- May 2009
- Important Notice
- The purpose of this presentation is to
provide general information about Convergent
Minerals Ltd (CVG"). It is not recommended that
any person makes any investment decision in
relation to CVG based on this presentation. This
presentation contains certain statements which
may constitute "forward-looking statements". Such
statements are only predictions and are subject
to inherent risks and uncertainties which could
cause actual values, results, performance or
achievements to differ materially from those
expressed, implied or projected in any
forward-looking statements. No representation or
warranty, express or implied, is made by CVG that
the material contained in this presentation will
be achieved or prove to be correct. Except for
statutory liability which cannot be excluded,
each of CVG, its officers, employees and advisers
expressly disclaims any responsibility for the
accuracy or completeness of the material
contained in this presentation and excludes all
liability whatsoever (including in negligence)
for any loss or damage which may be suffered by
any person as a consequence of any information in
this presentation or any error or omission there
from. CVG accepts no responsibility to update any
person regarding any inaccuracy, omission or
change in information in this presentation or any
other information made available to a person nor
any obligation to furnish the person with any
further information. - COMPETENT PERSONS STATEMENT
- The geological information in this
presentation is based on information compiled by
Mr Rod Mcillree, and by Mr Jeremy Whybrow. Mr
Mcillree and Mr Whybrow are both members of The
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
and are both Directors of Convergent Minerals
Ltd. Mr Whybrow and Mr Mcillree both have
sufficient experience relevant to the style of
mineralisation and type of deposit under
consideration and to the activity which they are
undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as
defined in the 2004 Edition of the Australasian
Code for reporting of Exploration results,
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Mr Mcillree
and Mr Whybrow consent to the inclusion in this
presentation of the matters based on the
information in the form and context in which it
3The Bounty gold project mine site
4Bounty Gold Project History
- 1989 - 2001 Bounty Mine produced 1.2m Oz Gold
- 1999 Bounty Project acquired by Viceroy
Australia - 2001 Bounty Mine profitable but closed due to
finance hedging out of the money, rising
operational costs seismic activity in area
Administrators took over - Nov 2008 CVG acquired Montague Resources which
owned the Bounty Project. Included extensive
project data - 16 years of exploration data
- 12 years of mining, metallurgical and production
Bounty Project tenements and Gold deposits
5Experienced Team
- CVG Board is highly experienced in gold
exploration - Executive Chairman Mr Simon K Cato (B.A.)
- Over 20 years experience in capital markets in
regulatory broking roles - Worked at ASX in Sydney Perth overlooking the
activities of listed companies - As a broker, involved in underwriting a number of
IPOs . Involved as broker director of the
Medusa Mining IPO, a successful gold producer in
the Philippines - Director Advanced Share Registry, Queste
Communications, Bentley International
Scarborough Equities - Managing Director Mr Roderick Mcillree (B.Sc.
Mineral Exploration Mining Geology) - Worked for major international domestic mining
companies as exploration and mine geologist - Gold projects included Granny Smith Joint Venture
(Granny Smith, Sunrise Dam, Kerringal Wallaby),
Big Bell Wiluna - Worked as analyst advisor for broking houses
experienced in international capital raisings - Executive Director Greenland Minerals Energy Ltd
- Exploration Director Mr Jeremy Whybrow (B.Sc.
Mineral Exploration Mining Geology) - 12yrs domestic international mining experience
- Experienced in exploration mining operations,
project evaluation feasibility studies - Management roles at Tarmoola Sons of Gwalior
large scale gold operations - Executive Director Greenland Minerals Energy Ltd
6District Geology
- The Bounty Project is located within the
Forrestania greenstone belt of the Yilgarn Craton
in WA - The Yilgarn Craton is a globally significant
gold and nickel province that hosts in excess of
2,000 known gold deposits which have produced in
excess of 100 mOz of gold (Snowden Report
Simplified geology of the Forrestania belt
7Bounty Gold Project
- Bounty Project covers the closed Bounty gold
mine operation - 12 open pits 1 underground
- Includes former Bounty Mine which produced 1.2m
oz Au 1989 - 2001 - Controlled by Convergent Minerals Limited (ASX
CVG) - 43km2 5 granted mining tenements Eastern
Goldfields WA - 360km east of Perth (4-6hrs by road) 120km S/SE
of Southern Cross - Huge regional database
- 120,000 drill holes, soil, auger, rab, rc, dd,
magnetics, em
Bounty Project Location in WA
8Current JORC Gold Resources
- JORC Measured, Indicated, Inferred Resources
total 703,000 oz Gold (12,560,000t _at_ average
grade 1.74g/t)
Source Hellman and Schofield Report 2009
9Work Program
- Recently completed voluminous Bounty Project
database compiling data into same grid system - Desktop BFS study to re-optimize pits at current
gold price (300,000 oz target) targeting remnant
reserves in existing open pits - Identify distressed mining processing equipment
to upgrade complete existing infrastructure
circuit at the site OR bring in contractors for
heap leach process - Commence open pit mining gold production
10Infrastructure Expedites Development
- Existing Infrastructure
- Well maintained haul roads
- Process water portable water catchments Bore
field - Power line connection to main power grid
available - Exploration camp with power telecommunications
- Concrete pad for processing plant
- Sunk project costs to date over A250m
(Source Metplant Engineering Services)
- Required Infrastructure
- Crushing grinding circuit
- Reconnection to power grid
- All above likely to be purchased as distressed
Bounty exploration camp
11Capital Structure As at December 2008 quarter
- Shares on Issue 40,850,300
- Options on Issue 36,650,300
- Market cap at 7c 2.8m
- Cash 2.7m
12Capital Structure post rights issue and placement
- Shares on Issue 55,348,590
- Options on Issue 36,650,300
- Market cap at 7c 3.7m
- Cash 3.7m
13CVG Project Strengths
- 12 year production history
- Proven as a profitable mine
- Historically profitable at 500/Oz gold price
- Experienced management team
- 100 owned by CVG
- Significant upside
- Proven metallurgy
- Open pit
- Known established reserves
- Resource upside
Aerial photograph of the former Bounty gold
mining processing operation