Title: Prezentacja programu PowerPoint
2Agricultural University today
3 Faculty of Agriculture and Economics
- Agriculture ? agroeconomy
- ? agrobiology
- ? agritourism
- Marketing and Management
- ? management in
agribusiness - Environmental Protection
- ? agricultural
- environment
4Faculty of Horticulture
Horticulture ? horticulture and
marketing ? agroecology and plant
protection ? art of gardening
5Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land
Environmental Engineering ? ecological
engineering ? water and sanitary
engineering ? technical rural infrastructure
Geodesy and Cartography ? agricultural
land surveying and
property valuation
6Faculty of Agricultural Engineering
Techniques in Agriculture and Forestry ?
agricultural engineering ? computer
technologies in food economy ?
infrastructure and logistics of
rural areas ? energy system engineering
7Faculty of Forestry
Forestry ? forest management ?
protection of forest resources
8Interfaculty Study of Biotechnology
Biotechnology ? applied biotechnology
9Faculty of Food Technology
Food Technology and Human Nutrition ? food
technology ? human nutrition
10Major research areas
Methods of food product analysis and quality
assessment. Modelling and optimisation of
processes in food industry and human
nutrition. Nutritive, harmful and toxic
components in various raw materials and
foodstuffs, food safety.
11Faculty of Animal Sciences
Animal husbandry ? animal breeding ?
biology of animal reproduction
Fishery ? fresh water fishery and protection
of water environment
12Major research areas
In vitro maturation and fertilisation of oocytes,
embryo transfer. Animal reproduction
control. Cytogenetics and neonatology. Fish
reproduction control (particularly under
conditions of polluted water environment).
13Faculty of Animal Sciences
Department of Animal Physiology Mechanism of
stress and adaptation in animals, the role of
opioids system in growth and immunological
processes in various animal species, endocrine
regulation of ovary functioning in domestic
birds. In vitro maturation and fertilisation of
oocytes, embryo transfer, animal reproduction
control. Cytogenetics and neonatology.
Stimulation of feeding
15Patent applications
- C.H. Schilling, C.P.Li, P. Tomasik, M. Sikora
- Lower saccharide nanometric materials and
methods. Provisional Application for patent cover
sheet. 24.04.2000. Dickenstein Shapiro Morin
Oshinsky LLP.2101 L Street NW, Washington D.C.
20037-1526 (202)785-9700 - C.H. Schilling, C.P. Li, P. Tomasik, M. Sikora
- Protein Binders and Plasticizers for Micrometric
and Nanometric-Sized Metal-Oxide Powders. - Record of Invention Nr AL.464
16Patent applications
- B. Breton, P. Epler, T. Mikolajczyk, F. Ollevier,
I.Roelants - Oral delivery form having a high absorption
efficiency and the method for making same. - European patent application EP0923312 W09740702
- B. Breton, P. Epler, T. Mikolajczyk, F.
Ollevier, I. Roelants - Oral delivery form having a high absorption
efficiency and the method for making same. - Chilean patent application No.41.661