Title: Using a Digital Library to Enhance Earth Science Education
1The Digital Library for Earth System
Science Contributing resources and collections
Meeting with GLOBE 5/29/03 Holly Devaul
2DLESE Mission
- To improve the quality, quantity, and efficiency
of teaching and learning about the Earth at all
educational levels.
DLESE Strategic Plan -
3Why a digital library?
A well-articulated community goal to transform
geoscience education by combining pedagogy,
technology and science
4What is DLESE?
- A place to find quality teaching and learning
resources about the Earth system - Support and services for anyone interested in
learning about the Earth - A community-led effort, funded by NSF
- The geosciences node of the National Science
Digital Library (NSDL)
5What does DLESE offer?
- Web-based materials (lesson plans, computer and
lab activities, data, visualizations, background
material, portals) - Resources about the Earth are contributed and
described by educators and scientists - Services to help users effectively create and use
materials - Search by standards find teaching tips and
reviews attend workshops and events - Interfaces and tools to allow exploration of
Earth data sets
6Key design concepts
- User input central to every stage of library
development - Participatory design community input, focus
groups, workshops, Annual meeting - Community governance system
- Steering committee
- Standing committees
7Who is building DLESE?
- Individual K-12 and university educators and
scientists contribute resources - Partnerships create thematic collections
- Community governance guides library development
- Core services develop library components
- Collections, Community, Data, Evaluation, and the
DLESE Program Center (DPC)
8Core Services
- Collections to be determined
- Community Colorado State University, Carleton
College, Montana State University - Data TERC, UCAR-Unidata, University of Northern
Colorado - Evaluation University of Colorado, University
of Georgia - DLESE Program Center- UCAR
9Discovering ResourcesUsing DLESE
- Discovery only for resources related to Earth
system science - Resources in DLESE are selected and
cataloged by the ESS education
community - Resources are described in metadata records
which enhance discovery and comprehension of
the items. DLESE holds metadata records, not
the actual web pages.
10Metadata includes
- Title, description
- Grade level assignment
- Resource type
- (Curriculum, activity, image, data)
- Technical requirements
- Geospatial referencing
- Educational standards (science, geography)
11Metadata framework
- Currently, DLESE-IMS
- Based on IMS, DTD-validated, no datatyping
- Transitioning to ADN for DLESE discovery
- Schema-validated, strong data typing
- Additional educational and geospatial fields
- Transform to Dublin Core before ship to NSDL
14Browse by subject, grade level or resource type
15Select grade level and type of resource
16View the complete description
17The resource itself
18Data and imagery for each exercise
19August 2003 Search by StandardsNSES and NCGE to
start granularity issues to resolve for future
20August 2003 Search over multiple collections
21Collection Building
- DLESE library policies
- http//www.dlese.org/documents/policy/index.ht
ml - Scope what the collection is about
- Accession whats needed to be a collection
- Deaccession when a collection or resource
breaks - IP and Privacy how we treat the collection
- DLESE Catalog System
- http//training.dlese.org
- OAI software for collection harvesting
- http//www.dlese.org/Metadata/tool/index.htm
- Broad Collection and Reviewed Collection
- http//www.dlese.org/Metadata
22Broad ReviewedCollection Collection
- Relevant to Earth system education
- Cataloged with a minimum set of information for
discovery - Wide access to a range of resources
- All the criteria of the Broad Collection plus
- Scientifically accurate
- Importance
- Pedagogically effective
- Well-documented
- Ease of use
- Power to inspire
- Robust
23How do resources get cataloged?
- Web-based cataloging tool (DCS) at www.dlese.org
-gt public tool for general collection - Unique instances of cataloging tool for formal,
thematic collections managed at project site or
hosted by DPC - XML files created outside of web tool XML
template or database generated
24DLESE Catalog System
- Web-based tool to catalog resources with the
following - URL, title, description, resource type
- Grade level, subject (and many more)
- Tool can be downloaded for local cataloging use
- Can share cataloged information with digital
libraries or use at DLESE
25Build your own collection
26Free-text and controlled vocabularies
27What to Catalog?
- Distinct resources e.g topic, grade level,
presented such that are usable outside of GLOBE
context - Teachers Guide could result in 75-100 records,
possibly more - Each chapter
- Protocols
- Learning Activities
- Which standards, at what degree of specificity?
28Things to consider
- DLESE Community Collection or discrete thematic
collection - Broad or Reviewed
- Cataloging and sharing mechanism technical
support staff required - Training available from DPC
- Dynamic nature of collection suggests need for
ongoing access to metadata records - Dissemination in NSDL as well as DLESE
29Library Growth
V 3.0
Geo-referencing Data Geo-referenced
discovery Spatial temporal Earth system
events Data Describing for discovery
Linking data with tools Large-scale data
collections Summative Evaluation
V 2.0
Enhanced Educational Features Reviewed
collections Educational discovery services
Natl Science Standards Geography
standards Expanded Core Services Formative
V 1.0
Operational Library Quality collection 1000
recommended resources Teacher-friendly discovery
Grade level Educational resource
type Community Governance Working
Groups Evaluation plan
August 2003