Title: Sophie Valcke, CERFACS
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- The PRISM project
- partners
- goals
- model components
- standard physical interfaces
- architecture and GUI
- PRISM first coupler Oasis3 (08/2003)
- configuration
- communication
- interpolations/transformations
- PRISM final coupler (12/2004)
- configuration,
- communication,
- interpolations/transformations
- Climate research in Europe
- Societal/political needs in Europe high (IPCC,
mitigation,) - Recognised excellence scientific diversity
(models, approaches,) -
- How to organise Earth System modelling in Europe
? - The one-big-centre-does-it-all not suitable
- - expertise lies within national centres
- diversity is key to research
- Need for shared infrastructures
- - software (PRISM)
- - hardware
- ENES European Network for Earth System modelling
- Think tank to organize, plan and seek funding
for efficient distributed Earth System modelling
in Europe - Follows a EuroClivar recommendation
- Open to any institute/industry (MoU)
- Coordinated by Guy Brasseur (MPI, Hamburg)
- 50 members so far (http//enes.org)
A long term strategy
- Jointly develop shared software infrastructure
for Earth System modelling - Provide European integrated service to access and
use this infrastructure - Provide and manage hyper-computing access by 2010
6The PRISM project
- PRISM PRogram for Integrated Earth System
Modelling - A European project, started December 2001, funded
- for 3 years by the European Commission (4.8 M)
- Coordinators
- Guy Brasseur (MPI, Hamburg)
- Gerbrand Komen (KNMI, Amsterdam)
- PRISM Director Reinhard Budich (MPI)
7PRISM partners
gt 22 partners leading climate research
institutes and computer vendors
- MPG-IMET, Germany
- KNMI, Netherlands
- MPI-MAD, Germany
- Met-Office, UK
- IPSL, France
- Météo-France, France
- CERFACS, France
- DMI, Denmark
- SHMI, Sweden
- NERSC, Norway
- ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- ING, Italy
- MPI-BGC, Germany
- PIK, Germany
- ECMWF, Europe
- UCL-ASTR, Belgium
- NEC Europe
- FECIT/Fujitsu
- SGI Europe
- SUN Europe
8PRISM goals
Help climate modellers spend more time on science
- Provide software infrastructure
- to easily assemble Earth system coupled models
based on existing state-of-art European component
models - launch/monitor complex/ensemble Earth system
9PRISM goals
- Define and promote technical and scientific
standards for ESM - Scientific standards
- Physical interfaces between model components
- Global Earth System parameters
- Technical standards
- Compiling, running, post-processing environment
- Architecture and Graphical User Interface
- Coupler and I/O software
- Data and grid format
- Coding and quality
Interaction with other groups (ESMF, ESG/NOMADS,
CF, RPN?,...)
10PRISM model components
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12PRISM architecture and GUI
- PRISM central server PRISM local sites
- GUI adaptation of ECMWF prepIFS and SMS
scheduler -
13PRISM first coupler Oasis3
- Based on Oasis developed since 1991 in CERFACS
- to couple existing GCMs developed independently
- at the time
- Models at relatively low resolution (10000-20000
pts) - Small number of 2D coupling fields (10)
- Low coupling frequency (once/day)
- flexibility was very important, efficiency not so
much! - performs
- synchronisation of the component models
- coupling fields exchange and interpolation
- I/O actions
- tested on VPP5000, NEC SX5, SGI Octane and O3000,
Compaq Alpha cluster, Linux PC cluster
14PRISM project first coupler Oasis3
- Oasis regular users
- UCL (Belgium)
- MPI - MD (Germany)
- SMHI (Sweden)
- BMRC (Australia)
- and
- AWI (Germany)
- PIK (Germany)
- Met Office (UK)
- KNMI (Netherlands)
- CSIRO (Australia)
- LASG (China)
- JAMSTEC (Japan)
- ?
15PRISM project first coupler Oasis3
- Oasis3 configuration
- In text file namcouple read by Oasis3 at the
beginning of the run, e.g. - total run time
- number and names of component models
- number and names of coupling fields for each
field - source and target symbolic name
- coupling and/or I/O status,
- coupling or I/O period
- transformations/interpolations
- Component model grid (longitudes, latitudes,
masks, mesh surfaces, mesh corner locations) must
be available in binary or NetCDF files. -
16PRISM project first coupler Oasis3
Oasis3 communication
- New PRISM System model interface (PSMILe) based
on MPI1 or MPI2 message passing - Parallel communication between parallel models
and Oasis3 interpolation process
- Direct communication between models with same
grid and partitioning
- I/O functionality (automatic switch between
coupled and forced mode)
- Modularity at each model time step, exchange is
performed or not depending on users
specifications in namcouple. - Automatic time integration depending on users
17PRISM project first coupler Oasis3
- Oasis3 interpolations/transformations
gt performed by separate sequential process
- gt on 2D scalar fields only
- Interfacing with RPN Fast Scalar INTerpolator
package - nearest-neighbour, bilinear, bicubic for regular
Lat-Lon grids - Interfacing with SCRIP1.4 library (Los Alamos
Software Release LACC 98-45) - nearest-neighbour, 1st and 2nd order
conservative remapping for all grids - bilinear and bicubic interpolation for
logically-rectangular grids - Bilinear and bicubic interpolation for reduced
atmospheric grids - Other spatial transformations flux correction,
merging, etc. - General algebraic operations
18PRISM project final coupler
- Higher resolution, parallel and scalable models
- Higher coupling frequencies desirable
- Higher number of models and (3D) coupling fields
- The final PRISM coupler will be composed of
- a Driver
- a Transformer
- a new PRISM System Model Interface Library
19PRISM project final coupler
- Final coupler configuration (XML files)
- The user chooses the models through the GUI.
- Each component model comes with
- an Application Description (AD)
- a Potential Model Input and Output Description
(PMIOD). - The user configures his particular coupled run
through the GUI - total run time, etc.
- for each field described in the PMIOD
- source or target
- coupling or I/O status,
- coupling or I/O period
- transformations/interpolations, etc.
- Based on the users choice, the GUI produces the
XML configuration files. - At run-time the Driver reads and distributes
configuration information. - The PSMILes and Transformer act accordingly to
the users specifications.
20PRISM project final coupler
Final coupler communication
- More elaborate PSMILe based on MPI1 or MPI2 (grid
definition transferred through the PSMILe API) - Modularity as for Oasis3 at each model time
step, exchange is performed or not depending on
users specifications. - As for Oasis3, automatic time integration
- As for Oasis3, I/O functionality (automatic
switch between coupled and forced mode) - Parallel communication as for Oasis3
- repartitioning.
- Parallel calculation of interpolation weights and
addresses in the source PSMILe - Extraction of useful part of source field only.
21The PRISM project final coupler
- Final coupler interpolations/transformations
- gt as for Oasis3
- Support of vector fields
- Support of 3D fields
- More flexibility for field combination/merging,
etc. -
- PRISM first coupler Oasis3, now available
- PRISM final coupler prototype due 11/2003
- PRISM final coupler due 12/2004
- and after PRISM ?
- Follow-on project re-submitted at next EU-call
in 2004 (CAPRI rejected) - International interaction and collaboration
essential in all cases! - http//www.enes.org http//www.cerfacs.fr/PRISM/p
rism.html - valcke_at_cerfacs.fr
23PRISM project first coupler Oasis3
- Oasis3 communication PSMILe API
- Initialization
- call prism_init_comp()
- Retrieval of component model local communicator
- call prism_get_localcomm ()
- Coupling or I/O field declarations (name, type,
shape, local partition, ) - call prism_def_var(field_idx, )
- End of definition
- call prism_enddef()
- In model time stepping loop, coupling or I/O
field exchange - call prism_put(field_id1, time, field_array1,
ierror), - call prism_get(field_id2, time, field_array2,
ierror) - gt Automatic averaging/accumulation, coupling
exchange, and/or I/O depending on time argument
and users specifications in namcouple - Termination
- call prism_terminate()
24PRISM project final coupler
Final coupler communication PSMILe API
- As for Oasis3 PSMILe
- Definition of grid (1D, 2D, 3D)
- call prism_def_grid()
- call prism_set_corners()
- call prism_set_mask()
- Definition of grid for vector and bundle fields
- call prism_set_vector()
- Call prism_set_subgrid()
- Coupling or I/O field declarations support
vector, bundles, 1D, 2D and 3D fields - Extraction of SCC and SMIOC information
- call prism_get_persist()
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27Software structure of an Earth System Model
Running environment
Coupling infrastructure
Scientific code
Supporting software
28On going PRISM / ESMF collaboration
Earth System Model
Running environment
Coupling infrastructure
User code
Supporting software