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IBWS Vlašim 2006 RH ASU HEA team
1. astrophysics ESA satellite with Czech
2The INTEGRAL Mission
- Gamma-ray observatory with concurrent X-ray and
optical monitoring. - INTEGRAL is the ESA Science Programmes mission
launched on October 17, 2002. - ESAs 2nd ?-ray mission (COS-B, 1975), will join
XMM-Newton in orbit. - ESA led mission in collaboration with Russia,
United States, Czech Rep. and Poland - Lifetime of at least 5 years.
- Highly eccentric 72 hour orbit.
- Observing programme includes 65-75 open time.
3Images from the Bajkonur cosmodrome Integral
ready for launch with Proton rocket on Oct 17 at
4.41 UT
Integral launch event ESA MOC, Darmstadt,
October 17 from 3.30 UT TV also via Astra
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5The INTEGRAL instruments
6The complex INTEGRAL instruments were built by
large collaborations
Instrument Principal Investigators Collaboration
IBIS P. Ubertini (I), F. Lebrun (F), G. Di Cocco (I) Italy, France, Norway, Germany, Spain, USA, Poland, UK
SPI J.-P. Roques (F), V. Schönfelder (D) France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, UK, USA
JEM-X N. Lund (Dk) Denmark, Finland, Spain, Italy, USA, Sweden, UK, Poland, Russia
OMC M. Mas-Hesse (ES) Spain, Ireland, Belgium, UK, Czech Republic
Science Data Centre T. Courvoisier (CH) Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, UK, Belgium, USA, Czech Republic, Poland
7The INTEGRAL Science and Data Centre ISDC
- It is the task of the INTEGRAL Science Data
Centre in Versoix, Switzerland to make the data
from all the instruments available to the
scientific community. - Not only are the instruments built by large
collaborations - Czech participation consortium member, Co-I,
direct participation to the team, science
ISDC - members of the consortium
8Integral multispectral imaging BH candidate Cyg
- Co-aligned onboard instruments
- gamma-ray imager IBIS (15 keV10 MeV,
- field 9 deg, 12 arc min FWHM)
- gamma-ray spectrometer SPI (12 keV
- 8 MeV, field 16 deg)
- X-ray monitor JEM-X (335 keV, field
- 4.8 deg)
- optical monitoring camera OMC
- (Johnson V-filter, field 5 deg)
- Simultaneous information in the optical, medium
- X-ray, hard X-ray, and gamma spectral region (or
- at least a suitable upper limit) for each CV in
- each scan or field.
- Modes of observation
Fields of view of the individual instruments
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12The IBIS/ISGRI image (top 18-60 keV) shows the
inner 3.5 degree by 2.5 degree region of the
center of the Galaxy. Contours represent signal-to
-noise levels starting at S/N 5 and increasing
with a factor 1.4. The image has a total
effective exposure time of 2.3 Ms. The bottom
image is the same INTEGRAL image, however, now
with the brightness distribution of the 6.4 keV
iron line as determined by ASCA/GIS, overplotted
as contours.
13The First Gamma-ray Burst observed by INTEGRAL
14GRB030501 "Labor Day GRB" 1st "Czech" lead
analyse GRB observed by INTEGRAL (according to
negotiated rotation of responsibilities of
instrumental teams)
SPI image
Real-time localization by IBIS and IBAS alert
15Non-magnetic cataclysmic variable (CV)
- Accretion disk thermal
- radiation (UV, optical, IR)
Donor, lobe-filling star
Bright spot (stream impact onto disk)
- Opt. thick, geom. thin boundary
- layer (therm. rad. - soft X-rays)
- (high m)
Mass stream
Non-mag. white dwarf
- Opt. thin, geom. thick boundary
- layer (bremsstrahlung hard
- X-rays) (low m)
Accretion disk
Dominant source of luminosity
accretion process
Intermediate polar mildly magnetized
white dwarf
- Impact region near the
- magnetic pole of the WD
- (bremsstrahlung hard
- X-rays)
16Non-magnetic CVs
Radial temperature profile of the disk
Dwarf nova Z Cha
Thermally unstable disk
Increasing time- averaged mass accretion rate
m (also increasing time- averaged luminosity)
(Wood et al. 1986)
- flat temperature profile, disk
- cool, optically thin
Thermally stable disk (most time)
(Horne Cook 1985)
- steep temperature profile,
- disk hot, optically thick
17Magnetic CVs (polars)
ST LMi orbital modulation in hard Xrays
(1.9-8.5 keV) (EXOSAT)
Mason (1985)
hard X-ray sources
- cyclotron emission from
- accretion column (mainly
- optical and UV)
- bremsstrahlung from
- shocks above impact
- region on the WD (X-rays)
AM Her orbial modulation top soft X-rays
(40-120 A) bottom- hard X-rays (1.9-8.5 keV)
AM Her (kTbrem31 keV) (Rothschild et al. 1981)
Typical high and low states found by Meinunger
and Hudec, 1976
Heise et al. (1985)
1815 25 keV
25 40 keV
V1223 Sgr
Field of the intermediate polar V1223 Sgr.
Co-added frames from IBIS. Start exp. JD
2452730.17 Integration time 66 700 sec Size
of the field 9.1ox7.1o. North is up, East to
the left.
40 60 keV
19GK Per
Interval between outbursts D t 973 days IBIS
obs. start at 42 percent of this interval
(measured since the previous outburst).
Ishidas et al. reference spectrum D t 983
days (start at 29 percent of this interval).
Amount of matter arriving to the WD and the
parameters of the X-ray emitting region on the
WD remained almost the same during these phases
of the quiescent intervals.
Flux (15 40 keV) (2.7 /- 1.2) x 10-4
photon/cm2/s L (15 40 keV) 4.6 x 1032 erg/s
Quiescent X-ray spectrum Parameters from Ishida
et al. (1992) (kT 32 keV, NH 1022 cm-2,
norm. factor 0.0039/-0.0002 photon/cm2/s1/keV)
IBIS (2540 keV) image of GK Per (Integr. time
79 980 sec Co-added images 19 March 2003, 27
29 July 2003. Size of field 4.1ox3.0o. North is
up, East to the left.
20First OMC image from space
21OMC Pointing Software OMC PS developed by V.
Hudcova at AI Ondrejov Part of ISOC - Integral
Science Operation Centre Generates telecommands
sent to the satellite Controlls the OMC Selects
objects observed Transfer of up to 100 objects
22Selection of objects in photometric shot
23First OMC image from space .... after running the
OMC Pointing Software developed by Vera Hudcová
with help of Filip Hroch and Jirí Polcar at HEA
Group, Astronomical Institute Ondrejov
24Blazars their powerful jets
Supermassive black hole with accretion disc
Jet (within 10 AGN). Beam of energetic
particles and magnetic field moving close to the
speed of light
- Effects of the jet
- Relativistic beaming
- Superluminal motion
- Featureless continuum
- Gamma rays
- Rapid variability
- High luminosity
Line of sight
Blazar observer
25BL Lac
Violent optical variability of BL Lac on a long
time time scale good candidate to be detected at
26Historical optical light curve of NRAO530 The
source exhibits rare but large amplitude optical
flares (Dm 4 mag) Optical R band good tracer
for the HE activity of blazars (CGRO experience,
Collmar (2004)) - gamma flares can be expected
27INTEGRAL ToO Observation
28The target and the three additional AGNs in the
IBIS FOV (30-60 keV)
29S5 0836710
Markarian 6
single power law spectrum G1.5
single power law spectrum G1.3
30Hints for a break or cutoff in Markarian 3
Broken power law
IBIS/ISGRI spectrum
Power law with high energy cutoff
31INTEGRAL AO-3 ToO observation of 3C454 (z0.859),
preliminary results, L. Foschini et al. ATEL
2005, PI E. Pian _at_ large collaboration ToO
triggered by high optical (T. Balonek, VSNET
alert) and X-ray (BAT Swift) activity INTEGRAL
observation started May 15, at 1840 UT, exposure
200 ksec source clearly detected by IBIS/ISGRI in
the 20-40 and 40-100 keV energy bands, with a
significance of 20 and 15 sigma
32Integral observation
Optical light curve of 3C454.3 (T. Balonek)
34INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI images, 20-40 (left) and
100-200 keV (right)
35- Secondary INTEGRAL Science and Data Centre,
Ondrejov, Czech Republic - OSA installed and operated, public databases, ...
- assistence can be provided to guest astronomers
from Central Europe - intensive collaboration with ISDC in Versoix
36Our students at the 1st INTEGRAL Progress
Meeting, Senohraby, October 2002 Hudec, Hrudková,
Šmída, Hroch, Polcar, Bašta, Topinka, Jelínek,
Štrobl, Stoklasová, Nekola, Kubánek
372nd INTEGRALBART Progress Meeting, Kostelní
Strímelice, Oct 2003
383rd INTEGRAL/BART Workshop, Chocerady, Nov 1-3,
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40- Prof. A. Parmar, ESA "The contributions from
scientists in the Czech Republic to the OMC and
ISDC consortia has been very successful and is
much appreciated by ESA. We look forward to
similar co-operation on XEUS and other missions!"
INTEGRAL Day 2003, Prague, Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic, May 27
41- INTEGRAL future
- lifetime 15 years, smooth operation
- Czech Participation Decision of ESA PECS Program
Committee prolongation approved for 4 years
starting January 2005 - Continued ISDC participation, ISDC2 operations,
OMC data analyses, science - Participation of young Czechs very much
appreciated by ESA
42 Acknowledgements This
study was supported by the projects ESA PRODEX
INTEGRAL 14527, ESA PECS INTEGRAL and partly by
the grant 205/05/2167 of the Grant Agency of the
Czech Republic. We have made use of the visual
observations from the AFOEV database operated
in Strasbourg, France. We acknowledge using the
curve-fitting code HEC13 written by Dr. Harmanec.
We thank F. Hroch for the preparation of a mosaic
of V2400 Oph and P. Sobotka for a search in the
OMC database. The WWZ code by G. Foster
is available at URL www.aavso.org/data/software/w
wz.shtml. The code AVE for the period search,
developed by the GEA society, is available at
URL www.astrogea.org/soft/ave/aveint.htm.