Title: Biomes around the world
1Biomes around the world
- By Michelle Sherstobetoff
2Biomes are...
- Biomes are whole bunch of plants and living
things as a community. - Also through out the year the weather and climate
will stay the same.
3Arctic Tundra
- The climate is 3-12 C (37-54F) in the summer
- In the winter it is 34C (30F)
- There are tussock grasses, dwarf trees, and small
leafed shrubs - There is no sun light for 3 months
4Coniferous Forest
- The temprature in the winter is 34-54F and in
the summer it is 21-34C. - There are ever greens nem locks, firs, birch,
and poplar trees. - Most of the forest has glaciers.
- In the grasslands they gert 10-30 inches of rain
a year. - Lots of different sizes of grass, there lots of
different flowers called milkweed, sweet cone,
purple cone orange cone, and poison ivy and
stinging nettle.
- There is more gassy areas then areas with trees
and bushes.
6Tropical forest
In the Tropical forest they get 7-12 inches of
rain each summer. Its also mostly foggy, wet and
cold in the winters. There are whole bunch of
different flowers called Bark, Lianas, Drip tips,
and Buttresses. Also there is stilt roots,
Epiphytes, Bromeliads, and Mangroves. Also they
have the most different plants and animals.
- The desert is very very hot but it can also be
very cold. - In the desert there are cactus and its needles to
breath and it doesnt need much water because its
stores water inside of the cactus.
- reflects the hot desert sun. There is also a old
man cactus that - The desert is dry, always sunny, and rocky.
8Deciduous forest
A very mild tempature. There is also lots of
different trees with leaves. When the leave fall
it help other living things around them.
9Good Bye
- I hope u learned a lot today!!