Title: Ch. 23: The New Deal: 1933-1940
1Ch. 23 The New Deal 1933-1940
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- 20th Amendment
- New Deal
- 3 Goals
- 1st 00 days
- Poor
- Brain Trusts
- Pragmatism
- Bank Holiday
- Emergency Banking Relief Act 1933
- Fireside Chats
- Glass-Stegall Banking Act 1933
- Federal Securities Act 1933
- Securities Exchange Commission 1933
- Agricultural Adjustment Corps.
- Civil Conservation Corps.
- Public Works Administration 1933
- Civil Works Administration
- National Industrial Recovery Act 1933
- AAA Challenged
- Parity
- 2nd New Deal
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Francis Perkins
- Social Security
- 1936 Election
- Works Program Administration
- Harry Hopkins
- WPA the Arts
- National Youth Administration
- Wagner Act 1935
- National Labor Relations Board
- Court Packing Bill
- Black Cabinet
- Mary McLeod Bethune
- Civil Rights
- Committee of Industrial Organization
- Sit Down Strike
21932 Election
- FDR (Dem) wins
- Defeats Hoover
- Elected 4 times
- Distant cousin of Teddy
- Friendly demeanor can do attitude attracted
voters - Dems. take control of Senate
- Represented the poor
- Unlike Hoover, who represented the rich
3The New Deal
- FDRs platform
- Plan to get out of the depression
- 3 general goals
- Relief for the needy
- Economic recovery
- Financial reform
- FDR never said exactly what it was, he might not
have had a clear idea either. - 1st New Deal (1st 100 Days) Focused on banking
job creation - 2nd New Deal (2nd 100 Days) Focused on more
extensive help for workers farmers
4Waiting for FDR
- Elected in November 1932, didnt take office
until March 1933. - Depression grew worse during these 5 months
- 20th Amendment (1933) Presidential inauguration
moved from March to January (today)
- Group of professors of economics etc., to help
figure out how to get out of the depression
6 Pragmatic
- FDR believed in this idea
- Value of an idea try something whether it works
or not, but try something! - Proposed by philosopher William James
7Bank Holiday
- 1 day after taking office, FDR declared a bank
holiday - Purpose Closed all banks to prevent further
withdrawals. - Emergency Banking Relief Act (3/1933) Banks
would be inspected, only financially sound banks
would reopen. - Renewed confidence in banks
8Fireside Chats
- Weekly radio addresses made by FDR addressing
public concerns, in plain English, about the New
Deal - Felt as if FDR was talking directly to you
- 1st Chat Explained banking system to nation,
next day people began to deposit their money back
in banks
9- All legislation abbreviated
10Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) 1933
- Created by the Glass Stegall Banking Act of 1933
- Insurance on savings accounts up to 5,000
- Reassured people their accounts were safe
- Still used today
11More Finance Reform
- 1933 - Federal Securities Act (FSA) Corporations
must report detailed stock info. - Held liable for any misrepresentations
- 1933 - Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)
Regulates stock market, no rigging - Headed by Joseph Kennedy
- Still used today
12Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
- Lowered production to raise crop prices
- Paid farmers not to grow crops
- Alleviate erosion dust bowl effect
- Hog Farmers paid to slaughter 6 million hogs
- Upset many Americans taught not to waste food,
esp. when so many are hungry - Successful prices slowly rose
13Work Projects
- Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Built roads,
cultivated parks planted tress (200 mil.) to
control flooding soil erosion - 3 million went to work, men ages 18-25
- 30/mo., but 25 automatically sent home
- Free food uniforms
- 1933 - Public Works Administration (PWA) Gave
money to states to create jobs (mainly schools,
bridges, airports) - Spend money to make more jobs
- Didnt make a dent in unemployment
14More ABCs
- Civil Works Administration (CWA) Created to
provide more jobs since PWA failed - Provided 4 mil. Jobs (roads schools)
- 6/1933 - National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
Promoted industrial growth set up fair codes
of practice
15National Recovery Administration (NRA)
- Set prices on products to ensure competition
- Established working hours, minimum wage, banned
child labor etc. - Gave workers the right to unionize bargain
collectively. - Helped limit production to produces would make a
16Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
- May, 1933
- Tennessee River Valley badly depressed area
- Project created thousands of jobs
- Built 20 dams providing flood control
hydroelectricity - Brought electricity to rural areas improving
living conditions economy - Effected 7 states
- Used as yardstick to measure fair prices for
17Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, N. S.
Carolina Virginia
18Social Security Act (SSA) 1933
- Insurance 65
- Unemployment
- Aid to families with disabled children
- Farmers not included at 1st
19Works Progress Administration (WPA)
- Create as many jobs as possibly as quickly as
possible - Headed by Harry Hopkins
- Employed 8 mil. People w/i 8 yrs.
- Built roads, schools, libraries, airports etc.
- Great value to nation, restored sense of purpose
20WPA the Arts
- Controversy over WPAs funding of artists,
theaters, etc. - Hired artists to paint public works of art, offer
free plays, free concerts etc. - Why would this be important?
- 20 of WPAs budget went to the arts
- Many people felt this money could be better
21Homeowners Loan Corp. gave govt. loans to those
who faced foreclosure
- Federal Housing Admin. (FHA) provides loans for
mortgages home repairs (even today)
22Everyones a Critic
- Liberals felt the New Deal didnt do enough
Conservatives thought it did too much - Many people thought New Deal interfered with Free
Market Economy
23Huey LongEvery Man A king
- Radical Left Opponent of FDR
- Gov. of Louisiana
- Kingfish
- Share the Wealth Welfare program that gave
5,000 per year, division of land etc. - 7.5 million supporters
- FDRs most serious threat for re-election
- Assassinated in 1935 at Louisiana State House
24Challenges to the AAA
- AAA challenged in Supreme Court forced to
reorganize - New AAA called for parity
- Crops would no longer be destroyed, but stored
until they reached parity (a set price), then
the crops would be sold - Allowed farmers to repay debt
25- 1st New Deal put 4 mil. to work, but 10 mil. were
still unemployed production lagged - 1934 Democrats gain majority in Congress help
FDR launch the 2nd New Deal - 2nd New Deal focused on reform more extensive
relief for farmers
- Eleanor Roosevelt Wife, social reformer,
humanitarian very persuasive - Helped shape New Deal policies to appt. women to
administration - Traveled country to find out what people needed
wanted observed social conditions - Francis Perkins 1st woman cabinet member (Sec.
of Labor) - Social security (1933)
- Insurance 65
- Unemployment
- Aid to families with disabled children
- Farmers not included at 1st
27More Help for Farmers
- Farmers paid for practicing good soil
conservation techniques - Resettlement Administration (1935) Loaned money
to sharecroppers tenant farmers buy own land - Replaced by Farm Security Admin. (FSA) Helped
tenant farmers become landowners
28Election of 1936
Are you better off now than you were four years
- 1st time blacks voted Democrat instead of
Republican (why?) - 1st time labor unions supported 1 candidate
- Represented vote of confidence
29National Youth Administration (NYA)
- Provided children with aid employment
- Provided organized sports
- Segregated
30Wagner Act 1935
- NRA declared unconstitutional, gave legislative
powers to executive branch - Forced to reorganize
- Wagner Act
- Listed unfair labor business practices
- Supported right of workers to organize engage
in collective bargaining - National Labor Relations Board Heard grievances
- Govt. on side of unions
31Fair Labor Standards Act 1938
- National minimum wage work week
- 40 hour work week, down from 44 hrs
- .25 to .40 per hr. (1st time)
- No one younger than 16 in factories
- No reforms in health insurance
- Unions made gains during the New Deal
32Court Packing Bill 1937
- FDR wanted to reorganize the Supreme Court
- So his New Deal legislation would be passed
- Appointed 7 new judges
- Creating Supreme Court sympathetic to New Deal
- FDR lost support as some see this as an attempt
at dictatorship.
33Black Cabinet
Mary Bethune
- Group of influential African Americans that
advised FDR on racial issues concerns - Main organizer was Mary McLeod Bethune Ofc. of
Minority Affairs - Ensured hiring of African Americans
- Eleanor Roosevelt played role in opening doors
- Invited opera star Marion Anderson to perform at
Lincoln Memorial after she was refused the right
to sing at Constitution Hall
Marion Anderson
34Civil Rights
- FDR never committed to civil rights
- Didnt want to upset Southern Democrats (why?)
- Refused to support Anti-Lynching legislation
elimination of the Poll Tax - African Americans paid less
- Discriminated against in federal programs such as
35Committee of Industrial Organization
- Organized Labor Union
- Allowed skilled non-skilled
- Allowed minorities
- Used Sit Down Strikes
- Dont leave, but dont work
- 1937 Memorial Day Massacre
- Republic Steel Plant, Chicago
- Police attacked striking workers outside plant,
killing 10, dozens injured - FDR friend of labor
- Unions flourish during New Deal
- Legalization, Better Working Conditions,
Increased Bargaining Power
36Society Culture
- Big Band Music
- Glen Miller
- Benny Goodman
- Leading Ladies
- Betsy Davis
- Joan Crawford
- Margaret Mitchell (Gone w/the Wind)
- Amelia Earhart
- 1st women to fly across Atlantic non-stop
- Tried to fly around worlddisappeared
- Aliens???
- Radio most direct means of communication
- Drama
- Guiding Light
- Green Hornet
- Lone Ranger
- Actors/Actresses
- Bob Hope
- Orson Wells
- Jack Benny
- Clark Gable
- Greta Garbo
37(No Transcript)
38Results of New Deal
- By 1939 New Deal over FDR faced with European
problems What? - New Deal did not end depression, but helped by
creating jobs - WWII causes end of depression
- New Deal compared to socialism
- Why?
- Created 40 bil. deficit
- 1st time Fed. Govt. took responsibility for
economic wellbeing of citizens - Expanded power of Fed. Govt.