Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Emotions influence identity processing of
unfamiliar faces Ornella Godard Nicole
Fiori Laboratoire de Psychologie et de
Neurosciences Cognitives, Equipe
Neuropsychologie Cognitive Université Paris
Descartes, CNRS 71, avenue Edouard Vaillant 92774
Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex FRANCE ornella.godard_at_p
According to the model of Bruce and Young (1986),
the perception of both identity and expression
are carried out in parallel. Recent data show
interaction between those both processes
(Schweinberger Sokup, 1998 Schweinberger 1999
Levy Bentin, 2008). Other studies showed sex
differences in face processing (Fiori et al.
2001 Proverbio et al. 2006). We conducted this
study in order to evaluate the influence of
emotion on identity processing and to have better
understanding of sex differences during invariant
aspects (facial identity) processing on
unfamiliar faces.
Stimuli 6 coloured faces selected from the
NimStim Face Stimulus Set were used. 4
Conditions SPSE Same Person Same Emotion
SPED SP Emotion Different DPSE Different Person
Same Emotion DPDE DP Different Emotion 2
different pictures of SPSE were used to avoid a
basic level of perceptual analyses ( pictorial
Participants 60 right-handed subjects (30
women). All undergraduate in psychology.
ISI (1120 ms)
Prime face in the RVF/LH or LVF/RH (80 ms)
Target face centrally presented (1000 ms)
Fixation cross (1000 ms)
Correct recognition ()
Priming effect of Emotion (ms) TR SPDE TR SPSE
Reaction time (ms)
Sex factor is significant (plt.05) only men
present a priming effect of emotion. Women are as
fast as the faces share the same emotion or not .
Hemisphere by Sex interaction is slightly
significant (p.08) compared to 0, in the LH,
both men and women present a priming effect of
emotion. In the RH, compared to 0, only men
present a priming effect. In the RH, there is no
priming effet for women (p.23).
Effect of Emotion factor is significant on
proportion of correct response (plt.001) and on
reaction time (plt.02) Subjects are better and
faster when the prime-face and the target-face
share the same emotion instead of two different
This study highlights that changeable aspects
(expression) influence invariant aspects
(facial identity) processing subjects are
faster and better when the two faces shared the
same emotion instead of two different emotions.
This result is consistent with previous works
showing mutual facilitation effects between
identity and expression matching (Levy and
Bentin, 2008). This study supply new
contribution concerning sex differences in facial
identity processing. Men present a facilitation
effect of emotion whatever the visual field
presentation of the prime-face. This result could
be interpretated in the way that both
hemipsheres, in men, take automatically into
account the emotion of the prime-face when
matching identity. At the opposite, in women,
effect of faciliatation occurs only in the
RVF/LH. We could suggest that, in women, the RH
presents more abilities in invariant aspects