Title: NSDL National Science Education Digital Library
1NSDL - National Science Education Digital Library
- Core Integration Infrastructure Team
- UCAR management
- Cornell repository
- Columbia authentication
- U Mass. search
- UCSB geo-referenced data
- UCSD persistent archive
2NSDL Partnership
- NSF Department of Undergraduate Education
- Funding 64 projects related to NSDL
- Curricula modules
- Primary source material - collections
- Digital library management
- User interfaces, portals
- Curriculum creation
- Core repository and services
3Critical Path
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Information retrieval
- Metadata retrieval
- Services / tools application
- Success is demonstration across multiple
4Interoperability Areas
- Open Archives Initiative - OAI
- Metadata harvesting based on Dublin Core and
other metadata sets - Can publish metadata standard, set structure for
organization - Should use MCAT template language to create OAI
XML tagged structure - Models, frameworks for packaging
- Componentized digital library infrastructure
- Low level decomposition
- Levels, best practices for
- Data level
- Multimedia level
- Resource level
- Update mechanisms for ingestion of new data
- User profile driven navigation, display,
semantics - Curricula integration from multiple sites
- Inclusion of digital libraries from other
- IMS - Instructional Management Systems
- IMS global learning description
- Specification for profile
- LTSC - IEEE learning technology standards
committee - DC-ED -Dublin Core education working group
- ADL (SCORM) - advanced description learning
environment - MARC - machine readable cataloging
- FGDC - federal geospatial data committee
6User Interfaces
Usage Enhancement
Delivery Presentation Aggregation - Channels
Information about collections
Core NSDL Bus
Meta-data delivery Data delivery Query Global
Ids Security Network
Metadata data access-based services
Virtual Collections Mediators
Collection Building
7Building the Initial Repository
- Access to material from collaborating projects
- Harvesting material from the web using OAI
- First go on-line on May 1, 2002
- Go into production in December, 2002
- Persistence
- Can an educator retrieve a curriculum module used
in a prior year - Knowledge management
- Can relevant material be identified by grade
level concepts
- SDSC is developing a Persistent Archive of
material referenced by the NSDL repository - Partial collection, depending upon access
restrictions - Stores data in a SRB collection
- Supports replication of material
- Will be used to support knowledge mining
- Generation of concept spaces that describe
relationships between curriculum modules
- A curriculum is an instance of a concept space
- Identifies the concepts and the relationships
between the concepts that will be presented in
the class - Multiple concept spaces are needed
- AAAS2061 - grade level concepts
- State mandated grade level concepts
- NSDL repository attributes
- Discipline specific concept spaces
- Pedagogy standards
- A uniform architecture is emerging across
- persistent archives (NARA)
- digital libraries (NSF, NLM)
- data grid environments (DOE, NASA, NSF)
- Use of web services as access mechanism for
discovery, presentation
- Organization mechanism for the
- differentiation between knowledge, information,
and data and the choice of representation
standards - Data - digital objects
- Information - tagged attributes
- Knowledge - relationships between attributes
- Integration vehicle for tying together
- persistent archives with grid environments
- grid environments with digital libraries
- digital libraries with persistent archives
13Knowledge-based Data Management
Knowledge Repository for Rules
Rules - KQL
(Topic Maps / Model-based Access)
Information Repository
(Data Handling System - Storage Resource Broker)
Storage (Replicas, Persistent IDs)
14Knowledge-based Access (1/9)
- The relationships between knowledge and
information layers define - Rules that can be applied to the collection
- Rules for defining collection attributes
- Rules for organizing attributes into a schema
- Rules for feature extraction
- Relationships that quantify associations
- Organization of concepts into topic maps
- Ontology mapping between concept maps
- Mapping of concepts to collection attributes
- Etc.
15Knowledge Standards (2/9)usingTOPIC MAPS
ISO/IEC 13250 (Jan. 2000)Bridging knowledge
representation information management
- describing knowledge structures
- associating them with information resources
- solution for organizing and navigating large and
large information pools - XTM SPECIFICATION
16TOPIC MAPS (3/9)
- Paradigm for K. navigation synthesis
- Concept of creating style sheets for K.- based
information access and navigation - TMs define semantically customized views
17The TAO of Topic Maps (4/9)(from XML Europe 2000
papers)NEXT 4 SLIDES
T is for Topic
Topic types
Topic names
18The TAO of Topic Maps (cont.) (5/9)
A is for Association
Topic associations
Association types
19The TAO of Topic Maps (cont.) (6/9)
O is for Occurrence
Occurrence Roles
20The TAO of Topic Maps (cont.) (7/9)
? Independence of topic associations topic
occurrences (information resources)
Topic maps as portable semantic networks
21Model-Based Archival Collection Management (8/9)
22ERA Concept model
23Grid-based Data Management
Knowledge Repository for Rules
Rules - KQL
(Topic Maps / Model-based Access)
Information Repository
(Data Handling System - Storage Resource Broker)
Storage (Replicas, Persistent IDs)
24Library-based Data Management
Knowledge Repository for Rules
Rules - KQL
(Topic Maps / Model-based Access)
Information Repository
(Data Handling System - Storage Resource Broker)
Storage (Replicas, Persistent IDs)
25Persistent Archive Data Management
Knowledge Repository for Rules
Rules - KQL
(Topic Maps / Model-based Access)
Information Repository
(Data Handling System - Storage Resource Broker)
Storage (Replicas, Persistent IDs)