Internet Security, Vulnerability Disclosure, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Internet Security, Vulnerability Disclosure,


... Vulnerability Disclosure, & Software Provision. Jay Pil Choi, Chaim Fershtman, Neil Gandal, ... We examine how software vulnerabilities affect firms that ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Internet Security, Vulnerability Disclosure,

Internet Security, Vulnerability Disclosure,
Software Provision
Jay Pil Choi, Chaim Fershtman, Neil Gandal, WEIS
2005 Cambridge, MA
  • We examine how software vulnerabilities affect
    firms that sell software and consumers that
    purchase software.
  • Three decisions of the firm
  • (I) an upfront investment in the quality of the
  • (II) a policy decision whether to announce
  • (III) and a price for the software.
  • Two decisions of the consumer
  • (I) whether to purchase the software
  • (II) whether to apply a patch.

Related Literature
  • Intersection of computer science, engineering
    economics on cyber security
  • Anderson (2001) Overview
  • Market for Vulnerabilities
  • Camp and Wolfram (2004)
  • Schechter (2004)
  • Ozment (2004)

Literature Continued
  • Arora, Telang, and Xu (2004) examine the optimal
    policy for software vulnerability disclosure
    (when to release the patch).
  • Arora, Krishnan, Nandkumar, Telang, and Yang
    (2004) find empirical evidence that vulnerability
    disclosure increases attacks (per host)
    patching decreases the number of attacks (per

  • Software Vendor
  • I investment determines software quality. n(I)
    number of security problems. Assume n(I)lt0,
    n(I)gt0 Well use n1/I
  • Whether or not to announce a problem. Announcing
    (A1), Not announcing (A0).
  • p price of the software

  • Whether to buy the software
  • Whether to download patch (if available)
  • ??1,2 consumer type. Uniform distribution
  • Value of the software to type ? v1 ?v2
  • ?D Damage from each security problem to type ?.
  • c the cost of a downloading/installing a patch
    to consumers.

Hackers and Technology
  • Hackers exert effort.
  • ?-- Exogenous probability that the firm will find
    the problems before hackers.
  • Ne is the expected number of consumers who
    purchase the software but do not install a patch.
  • ?Ne probability of attack if the problem not
  • ? lt1 (exogenous) the difficulty of exploiting a
    vulnerability when reverse engineering (via a
    patch) is not possible.
  • Ne the probability of attack if the problem is

Expected Damage
  • The expected damage to a consumer of type ? from
    a vulnerability that is found first by hackers is
    given by (1-?)?Ne?Dn(I).
  • The expected damage to a consumer of type ? from
    a vulnerability that is found first by the firm
    who announces and releases a patch is
  • ?Ne?Dn(I) for consumers that do not have a patch
  • zero for consumers that have a patch.
  • Because of the negative network effect, the
    expected damage is increasing in the number of
    consumers on the network that do not have a

  • Stage 1 Firms choose the level of investment (I)
    that determines the number of vulnerabilities,
    n(I) to maximize ? p n(I) N n(I) I.
  • Stage 2 Firms set price (p) and announcement
    policy (A).
  • Stage 3 Consumers make purchasing decisions.

In the second stage, I is given. Hence n(I) is
given as well. For every (n,A,p), we need to
define the equilibrium allocation of consumers.
Each consumer type ? chooses whether or not to
acquire the software, and if so whether to patch.
?(? (n,A,p) ) ? (0,1, 0,1), where the
first 0,1 refers to whether to buy the software
and the second 0,1 refers to whether to patch
or not. (A,p) and ?(?) is an equilibrium if
(1) ?(?) is the optimal consumer strategy
given (A,p) and n(I), (2) Given ?(?), the
firm cannot unilaterally increase profits by
changing its strategy.
Consumer Adoption Decision
The quality (I) and the number of vulnerabilities
n(I) are given. Similarly the price and
announcement policies have been determined. B
the number of consumer who buy the software and
install patches if they become available N the
number of consumer who buy the software, but will
not apply patches if they become available.
Rational expectations, hence Ne N. Case 2
v2gtn(I)D. ?v2-n(I)D is positive grows with ?.

Firm Announces Vulnerabilities
Wp is the consumer value from buying software and
installing a patch (1) Wp(?, Ne) v1 ?v2
-?(1-?)Ne?Dn(I)- ?n(I)c. Wnp is the consumer
value from buying, but not installing a patch.
(2) Wnp(?, Ne) v1 ?v2 -?(1-?)Ne?Dn(I)-
?Ne?Dn(I), If everybody patches, Ne 0, but in
that case not patching is a better option for
any individual consumer. There cannot be an
equilibrium in which all consumers patch.
(Problems with vulnerabilities cannot be solved
(exclusively) ex post by having everyone
patch.) Hence, a firm that announces
vulnerabilities will sell the software both to
consumers who will apply patches and to consumers
who will not apply patches
Firm Announces Vulnerabilities
Equilibrium is characterized by Wnp(?, N)
Wp(?, N) ? c?DN. B2-?, and N?-?1,
where ?1 is lowest value consumer that purchases.
The firm extracts all of the surplus from the
marginal consumer p1Wnp(?1, N)v1 ?v2
-?(1-?)N?Dn(I)- ?N?Dn(I). Equilibrium price is
decreasing in the number of vulnerabilities which
provides incentives to invest in
security Equilibrium requires N?-?1, B2-?,
c?DN ? Wnp(?, N) Wp(?, N), p1Wnp(?1,
N). (3) ?1 p1 (N B) v1
?1v2-?(1-?)N?1Dn(I)- ?N?1Dn(I) 2-?1.
Firm Does Not Announce Vulnerabilities
Value to the consumer of type ? from no
announcement (Wna) is given by Wna(?, Ne) v1
?v2-?N?Dn(I) If there is no announcement, the
firm will set the price, p2 Wna(?2, N) where
N2-?2. (4) ?2 p2 N v1
?2v2-?(2-?2)?2Dn(I) 2-?2
Firm choice of price and vulnerability
announcement policy(Fixed Investment)
For small ? and large ?, the firm will not
announce vulnerabilities. When ? is very small,
it is very difficult for the hacker to reverse
engineer without an announcement. When ? is
large, there is a high probability that the firm
will find the problem first. An increase in the
cost of the patch or a decrease in the damage
reduces the probability that the firm will
announce a vulnerability. The parameters v1 and
v2 affect consumer valuations, pricing,
profits, but have little effect on optimal
disclosure choice of the firm.
Example 1
  • Example 1 v10.1, v220, D8, ?0.5, ?0.5, c2
  • If the firm chooses to announce and provide
  • I1.1, p19.39, ?11.021, N0.204, B0.775,
    ?17.88, and TS27.14
  • If the firm chooses not to announce software
  • I1.95, p19.13, ?21.054, N0.946,
    ?16.15, and TS24.07
  • Social surplus is maximized when the firm
    announces vulnerabilities. Here the firms
    announcement policy corresponds with the social
    optimal policy.

Example 2
  • Example 2 Same as example 1, except that ?0.2.
  • Compared to example 1, there is lower probability
    that hackers will be able to exploit the
    vulnerabilities in the absence of an
  • If the firm chooses to announce the
    vulnerabilities and provide patches.
  • I1.0, p19.39, ?11.015, N0.205, B0.78,
    ?18.11, and TS26.16.
  • If the firm chooses not to announce software
  • I1.25, p19.45, ?21.03, N0.97,
    ?17.59, and TS26.33.
  • There is a reduction in the equilibrium
    investment relative to example 1 it is more
    difficult for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities
    in the absence of an announcement.
  • The firm would announce vulnerabilities, although
    social surplus is higher in the case in which
    vulnerabilities are not announced.

Example 3
  • Example 3 Same as example 1, except that ?.05.
  • It very unlikely that hackers will be able to
    exploit the vulnerabilities in the absence of an
  • If the firm chooses to announce the
    vulnerabilities and provide patches,
  • I0.95, p19.47, ?11.015, N0.205, B0.78,
    ?18.24 and TS27.77.
  • If the firm chooses not to announce software
  • I0.65, p19.75, ?21.013, N0.987,
    ?18.84, and TS28.27
  • The firm would not announce vulnerabilities in
    this case that maximizes TS.
  • This case confirms the intuition that (I) it is
    not always optimal for the firm to announce
    vulnerabilities and (II) higher investment in
    security may not necessarily raise total surplus.

Preliminary Conclusions Further Discussion
  • Firms are likely to announce vulnerabilities when
    there is a relatively high probability that
    hackers will be able to exploit the
    vulnerabilities in the absence of an
    announcement. This policy coincides with the
    socially optimal announcement policy.
  • When there is a relatively low probability that
    hackers will be able to exploit the
    vulnerabilities in the absence of an
    announcement, firms do not announce
    vulnerabilities and it is socially optimal not to
    announce them.
  • We did not allow for intermediaries, like CERT
    it may not be possible for a firm to adopt a do
    not announce policy.
  • With competition in software provision and a
    dynamic setting with new consumers over time,
    there would likely be increased investment in
    reducing software vulnerabilities
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