Title: Ellen Hoffman Associate Professor, Educational Media
1Warming Up for Summer Digital Libraries for
Math Science
- Ellen HoffmanAssociate Professor, Educational
Media TechnologyDirector, Center for Research
on the Internet and SchoolsEastern Michigan
2How teachers find resources
- Own search
- Talk to colleagues
- Not from media specialist?
3Media that matters
- Visualization
- Wenglinsky study/TIMMS
- Netday studies of students
4To Google or not to Google
- Do you really need 100,000 site?
- Not sorted to help educators
- But popular!
5Getting focused
- Fewer hits, fewer misses
- Digital libraries
- Education focused, age appropriate
- Higher quality developed by experts
- Range of media types
- Include services for users
- Descriptive metadata
- Management tools (e.g., personal accounts,
combination services)
7NSDL Middle School Portal
8Hot topics as the hook
- The P.T. Barnum approach to communications
- They do listen
- Memorable
- Fun, active, current
- See the egress
9Will Discovery launch?
- NASA has many educational materials
- Return to Flight
- http//www.nasa.gov/externalflash/rtf_front/index.
html - Discovery Channel
- http//dsc.discovery.com/news/features/shuttle/shu
ttle.html - Windows to the Universe
- http//www.windows.ucar.edu/
10Fireworks for July
- Fireworks
- http//www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/2005062
9/Feature1.asp - Science News for Kids
- http//www.sciencenewsforkids.org/
11Or other night lights?
- Fireflies
- http//iris.biosci.ohio-state.edu80/projects/FFil
es/frame1.html - More on birds and animals
- Animal Diversity Web
- http//animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/index.h
12Hot and muggy
- Tropical Twister
- http//kids.mtpe.hq.nasa.gov/archive/hurricane/ind
ex.html - Exploring Earth animations
- http//www.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/
navigation/home.cfm - UCAR Library of Digital Images
- Weather, climate, earth system
- https//www.fin.ucar.edu/ucardil/default.jsp
13Take a vacation?
- Grand Canyon Explorer
- http//www.kaibab.org/home.htm
- The whole earth catalog?
- The ultimate earth science resource for educators
- DLESE - http//www.dlese.org
14Go for a swim?
- Get Visual!
- Discovery Channel National Geographic
- http//dsc.discovery.com/
- http//www.nationalgeographic.com/
- Teachers Domain from PBS
- http//www.teachersdomain.org/
- Library of Congress Moving Image Collection
(MIC) - http//mic.loc.gov/index.php
15Sounds of summer
- Bird sound library at Cornell
- http//www.birds.cornell.edu/programs/AllAboutBird
s/ - More science sounds
- We sing? http//www.science-groove.org/MASSIVE/
16Your ideas?
- Tell us about your favorite math or science Web
17Some material in this presentation courtesy of
The National Science FoundationDivision of
Undergraduate Education This material is based
upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation under Grant No. DUE 0435098. Any
opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Science
18Next Steps
- Explore web sites
- http//www.emich.edu/cris/