Title: Financial Aspect of Studying in Cambridge
1Financial Aspect of Studying in Cambridge
2Estimated Cost incurred Per Annum
- Tuition Fees GBP 8,000-10,000
- College Fees GBP 3,500
- Accommodation GBP 1,000 - 2,500
- Living Cost GBP 2,000
- TOTAL GBP 14,000 - 18,000
3Prospect of Obtaining Sponsorship in Cambridge
- A numerical analysis based on 16 second year
Malaysian Undergraduates in Cambridge
4Sponsorship Breakdown for current 2nd year
Malaysian Undergraduates
- These are the luckier ones who manage to meet the
financial demands - Unfortunately, we do not know the number of
students turning down Cambridge due to financial
5Full Scholarship
- Among the second year Malaysian undergraduates
under full scholarship, the breakdown according
to sponsors is- - JPA 5 Students
- Mara 1 Student
- Telekom 1 Student
- A-star (spore) 1 Student
- Gamuda 1 Student
6List of Sponsors for current Malaysian Students
in Cambridge
- Bank Negara
- Telekom
- Mara
- Gamuda
- Jardine Foundation
This is of course not an exhaustive list of the
possible sponsors. A more comprehensive list of
likely sponsors can be found at www.cumas.org
7Looking for Sponsors now ?
- Course-specificity
- Prospect
- A few seniors have kindly volunteered to provide
information on specific sponsors. Interested
individuals should contact them personally
8- Bank Negara - Allen Ng, darkallen_at_hotmail.com
- Gamuda - Elaine Khoo, esky2_at_cam.ac.uk
- Jardine - Lim Ming Yeong, whiterose_lmy_at_yahoo.com
- Telekom - Adrian Seow, chiyip_at_time.net.my
9Subsidy by Cambridge Commonwealth Trust
- How much to hope for?
- GBP 1,000 to 5,000 usually
- Prospect of receiving?
- Students without other sponsors will generally
receive some subsidy provided he/she applies
Chu Young Lee will readily help anyone with any
queries pertaining the application process of CCT
10Postgraduate Sponsorship
- Opportunities for Post-graduate students to
obtain financial assistance is much more widely
available. - Many companies will gladly sponsor post-graduate
students and the university also provides much
more scholarships compared to undergraduates.
- It is a myth that a Cambridge education costs far
more than other universities - A place in Cambridge does enhance the chance of
securing a sponsorship, but not to the extent of
absolute certainty