Title: Black Betty
1Black Betty
- A Brush Park Rover Crew Adventure
2Mudbash 05
- Mudbash is the longest running Rover event in
Australia. It is a motorsport competition in
which rover crews from all over Australia can
enter in their specially built and designed cars
and compete in rally style events. A lot of hard
work but lots more fun. Unfortunately due to high
insurance costs for the types of events Mudbash
had a 4 year absence and was only brought back in
3Mudbash 05
- The cars that compete can not be just any car.
This year Mudbash was run in conjunction with
CAMS. The Confederation of Australian Motor
Sports. CAMS is the governing body that
determines the specifications of the vehicles and
enforces the safety laws of motorsport. All cars
must be scrutineered by a CAMS agent before any
racing can be done and the drivers were regularly
breath tested before a race by the Victorian
4Mudbash 05
- In 2005 on the Queens Birthday Long Weekend
Mudbash was held at Mafeking Rover Park in Yea,
Victoria. A total of 24 cars competed after being
checked by CAMS. Most of the cars and crews were
from Victoria as it is a long way to go for
anyone else. We were the only crew from N.S.W to
have a competing car.
5The Journey
- Slowly but surely the car was built using second
hand parts from Craft Differentials and other
reliable sources. Harnesses were fitted and all
the appropriate signage was applied
- In 2002 a beat up green Datsun 200B was bought
for 400 with the crew money. Unfortunately
Mudbash was to be cancelled for the next 3 years.
During the year of 2004 the mechanically minded
of the BP/RC transformed it into a lean mean
racing machine!...
- Scott Wheeler
- Age 26
- Status Lookin
- Record Quafftumbla (Hill Climb), 3rd Place
Khanacross (Reverse Triple Challenge), 6th
- Danny Barratt
- Age 21
- Status Taken
- Record Giant Circuit, 5th Place
- Michael Ralph
- Age 22
- Status Taken
- Record Triple Challege, 3rd Place. Motorkhana,
5th Place
- Tim Chamoun
- Age 23
- Status Single
- Record Mafeking Mile, 10th Place
- Carol Barratt
- Age 20
- Status Taken
- Record Fillies, 20th Place
9For the Record
Mudbash 2005 Final Event Scores
10For the Record
Triple Challenge 1. Evil Weevil
2. Wildcat 3. Black Betty
4. Red Erected 5. Roger
6. Gods Gift 7. Life Sentence
8. Mongrel 9. Marty
10. Monaro 11.
12. Coming from Behind 13.
Chevota 15. The Cab
16. Lady 17. Mumga
18. U Wish 19. Ludwig
Mechanically Challenged 21. Rotaniru
Blood, Sweat and Beers 23. Angry
24. Non Armi
11For the Record
Obstacle Course 1. Evil Weevil
2. Ludwig 3. Lady
Gods Gift 5. Rotaniru
6. Marty 7. Monaro
Ebony 9. Red Erected
10. Coming from Behind 11. Black
12. The Cab 13. Mongrel
14. Mumga 15. Blood, Sweat and Beers
16. Life Sentence 17.
18. U Wish 19.
Mechanically Challenged
20. Shepp 21. Wildcat
22. Roger 23. Angry
24. Non Armi
12For the Record
Khanacross Challenge 1. Evil Weevil
Monaro 3. Lady
4. Rotaniru 5.
Gods Gift
6. Black Betty 7. Coming from Behind
8. Mechanically Challenged 9. Life Sentence
The Cab 11. Ludwig
12. Chevota 13. Marty
14. Blood,
Sweat and Beers 15. Mumga
Roger 17. U Wish
18. Wildcat 19.
20. Ebony 21. Shepp
22. Angry 23. Red Erected
24. Non Armi
13For the Record
Quafftumbla Challenge 1. Evil Weevil
2. Lady 3. Black Betty
4. Wildcat 5. Non
Armi 6. Marty 7. Mechanically
Challenged 8. Monaro 9. Ludwig
10. The Cab 11. Mumga 12. Gods Gift 13.
Life Sentence 14. Ebony 15. Roger
16. Rotaniru 17. Chevota 18. Blood, Sweat
and Beers 19. Red Erected 20. Coming
from Behind 21. Mongrel 22. Shepp 23. U
Wish 24. Angry
14For the Record
Tug-o-war 1. Gods Gift 2. Chevota 3.
Mongrel 4. Evil Weevil 5. The
Cab 6. Mumga 7. Marty 8. Life
Sentence 9. Mechanically Challenged 10. Black
Betty 11. Coming from Behind 12.
Rotaniru 13. Red Erected 14. Ebony 15. U
Wish 16. Angry 17. Lady 18.
Monaro 19. Ludwig 20. Wildcat 21. Roger
22. Shepp 23. Blood, Sweat and Beers
24. Non Armi
15For the Record
Fillies 1. Lady 2.
Mongrel 3. U Wish 4. Wildcat 5.
Gods Gift 6. Life
Sentence 7. Angry 8. Ludwig 9.
Ebony 10. Marty 11. Evil
Weevil 12. Red Erected 13.
Roger 14. The Cab 15. Coming
from Behind 16. Monaro 17.
Mechanically Challenged 18.
Blood, Sweat and Beers 19. Rotaniru
20. Black Betty 21.
Shepp 22. Chevota 23.
Mumga 24. Non Armi
16For the Record
Motorkhana 1. Gods Gift
2. Evil Weevil 3. Marty 4. Lady 5.
Black Betty 6. Ludwig 7. U
Wish 8. Roger 9. Monaro
10. Coming from Behind 11. Life
Sentence 12. Ebony 13.
Rotaniru 14. Wildcat 15.
Chevota 16. The Cab 17.
Mongrel 18. Red Erected 19. Mumga
20. Angry 21. Shepp
22. Blood, Sweat and
Beers 23. Mechanically Challenged
24. Non Armi
17For the Record
Giant Circuit 1. Marty
2. Evil Weevil 3.
Angry 4. Wildcat 5. Black
Betty 6. Shepp 7. Mongrel 8. Life
Sentence 9. Monaro 10. U Wish 11.
Ludwig 12. Gods Gift 13. Mechanically
Challenged 14. Coming from Behind 15.
16. Lady 17. Ebony
18. The
Cab 19. Roger
20. Red Erected 21. Mumga
Chevota 23. Blood, Seat and Beers
24. Non Armi
18For the Record
Mafeking Mile 1. Coming from Behind
2. Lady 3. Mechanically Challenged
4. Gods Gift 5. Life Sentence
6. Chevota 7. Monaro
Roger 9. Ludwig 10.
Black Betty 11. Evil Weevil
12. Marty 13. Ebony 14.
Rotaniru 15. Blood, Sweat and Beers
16. Mumga 17. The Cab 18. Red
Erected 19. U Wish 20.
Wildcat 21. Mongrel 22.
Shepp 23. Angry 24. Non-Armi
20The Future
- Not a bad effort for a car that was never even
given a test drive before Mudbash. As for the
future we plan to - Upgrade car parts to aim for a top 3 finish.
- Practice with CAMS car clubs.
- Use for promotional purposes at scout and
venturer level. - Possibly buy another car for increased
competition. - Encourage rover motorsports in N.S.W.
- Victorian Rovers
- Black Betty Cheer Squad