Title: Announcements
- Lab 3 Information?webpage
- Midterm test Thursday Feb. 24
- Readings http//www.mun.ca/biology/dinnes/B2900/R
eadings.html - Summary topics, Example midterm questions
- http//www.mun.ca/biology/d
innes/B2900/B2900.html - Thursday Feb. 17 review Answers
2Studies in Evolution
- Methods of Evolutionary Analysis
- Adaptation (Ch. 9)
- Sex and Sexual Selection (Ch. 7, 10)
- Life-history evolution (Ch. 12)
3Sexual Selection
4- Sexual Dimorphism
- Males and females often differ in size,
appearance and behavior
Whats he on about ?
5- Adaptive significance of sexual dimorphism??
- Sexual dimorphism difficult to
- explain by natural selection
- Example long tail feathers
- How can the evolution of sexual dimorphism be
6- Darwin and sexual dimorphism
- Challenges for passing on ones genes
- 1. Surviving
- 2. Reproducing
- And for sexual reproduction
- 3. Finding and mating with
a - member of the opposite
7- Sexual Selection
- Differences among individuals at getting mates
- i.e. Mating success
8- Sexual Selection
- Asymmetry
- - eggs are more expensive than ejaculates
- (eggs yolky sperm DNA propeller)
- - parental care by females, none by
- males (90 of mammal species)
9- Sexual Selection
- Asymmetry
- Females
Males - Limits to of eggs of
- reproductive produced matings
- success
Access to females a limiting resource for males
10- Batemans Experiment
- Test of asymmetric reproductive success
- D. melanogaster 3 virgin males
- 3 virgin females
- (each individual had 3 potential mates)
- Measured
- 1. number of actual mates
- 2. reproductive success ( of
offspring) -
Variance in reproductive success males gt females
12Males reproductive success increases with
number of mates great variation
in the number of mates great
variation among males in reproductive
success Females no increase in reproductive
success with gt 1 mate less
variation in number of mates
little variation among females in reproductive
13- Consequences of asymmetry
- (Female parental care)
- Males should be competitive (intrasexual
selection) - Females should be choosy (intersexual
selection) - Because females commonly invest much more
per offspring than males
14Sexual Selection
- Male-Male Competition
- combat
- sperm competition
- Infanticide
- alternative mating strategies
- 5. Female Choice
- 6. Run away sexual selection
15- Male-Male competition
- (size matters)
- 1. Combat
- - favours larger body size
- - weaponry
- - armor
16- Male-Male competition
- 2. Sperm competition
- Male mating success not determined by
copulation but, whether his sperm fertilizes eggs -
17- Sperm Competition
- Internal fertilization
- If female mates
- with 2 or more males,
- sperm race to the eggs
18Sperm Competition
M F offspring potential fathers
- external fertilization
- Internal fertilization
- - polyandrous species
- - socially monogamous
- species (extra-pair
- copulation)
19- Sperm Competition
- Adaptations to increase chances of winning the
sperm race - Large ejaculates with many sperm
- prolong copulation
- mate guarding
- copulatory plug
20- Sperm Competition
- Med. Fruit fly males
- sperm
- ejaculated
- 1. Private mating 1,379
- 2. With a potential 3,520
- competitor
21Mate Guarding
Root Weevil
22Mate Guarding
Male barn swallows
Eggs laid
Female fertile period
23- Sperm Competition
- Other Adaptations
- Damsel flies
Fig. 10.14
Removes sperm from previous mating
24Sperm Storage
- Birds, insects, mammals
- Control of sperm use by female
- - Last male sperm precedence
- - First male sperm precedence
- - Mixing of sperm
25Sperm Mixing(wood louse)
- Female Progeny Genotype
- 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5
2/6 - 2/2 2 10 7 21
1 - Paternal alleles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Possible male genotypes 2/3, 4/5, x/6
- (sperm from at least 3 males)
- 20 females gt 80 multiple
26Testes Size in bats- increased testes size with
increased group sizeadaptation to increased
sperm competition(correlation corrected for
shared phylogeny)
Fig 9-14
Testes size
Group size
27An Evolutionary History of Sperm Competition T.
R. Birkhead (2000)
28Sperm Competition
29- Male-Male competition
- 3. Infanticide
- Pride basic social group of lions
- Newly mature males move to another pride
- New male kills nursing cubs
- - not his offspring
- - causes females to return to breeding
earlier -
30- Male-Male competition
- 4. Alternative mating strategy
Sneaky males
31- 5. Female Choice
- Males unable to monopolize females
- Males advertise for mates
- Females inspect and choose
- sexual selection leads to elaborate
courtship displays by males
32- Female Choice
- Example
- Barn Swallows
- Males have longer tail feathers
- Used in courtship display
33- Experiment
- (Anders MØller)
- Groups (males)
- 1. Shortened tail feathers
- 2. Control I (mock alteration)
- 3. Control II (unaltered)
- 4. Elongated tail feathers
34Premating period second clutches
of fledglings
Demonstrates females prefer males with longer
tails long-tailed males have high RS
Fig. 10.17
35Extra-pair copulation
- Shortened Control
Control Lengthened - tails I
II tails - By their
- female 0.036 0.014
0.017 0.00 - pair-mates
- Females with the least desirable mate, had the
highest rate of - extra-pair copulations
36Extra-pair copulation
- Paternity Analysis
- DNA fingerprinting
- Socially monogamous species (red-winged black
birds) show extra-pair copulations - 50 64 of nests
37- Why should females be choosy ?
- Male display an indicator of good genes
- Male free of parasites
- Acquisition of resources from males (gifts)
- Preexisting sensory biases
- Runaway sexual selection
38- 6. Runaway Sexual Selection
- Example Stalk-eyed flies
- (Box 10.3)
- Females preferred males
- with long eyestalks
- 2. Males with long eyestalks left
- more offspring
393. Sons inherit long eyestalks, daughters a
preference for long eyestalks (assortative
mating) 4. Each generation males have longer
eyestalks and females prefer longer
eyestalks 5. Positive feedback loop
40Sexual Selection in Plants
Wurmbea dioica
41Sexual Selection in Plants
- Female invests more (seeds)
- Access to pollinators limits mating success in
males more than females - Increased flower size in males increases
pollinator visits
42Sexual Selection in Plants
- Male-Male competition
- - pollen tube growth
- (sperm competition)
- Female Choice
- - manipulate pollen tube growth
- - selective seed abortion
43Sexual Selection in Humans
- Cognitive processes underlying human mate choice
The relationship between self-perception and mate
preference in Western society - Peter M. Buston and Stephen T. Emlen (2003) PNAS
1000, p. 8805 - We conclude that, in Western society, humans use
neither an opposites-attract nor a
reproductive-potentials-attract decision rule
in their choice of long-term partners but rather
a likes-attract rule based on a preference
for partners who are similar to themselves across
a number of characteristics. - 10 Characteristics indicative of
- - wealth and status
- - family commitment
- - physical appearance
- - sexual fidelity
(1000 Cornell University undergraduates)
44Summary 1. Differences among individuals at
getting mates 2. Asymmetry in limits to
reproductive success - females
of eggs - males of
matings 3. Male competition, female choice
45Summary 4. Reversed when males invest more than
females ( male parental care pipe
fish) 5. Principles of sexual selection in
animals can be applied to flowering plants
46Dr. Ian Jones (Biology) Sexual selection in
Aethia pygmaea I. Jones
47Studies in Evolution
- Methods of Evolutionary Analysis
- Adaptation (Ch. 9)
- Sex and Sexual Selection (Ch. 7, 10)
- Life-history evolution (Ch. 12)
48- Life History Evolution
- Evolution by natural selection has modified all
organisms for one ultimate task - to reproduce
- (sexual selection one aspect)
- How organisms carry out this task enormously
49- Life History Diversity
- Mammals
- Mice mature early, reproduce quickly
- Bears mature late, reproduce slowly
- Plants
- annuals live 1 year then die
- perennials live gt 1 year
- Bivalves
- oyster 20 million eggs (0.05 mm)
- clam 100 eggs (0.30 mm)
50- Life History Evolution
- Attempts to explain the diversity of
reproductive strategies - Trade-offs constrain the evolution of adaptations
- Balance costs and benefits to maximize
reproductive success -
51- Life History Evolution
- Organisms cant
- - mature at birth
- - produce high-quality offspring
- in large
numbers - - live forever
- Energy available for each activity finite
- trade-offs
52 Pattern of Energy
Allocation Opossum Life-History
Fig. 12.2
53Mussel life history
Planktonic larvae
54- Life History Evolution
- Environmental variation the source of much of the
observed life history variation - Question
- 1. Why do organisms age and die ?
55Reproduction and Aging (senescence)
Fig. 12.4
56- 1.Why do organisms age and die ?
- Aging (senescence)
- late-life decline in fertility and
survival - Aging reduces fitness and should be opposed by
natural selection - M. R. Rose (1991) Evolutionary Biology of
Aging -
57- Theories of Aging and Senescence
- Rate-of-living theory
- Evolutionary theory
58- Theories of Aging and senescence
- 1. Rate-of-living theory
- aging due to the accumulation of
irreparable damage to cells and tissues - (Prediction high metabolic
rate shorter life span) - lack of genetic variation for selection
against aging - (Prediction selection can
not lengthen life-span)
59- Theories of Aging and senescence
- Rate-of-living theory
- Prediction high metabolic rate shorter life span
- all species should expend about the same amount
of energy per gram of tissue per lifetime - - slowly over a long lifetime
- or - rapidly over a short lifetime
60Fig. 12.5
Great variation
61- Theories of Aging and Senescence
- Great Variation in metabolic rate among
mammals - - elephant shrew (36 kcal/g/per lifetime)
- - bat (1,102 kcal/g/per lifetime)
- Marsupials significantly lower metabolic rates
and - significantly lower life spans
- Variation in rate of living cannot explain
variation in aging
62Increased life span in Drosophila
Selection for increased life span
Fig. 12.6
Select for early and late reproduction
63- Theories of Aging and Senescence
- 2. Evolutionary Theory of Aging
- aging caused by failure to repair cell and
tissue damage - Accumulation of deleterious mutations
- Trade-offs between repair and reproduction
64- Evolutionary Theory of Aging
- Simple Genetic Model (Fig. 12.9)
- (a) Wildtype matures at age 3 dies at age 16
- (b) Mutation matures at age 3 death at age 14
- (c) Mutation matures at age 2 death at age 10
65(a) Wild Type
66(b) Mutant
67(c) Mutant
68Fig. 12.9a
(b) 2.419 0.079 2.340
(c) 2.419 (0.0790.317) 0.640 2.663
69- Evolutionary Theory of Aging
- Fig. 12.9
Lifetime Repro. -
Success - (a) Wildtype
2.419 - (b) Mutation earlier death 2.340
- (c) Mutation trade-off early 2.663
- reproduction and early death
70- Evolutionary Theory of Aging
- Interpretation
- 1. deleterious mutations with effects late in
- life only weakly selected against
- 2. Mutations with benefits early in life and
- deleterious late in life favoured
- (antagonistic pleiotropy)
- trade-off between early reproduction and
survival late in life
71Inbreeding depression andAge
Fig. 12.9
NS acts more weakly on late-acting deleterious
mutations Inbreeding depression increases with age
72Trade-off in Reproduction
Fig. 12.13a Collared flycatcher Early
reproduction Smaller clutch size
Breed at age 2
Breed at age 1
73Trade-off in Reproduction
Extra eggs
Female given extra eggs show a decline in clutch
Increased reproduction early in life ? decreased
reproduction later in life
74Trade-off between energy for reproduction and
later survival in plants
Pairs of closely related species Annual gt than
75- Evolutionary Theory of Aging
- ETA can explain variation in life history
- Strength of Natural Selection declines
late in life - Question
- What is the relative importance of
deleterious mutations and trade-offs in the
evolution of senescence ?
76- 2. How many offspring to produce?
- Trade-off fixed amount of energy and time
- the more offspring produced,
- the less time and energy to devote to
- each one
77- Clutch Size in Birds
- (David Lack, 1947)
Selection will favor the clutch size that
produces the most surviving offspring Assumption
probability of offspring survival decreases
with increasing clutch size (Fig. 12.16)
(the more kids, the less food for each)
78Clutch SizeFig. 12.16
Prob. of surviving (P) 0.5
of surviving offspring (CS x P) 5 x 0.5 2.5
Intermediate optimum
79Great tits (Parus major)
young surviving per clutch greater than average
clutch size
80Clutch Size
- Clutch size lt surviving per clutch
- Birds producing fewer eggs than
- optimum ?
- Other costs
- - trade-off between parents
- reproduction and survival
- - large clutch size may impose other
- costs than just survival ? next
81Fig. 12.18
Daughters clutch size
Eggs removed
Eggs added
82Clutch Size
- Trade-off between offspring quality and quantity
83- 3. How big should each offspring be?
- Trade-off fixed amount of energy
- - many small offspring or
- - few large offspring
- Size number trade-off
84 Fish Fruit
Fig. 12.21
Clutch Size
Egg Size
85Fig. 12.22
Number 10/size
86Fig. 12.22
Survival 1- (1/size)
87Fig. 12.22
Parental Fitness Number x survival
1.6 2 x .8
88- Offspring Size
- Conflict of interest between parents and
offspring - Parents
- - selection can favour smaller offspring
than optimal for offspring survival - Balance between offspring size and survival
- Optimum varies with environment
89Summary Aging and Senescence trade-off
between reproduction and repair Offspring
number trade-off between clutch size and
offspring survival Offspring size
trade-off between offspring size and number
trade-off between offspring size and survival
90Principles of Evolution and Systematics
First Half Topics
- Introduction (Evolution thinking)
- The evidence for evolution (Relatedness of life
forms) - Darwin Natural selection (Galapagos Finches )
- Population Quantitative genetics (Genes in
populations) - Natural selection Adaptation (Form and
function -
selection) - Adaptation and Diversity
91- Coming Next
- The History of Life
- (in 12 lectures)
- Narrated by Dr. Ted Miller
- Tuesday March 1, 2005
- Show times 1030 1145