 21st Century
- IOM Report that identified six major quality
goals - Safety
- Effectiveness
- Patient Centeredness
- Timeliness
- Efficiency
- Equitable
4Recommendation 1
- Establishment of patient safety systems that rely
on - Access to complete EHR and decision support tools
at the point of care - Capture safety information near misses and
adverse events as a by-product of delivering care
5Recommendation 2
- Develop a National Health Information
Infrastructure (NHII) that will serve as the
foundation for all care - Federal Government should provide incentives for
the creation of NHII - Healthcare providers should invest in EHR systems
that support key capabilities facilitating safe
delivery of care and implement a process of
continuous improvement
6EHR System
- Longitudinal collection of health information
pertinent to care received by a person - Access to any authorized person
- Knowledge and decision support tools
- Tools and infrastructure to provide efficient
support for care delivery process
7Recommendation 3
- This recommendation focuses on roles and
responsibilities of various government agencies - Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
to promote standards supporting patient safety - Consolidated Health Informatics (CHI) initiative
with National Committee on Vital and Health
Statistics (NCVHS) identify appropriate data
standards and needs for standardizations - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
to oversee and support implementation efforts - The National Library of Medicine (NLM) to be the
lead organization dealing with national clinical
8Data Standards
- Data Interchange Formats
- X12 Administrative/Financial
- HL7 Clinical Data
- DICOM Medical Images
- NCPDP Prescription Data
- MIB Medical device data
- Coding/Terminologies
- Knowledge Representations
9Recommendation 4
- Federal Government to encourage acceleration and
adoption of standards in - Clinical Data Interchange
- Eg. HL7 CDA
- Clinical Terminologies
- Initially focusing on 20 priority areas
- Knowledge Representation
- Develop standards for supporting evidence-based
medicine practice and clinical guidelines
10Recommendation 5
- All healthcare systems should establish patient
safety programs that - Identify failures
- Analyze failures
- Redesign processes to prevent such failures from
happening again
11Recommendation 6
- The federal government should pursue an applied
research agenda that focuses on - Knowledge Generation
- Identifying patients at high risk
- Analyze near-misses to improve overall safety
- Hazard analysis retrospective and prospective
techniques - Identifying approaches that work the best
- Identifying the role of the patient
- Develop tools
- To support early detection, prevention, data
mining techniques - Dissemination
- Knowledge and tools
12Recommendation 7
- Entrust AHRQ with developing
- Adverse and near miss events taxonomy
- Standardized format for reporting such event
- Identifying data elements that needs to be used
in such reporting and use of Eindhoven
Classification Model Medical Version - Clinical context documentation
13(No Transcript)
14From IOM Report, pg 57
15European Standards and overlapping efforts
- Comite European de Normalisation (CEN)
- ANSI counterpart in Europe
- Significant overlap in standards body roles and
responsibilities (Table 3-1 page 102) - Standards in US are formulated by voluntary
participation by vendors and providers - Europe, Japanese, Australian and others rely on
government funds to establish standards for their
- Over 150 terminology systems in use
- Very little standardization not interoperable
- International Classification of Diseases ICD
- Box 3-2 pg 104
17CCOW Visual Integration
18The Reference Information Model
Act something happened or may happen. Any
action of interest. Entity a person, animal or
organization or thing Role a part played by an
entity Participation the involvement of a role
in a act Act_Relationship a relationship
between two acts Role_Link a relationship
between two Roles
19Healthcare Standards
Technology solutions
20HL7 EHR Functional Model
Slide courtesy of Dr. Don Mon, Vice President
21Criteria for terminologies
- Technical Criteria used by NCVHS for evaluating
and selecting terminologies - Page 145 Table 4-2
- CHI focus areas
- Page 146 Table 4-3
22Overview of Core and Supplemental Terminologies
- Box 4-1
- Pages 150-151
- Figure 4-4
- Page 157
23Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
National Center For Biotechnology Information
Gene Ontology
University of Washington Digital Anatomist
Figure Source Material Oliver Bodenreider The
Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
integrating biomedical terminologies, Nucleic
Acids Research, 2004, Vol. 32, Database issue
24(No Transcript)
25Clinical Guidelines
- National Guideline Clearinghouse ? contains 1,000
publicly accessible guidelines - http//www.guideline.gov/
- Box 4-2 pg. 159
- Comparison of these representative schemes
- http//www.openclinical.org/gmmcomparison.html
- http//www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcg
- A model for introducing safer care
- Pg 179 Figure 5-1
- Retrospective reviews based on ICD-9 CM discharge
codes and External Causes of Injury Codes
(E-Codes) - Pg 182 Figure 5-2
- Pg 183 Table 5-1
27Automated review approach
- Four different approaches
- ICD-9 codes
- Reports of new allergy
- Rule-based
- Box 6-2 rules for detecting ADEs., page 207
- Data mining of textual reports
- Diuretic drug ? fatigue could be a potential
adverse event - Box 6-3, page 208
28Near miss
- Phases
- Initial failures
- Dangerous situation
- Inadequate defenses
- Recovery
- Figure 7-1 pg 228