Title: Oceanographic Observations from the
1Oceanographic Observations from the Inner
Beaufort Sea Shelf Seth Danielson Tom
Weingartner Jeremy Kasper David Leech Kevin
Taylor Institute of Marine Science University
of Alaska Fairbanks Funding MMS, ADEC
2 Outline Regional
Oceanographic Setting Ice Fresh
Water Wind Review of Previous Results New
Observations and Analyses Summary
3600 km
80 km
4June 4
January 16
Ice Cover 2005 Snapshots
Landfast ice and non-uniform melt affects wind
stress distribution over the shelf.
Lateral Melting Landfast Ice Intact Adjacent
Shelf Influence
100 Ice Cover Landfast Ice Immobile Lid From
November to June
August 14
July 25
Nearshore Melting All Ice in Free Drift
Offshore Melting Much Open Water
5River Discharge Annual Cycle
2005 Kuparuk River Streamflow
90 of annual runoff occurs in about 2 weeks
and beneath the landfast ice.
6Mean Monthly Along-shelf Wind Stress Annual
Cycle (Barrow 1945 2005)
(K. Taylor)
Min Max
7Ocean Stratification
The annual cycles of Ice, Fresh Water and Winds
set the stage for and drive the stratification
and the shelf circulation. Stratified oceans
(driven by runoff and melting) and unstratified
oceans (driven by wind mixing and freezing)
respond differently to winds. Stratification is
not well known over the Beaufort Shelf!
8Mesoscale Variability
Wind Speed
Fresh Water plumes?
9Mooring Configuration
10Previous Results
- 1999-2002 The first year-round oceanographic
measurements from beneath landfast ice
on an arctic shelf - Currents are primarily directed alongshore
- Strong seasonality in current magnitude
- Vigorous currents during open water season
- Currents under landfast ice are generally weak
but are not zero - Velocity coherence length scales are at least
30km in winter - Under-ice currents NOT coherent with the wind
- Summer currents ARE coherent with the wind
- Baseline data for oil spill response planning
- New questions led to the 2004-2007 field program
- What drives the currents underneath the landfast
ice? - What are the decorrelation length scale upper
bounds? Do they vary with season? - How much frictional influence does ice present to
the water? - What is the coupling between currents offshore
and those under the landfast ice?
112004/2005 East-West Currents
Large currents large current variability in
summer Stronger westward component in Smith Bay
122004/2005 Landfast Ice Period
Landfast Ice Breakout
Smith Bay
SAR Image Jan. 4, 2005 (A. Mahoney)
Alongshore variability apparent not clear why
Ice? - Implies cross-shelf transport Landfast
Ice Breakout event in Smith Bay
13Landfast Ice Season
Coherence Squared
- Camden Bay velocities are uncorrelated with
those at Smith Bay and Prudhoe Bay - In summer, velocities ARE coherent along the
length of the shelf.
14Landfast Ice Season Alongshore Pressure gradient
currents They ARE coherent!
Coherence Squared
Allows us to estimate an under-ice friction
coefficient Needed for oceanographic analyses
and for incorporation into numerical
circulation models.
15Oil Spill Response Planning
Open Water Period Landfast Ice Period
Mean Displacement Frequency of Occurrence
16Under-ice topography is rough and poorly known
(Mahoney and Eicken, pers. comm.)
Exerts friction on water motion - May block or
channel under-ice flows - Changes through winter
and spatially
17- Wrap-up
- There is much left unknown about the Beaufort
shelf system. - The year-round stratification field is (still)
undescribed. - What are the sources of motion beneath the
landfast ice? - Pressure gradient is not the whole answer.
- What does the 2-dimensional under-ice topography
look like? - How do mesoscale flows vary with stratification
ice cover? - How does the shelf flow field vary offshore?
- Relation between flow under landfast ice
pack ice - Some indications that it varies along the
shelf - Seasonal changes in stratification, ice
concentration type - How far offshore do under-ice river plumes