Title: Betty Boop magnet Ideas
1Betty Boop Magnets Ideasby
2Betty Boop Magnet Flaunt It Style
A Betty Boop kitchen magnet that says 'If you got
it - flaunt it.' A fun Betty Boop decoration for
your kitchen.
3Betty Boop Magnet White With Hearts
Betty Boop Magnet White With Hearts. Measures
2.5" x 3.5".
4Betty Boop Magnet Kiss Style
A kitchen magnet of Betty Boop blowing a kiss at
you! This black and red magnet will decorate your
fridge nicely, all while displaying your love for
Betty Boop!
5Betty Boop Magnet Betty Biker Style
A kitchen magnet featuring Betty Boop dressed in
her biker chick gear! The magnet is made in a
bright pink colored, with Betty looking sexy,
sassy and fly!
6Betty Boop Magnet I'm A Nurse Style
This fun refrigerator magnet features Betty Boop
dressed as a nurse with a huge needle in her
7Betty Boop Magnet Marilyn Monroe
Betty Boop Magnet Marilyn Monroe style. This
Betty Boop magnet features Betty wearing a white
dress in a Marilyn Monroe style.
8Betty Boop Magnet Sitting Red Dress Stand
Betty Boop Magnet Sitting Red Dress Stand style.
This classic Betty Boop magnet features Betty
wearing a red dress.
9Betty Boop Magnet I Love America
Betty Boop Magnet I Love America. Fridge magnet
that measures 3" x 4".
10For more gift ideas check www.giftapolis.com