Title: Office Drama: How to DEAL with it
1Office Drama How to DEAL with it!
- Brought to you today by
- Do-Over Dave as Drama King
- alias Dave Sauter
- University Registrar, Miami University
- OTC, May 30, 2008
- The drama of a full-blown workplace conflict can
rival the best made-for-television movie. All
eyes are glued to the episode of the day, instead
of on the work at hand. Does the office worker
next to you arrive ready to pounce on the first
piece of gossip and start laying blame on others?
What can YOU do about the ongoing whiner that
derails office productivity? Relax, and
- Welcome to the
- of a future of drama
- ENJOY the Production!
4Drama King Dave
- Miami Middletown 1984-91
- 5 staff in admission, records and registration,
and financial aid - Xavier University 1991-1999
- 11 staff in records and registration
- Wright State University 1999-2006
- 18 staff in records and registration
- Miami University 2006-retirement ?
- 28 staff in records and registration
5Todays Production
- Act One Definitions
- Act Two Parental Drama
- Act Three Causes of Office Drama
- Act Four Drama Attributes
- Act Five 6 People to NOT Hire
- Act Six Success Without Drama
- Act Seven Rumor Control
- Act Eight Whining at Work
- Act Nine Your Turn!
6Staff Workday Realities
- Laws, i.e., FMLA, FERPA, professional
- Coping with emergencies
- Union environments
- Human Resource Issues
- Sick/Vacation Accrual (abuse?)
- Flex time
- 85 Staffed
- Salaried vs. Hourly
- Other?
7Act One Definitions
- Drama designed for theatrical performance
- Relationship quality of two or more things
together - Conflict emotional tension
- Paradigm pattern
- Diversity to increase the variety
- University facility to teach and research
offering degrees - Understanding to grasp, to accept as fact
8Act Two Drama from Parents
- In your words Letter to the Editor, Miami
University, Miamian, an alternate look at
Helicopter Parents who might add drama to our
workplacebut is it well-founded drama, or
ill-founded drama? - Helicopter Parents Swoop in handout
- Do family members of students bring drama to our
9Act Three Causes of Office Drama
- Physical Proximity
- Reporting lines
- Age
- Gender
- Personality differences
- Differences in values
- Jealousy
10MORE Causes of Office Drama
- The unknown
- Change
- Insecurity
- Home Issues
- Other causes
- ??
- ??
- ??
11Act Four Drama Attributes
- Charlie o Changeand more change
- Winnie the whiner
- Ira the irresponsible
- Barbie badmouth
- Christopher cross
- Evan the eye roller
- Carla Coffee clotch
12more attributes!
- Greta the grouch
- Ginger the gossiper
- Nancy nosey
- Shelly web surfer
- Omar the obsessive
- Mark the online card shark
- Marge the sarge
13and MORE attributes
- Harry the hotdog
- Eddie eager
- Sam the silo
- Suzie sniper
- Leonard the letch
- Cory complainer
- Leering Larry
- Daggering Doug
14Even More Attributes?
- Passive Paula
- Over-zealous Oscar
- Manipulative Miranda
- Others that YOU KNOW?
15Act Five6 People you should NEVER hire
- The Loaferfast out of the gate and then sputters
to a stop! - The Weaselback-stabber!
- The Bridegroomwants to be you but will not help
make decisions! - The Psycho Killertoo many adversaries!
- The Workaholicno other life!
- The Future CEOtoo much I focus!
16Act Six What Defines Success?without drama!
- Ambition
- Strive for respect first
- Mental and physical fitness
- Intuition
- Edit your ideas
- Think big but grow slowly
- Focus
- Be a detective
- Let one solution lead to another one
17Act Seven Responding to Rumors
- Avoid conversing about personal detailsall you
say will be repeated at least once - Ignore the speculationdont let it fester
- Ignore gossipersdont give them attention
18More Responses to Rumors
- Do not badmouthperson might be your boss someday
- Take responsibilityif you hurt someone, be
honest and apologize - Do NOT be a victim, do NOT get swept into the
19Act Eight Whining at Work handout
- Whining is a coping mechanism.
- Workplace changes make us more likely to whine.
- Hierarchies are flattening, so new workers have
less fear of managers. - If praise cranks up, whining cranks down.
- Whining releases tension in todays demanding
20Whining at Work, continued
- Whine and Winetry it!
- What is in it for ME!!!
- So little salary raise, so much expected!
- How do YOU handle it?
21Act NineYour turnbut NO WHINING!
- Your examples of Office Drama in the next
22In ConclusionDrama ? vs. DRAAAMA!!
- A Human Condition we all need to acknowledge
and master, to not let it control us or our
office - Good and Bad Dramalife with NO drama may be
boring SOME drAma adds some spice, TOO MUCH
DRAAAMA is destructive - Drama vs. Dramaticbe dramatic w/o so much drama!
Balance, balance, balance