Title: Location-Based Services
1Location-Based Services
- Henning Schulzrinne
- Columbia University
- Time space
- Getting location information
- Using location information
- Privacy issues
3Getting location information
- Universal
- anywhere in the world
- independent of network connectivity
- Non-proprietary
- Energy efficient
- Accurate to 10 m/room level
doesnt exist in one system
4Location-determination methods
Method GPS 802.11 protocols cell tower manual
layer L2 L2, L3, L7
accuracy 10m 20-100m room-level, AP 100 m-2 km room or building AP
advantages privacy global accurate simple to implement reasonably accurate room-level accuracy no surveying needed no infrastructure cost client privacy no infrastructure privacy
problems mostly outdoors requires survey only works in urban areas requires Internet connectivity mapping IP address to switch port? low accuracy cell coverage stationary only doesnt scale
use Enterprise home LANs Enterprise home LANs Some ISPs DSL, cable backup for other methods enterprise home PC
5Location delivery protocols
layer L2 L3 L7 (HTTP)
accuracy room-level, AP room-level, AP room-level, AP
advantages simple to implement built into switch direct port/room mapping simple to implement network locality traverses NATs can be operated by L2 provider
problems may be hard to automate for large enterprises mapping MAC address to location? mapping IP address to switch port?
use Enterprise home LANs Enterprise home LANs Some ISPs DSL, cable ISPs
6Location-based services
Foundations of Location-based Services (Steinger,
Neun, Edwardes), modified)
7Location-based services
- Finding services based on location
- physical services (stores, restaurants, ATMs,
...) - electronic services (hot spots, printers, ...)
- Using location to improve (network) services
- incoming or outgoing communications adapts to
location - Using location to provide information
- tourist guides
- advertisements
- Making others aware of user location
- presence (individual)
- popularity, movement (group)
- Security
- grant access based on users location
8Location-based VoIP services
- Location-aware inbound routing
- do not forward call if time at callee location is
11 pm, 8 am - only forward time-for-lunch if destination is on
campus - do not ring phone if Im in a theater
- outbound call routing
- contact nearest emergency call center
- send delivery_at_pizza.com to nearest branch
- location-based events
- subscribe to locations, not people
- Alice has entered the meeting room
- subscriber may be device in room
9Citysense.com (alpha consumer app)
See the city in true realtime how busy is the
city where is everyone going, right now?Red
all anonymous destination activity Green only
unusual destination activity Press 1 to see the
1 hottest destination, then 1 again to see the
restaurants and bars there, etc. Now available in
San Francisco, more cities rolling out in beta
Aggregate GPS information
10Minimum Volume Embedding
Machine learning algorithm that determines
behavior and clusters from anonymous aggregate
movement from all pairs of corners in the
city. Obtains behavioral map of city (vs.
geographical map)
missing network connectivity
missing navigation
12IETF GEOPRIV and SIMPLE architectures
XCAP (rules)
notification interface
publication interface
SIP presence
13Privacy issues
- Not all LBS are privacy-sensitive
- where is the the M125 bus?
- navigation with GPS
- Problem location personal identity
- or derivable (e.g., via home location)
14Privacy threats
reveal device anonymously (e.g., nearest gas
reveal identity location to LBS (friend finder
reveal to individual (friend, other)
15Presence and privacy PIDF-LO
- All presence data, particularly location, is
highly sensitive - Basic location object (PIDF-LO) describes
- distribution (binary)
- retention duration
- Policy rules for more detailed access control
- who can subscribe to my presence
- who can see what when
lttuple id"sg89ae"gt ltstatusgt ltgpgeoprivgt
ltgplocation-infogt ltgmllocationgt
ltgmlPoint gmlid"point1 srsName"ep
sg4326"gt ltgmlcoordinatesgt374630N
1222510W lt/gmlcoordinatesgt
lt/gmlPointgt lt/gmllocationgt
lt/gplocation-infogt ltgpusage-rulesgt
ltgpretransmission-allowedgtno lt/gpretransmissi
on-allowedgt ltgpretention-expirygt2003-06-2
3T045729Z lt/gpretention-expirygt
lt/gpusage-rulesgt lt/gpgeoprivgt lt/statusgt
lttimestampgt2003-06-22T205729Zlt/timestampgt lt/tupl
16GEOPRIV privacy rules
- Conditions
- identity, sphere
- time of day
- current location
- identity as lturigt or ltdomaingt ltexceptgt
- Actions
- watcher confirmation
- Transformations
- include information
- reduced accuracy
- e.g., only within 5 mile radius
- User gets maximum of permissions across all
matching rules - privacy-safe composition removal of a rule can
only reduce privileges - Extendable to new presence data
- rich presence
- biological sensors
- mood sensors
17Open technical and standards issues
- Universal APIs
- As simple as gettimeofday()
- Not specific to method or vendor
- Crowd-sourcing
- Integration between presence and location
- presence as universal third party interface?
- Clear privacy rules
- both technical and legal
18Deployment issues
- ISPs need to make location available to their
customers - for in-door use
- location as a chargeable service?
- LAN-based location for room-level location
- APs and ports
- enterprise