Title: Metadata 101
1Metadata 101
- Sandy McIntyre Colby
- SOASIS- Dayton
- 2000-11-30
- Environment Scan
- Metadata Basics
- Dublin Core 101
- Selected Standards
- Discussion Questions
3Environment Scan
4How big?
- 7.1 million unique web sites, a 50 percent
increase over the previous year's total of 4.7
million - 41 percent of the Web, or about 2.9 million sites
are Private - OCLC Researchers Measure the World Wide Web
Oct. 16, 2000 (http//www.oclc.org/oclc/press/2
- Known items vs. a topic
- Data about data
- Or Structured Data about data
- Structure
- Lots of communities do metadata
6Metadata basics
- What is metadata?
- Data about data
- Or Structured Data about data
- Sound familiar?
- Lots of communities do metadata
8Why metadata?
- Improves discovery
- Enables retrieval
- Supports administration
- Navigating large collections is challenging!
- Used to build databases to answer key what, who,
where, when questions like - What exists on a topic, in a genre, by an author,
for a specific audience, published in a given
year? - Brings out content, value, relationships that are
not expressed in the resource - Supports fast, arms-length evaluation of
resources to optimize retrieval, save users time - Is often used to market resources to users
- Catalogs / directories / search engines
- Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI))
- Identifiers that assist manual and automated
systems in retrieval - Shelf location for physical resource
- File location for electronic resource
- System requirements for e-resources
- Users system responds to file type with correct
application - Captures rights and privileges information
- Circulation
- Document delivery
- Interlibrary loan
11So whats the big fuss?
- The Web is large and growing quickly
- Many producers, many users on the Web
- Navigating networked resources is difficult
- Good description
- better access
- better control
- Control and access big business
- Convergence of interests collaboration in
building standards (interoperability)
12Concepts to know
- Types of metadata
- Descriptive
- Structural
- Administrative
Title Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
File type jpg
Rights holder NGDB
13Concepts to know (cont.)
- Semantics
- Whats in a name?
- Syntax
- We gots grammar
- Interoperability
- Sharing...
14Concepts to know (cont.)
- Metadata objects can be
- Embedded in the resource
- Separate from the resource
- Both embedded and separate
15Dublin Core101
16Dublin Core
- Common name for the Dublin Core Metadata Element
Set (DCMES) - DCMES is a
- a common core of semantics for resource
description - it appears to be very useful in facilitating
- retrieval of described resources
- as a lingua franca for the exchange of resource
descriptions - DCMES is maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata
Initiative (DCMI) hosted by OCLC
17International in Scope
18Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES)
- A set 15 elements designed to enhance discovery
and retrieval of resources - Goals of DCMES
- Simplicity of creation and maintenance
- Commonly understood semantics
- Conformance to existing and emerging standards
- International scope and applicability
- Extensibility
- Interoperability among collections and indexing
19Rules for DCMES
- DCMES is extensible
- Additional elements, schemes, qualifiers may be
defined and used in conjunction with DCMES - DCMES may be modified by DCMI to add more
elements, schemes, qualifiers over time - Approved elements, schemes qualifiers may only be
used with appropriate elements - All elements, qualifiers, schemes are optional
- All elements, qualifiers, schemes are repeatable
- DCMES special practice may be defined by
individuals, agencies, communities
20Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES) (cont.)
21Selected Standards
22Selected metadata standards
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) headers
- Encoded Archival Description (EAD)
- VRA Core Categories (VRA CC)
- Global Information Locator Service (GILS)
- Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
(CSDGM, formerly FGDC)
23Metadata transport standards
- MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging)
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- RDF (Resource Description Framework)
- Character encoding
- MARC 21 repertoire
- Unicode
24Character Encoding
- Many standards available
- Of critical importance to be sure that systems
correctly process, index, display textual data - MARC 21 uses various ISO standards plus EACC,
etc. - Global standard gaining acceptance Unicode
25Who uses metadata?
- Elementary students
- Publishers, authors, institutions
- Librarians Reference/Catalogers
- International in scope
26Elementary students
Journal of the American Society for Information
Science, 51(2) 193-201, 2000 193- 201.
27Publishers, authors
- Crossref- Ovid
- The Association of American Publishers and
Andersen Consulting recommended E-Book metadata
standards - Implement a document-identification scheme
- Librarians
- Reference, catalogers
- Corporate, academic, government
U. of Michigan's media image services (a search
system based on Dublin Core elements)
40,000 images215,000 recordsare in this
31Applying Dublin Core
- Acquisitions
- Often mandated (law or management)
- Determine metadata set
- Controlled vocabulary
- Template (tools)
- Indexing
- Prototype
- Discovery, harvesting, template, automated HTML
- Internal publishing
- Leaflets (web resources that end unto themselves)
- Global standard gaining acceptance Unicode
33Additional links
- Web Characterization
- Statistics, publications, related links
(http//wcp.oclc.org/) - Cataloging Metadata Resources
- Metadata (http//slis.cua.edu/ihy/catmeta.htmD2)
- Open Archives Initiative
- (http//www.openarchives.org)
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
- Home page (purl.org/DC)
- Dublin Core Library Interest Group mailing list
- http//www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/dc-libraries/
- IFLA -- Digital Libraries Metadata Resources
- http//www.ifla.org/II/metadata.htm