Title: Location Based Trust for Mobile User
1Location Based Trust for Mobile User Generated
Content Applications, Challenges and
- Presented By Anand Dipakkumar Joshi
- Vincent Lenders
- Emmanouil Koukoumidis
- Pei Zhang
- Margaret Martonosi
- DEPT. of Electrical Engineering
- Princeton University
- Introduction
- Application
- Verification System for Mobile contents
- Localization / Certificate Services Implementation
- Advance in Web 2.0
- You Tube , Facebook , Flickr , Wikipedia ,
Blogger , Orkut etc . - Advance in Gadgets
- Mobiles , PDA , Camcorder , High end cameras etc
. - User generated contents
- Blogs
- Podcasts
- Sharing of video on you tube
- etc .
- Social Networking with sharing of videos ,
pictures , data etc .
5Introduction (cont )
Content Producer
Content Consumer
6Introduction (cont )
- How to trust authenticity and quality of
published information ? - How to provide consumer a level of trust for the
content provided by the mobile user ? - How to protect the identity and privacy of the
content producer ?
Protection from malicious producers
Protection from malicious consumers
7Introduction (cont )
- Solution
- Application of traditional identity based
security. - Application of trusted geotagging service.
- Benefits
- Consumers know where and when the data has been
actually published. - Trust relation between the content providers and
consumers in this open system. - Protection from Sybil attack.
- Photo Sharing
- Distributed Sensing
- Filtering Email Spam
- Mapping Data
- Traffic Updates
9Verification System for mobile contents
- Design Goals
- Generality
- Scalability
- Retain user privacy / anonymity
- Support for users mobility
- Support for content mobility
10Verification System for mobile contents (cont )
Localization / Certificate Authorities
Ask to verify certificate / CAs public key
DLT Certificate
Untrusted Network
Content Producer
Content Consumer
11Verification System for mobile contents (cont )
- Trust Model
- Content producers
- They can verify the location from the certificate
issued to them by CA. - They trust the certificate issuing authority that
they do not store and revel information about the
content producers and maintain their privacy and
anonymity. - Content consumers
- They trust the certificate issuing authority that
they only issue certificate to genuine content
producers. - Privacy Issues
- Producer at risk of potential attack
- Producer has lot of contents
- Content created is not at heavily populated
location. - Solution
- Needs to specify the level of accuracy and
anonymity for location and time values. - Accuracy of coordinates depends on privacy E.g.
blurring of coordinates and time values.
12Verification System for mobile contents (cont )
- Possible Attacks
- Mobility Attack
- Botnet Attack
- Delay Attack
- Mobility Considerations
- Assign multiple DLT to content, allowing one to
track the mobility of the content over the
creation time. - Helps to know the path on which the content is
captured before its delivered to content
13Verification System for mobile contents (cont )
- Alternative Certificate Mechanisms
Verify Data
Untrusted Network
Content Producer
Content Consumer
14Localization Service Implementation
- Secure Wireless Location
- Satellite Based positioning
- GPS based systems to determine location
- Tower localization
- Use of cell phone towers to determine location.
- 802.11 access points
- Hybrid
- GPS / infer location information from past data
using cell location - Used by Yahoo!s ZoneTag
15Certificate Service Implementation
- Certificate Authority
- Centralized
- Implicit trust given to central authority.
- Central server is responsible for verifying the
location the generator is claiming to have and
issues corresponding DLT certificate. - It assumes that the content producer have an
access to the server by any means. - The certificate makes possible for the authority
to track him and invade his privacy. - More susceptible to denial of service attack.
16Certificate Service Implementation (cont )
- Certificate Authority
- Decentralized
- Users ask multiple devices to obtain multiple DLT
certificate. - The generating device will keep track of the
trustworthy level of the other nodes. - Receivers of the data query the DLT certificate
source nodes to validate the data, or simply work
offline if the certificate resources are known. - Here the public key is device specific and not
user specific. - System more scalable than the centralized method.
- Difficult to fake an authentication.
- Overhead of the system is high.
- Prone to Sybil attack if the community contains
more fake devices. - To verify the certificate the receiver device
must be online as well as the sender device also
must be online
17Certificate Service Implementation (cont )
- Certificate Authority
- Community Model
- Somewhat similar to distributed method.
- Community of devices will vote and decide on
trust level of certificates. - Multiple certificate issuers are voted on by its
users. - This decides different weights and trust levels
associated with them - Scheme adopted by Digg and reputation scheme in
eBay. - Community gets votes on each others trust level.
- Super Users can boast or reduce the trust level.
- Beneficial to many applications where trust is
associated with time and location. - Tagging of a content is done using location and
time and not on users identity. Hence user
privacy is maintained. - System increases the difficulty to tag the
contents with false locations unless they move to
that location to tag it. - Thus by limiting various attack, it proves to be
a good verification service based on location and
time for user generated data.
- Paper "Location-based Trust for Mobile
User-Generated Contents Applications, Challenges
and Implementations, Vincent Lenders, Emmanouil
Koukoumidis, Pei Zhang and Margaret Martonosi,
The 9th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems
and Applications (HotMobile 2008), Feb 2008 - Web Resources
- http//www.flickr.com/tour/maps/
- http//www.wunderground.com/wundermap/
- http//www.wikipedia.org/
20Questions ???