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1Identification of INTEGRAL Sources with
Astronomical Archival Plates(and by CCD imaging)
R. Hudec, F. Munz, J. Štrobl, P. Kubánek, P.
Sobotka, R. Urban
Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences 251
65 Ondrejov, Czech Republic ISDC, Versoix,
Switzerland IBWS Oct 25-28, 2006
2- Identification of Sources
- Only a fraction of 209 sources seen by INTEGRAL
are either known sources or have been identified
and classified already. - From the 56 newly by INTEGRAL detected sources
(IGR sources), only 20 have already firm
classification, mostly with Cataclysmic variables
(CVs), AGN, High Mass X-ray Binaries, Low Mass
X-ray Binaries, Black Hole Candidates, and
Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (Bird et al. 2006). - One of the methods applied in the past is the
identification by optical spectroscopy, which
proved recently some new and interesting
identification of INTEGRAL gamma-ray sources such
as newly detected symbiotic and cataclysmic
variables (e.g. Masetti et al., 2005a, 2005,
Wheatley et al., 2005).
3- Limitations of Recent Method
- Although successful, this method has some
limitations. - it can be hardly applied for particular types of
transients and recurrent transients. - it requires access to dedicated large aperture
telescopes and spectrographs. - it can be laborious in the case of large error
box and crowded field. - in some specific cases, only the spectral
information alone is not enough for reliable
classification of the objects.
4- The alternative method
- We propose an alternative method how to identify
the still non-classified INTEGRAL gamma ray
sources and newly detected INTEGRAL sources in
the future (and of other high energy satellites).
- This method is based on the fact that (1) many of
gamma-ray sources identified and classified so
far do have optical counterparts, in many cases
brighter than mag 18, (2) a significant fraction
of these sources is variable both in gamma-rays
as well as in optical wavelengths, and (3) they
are in the fields densely covered by archival
optical observations covering typically years to
tens of years. - The results can be used also to confirm the
classification proposed by spectroscopy and to
provide additional details for better physical
understanding of the sources.
5Legend - B 1 2,29 - 5 2 5 -10 3 10 - 15 4 15 - 20 5 20 - 23
Legend - V 1 2,39 - 5 2 5 -10 3 10 - 15 4 15 - 20 5 20 - 21
Optical B and V magnitudes of optically
identified INTEGRAL gamma-ray sources most are
brighter than mag 20, and more than half are
brighter than mag 15
6- It is not very clear at the moment whether the
fact that most of the identified sources are
brighter than mag 15-20 is due to the fact that - The non-identified sources are optically fainter
than mag 20 - or
- They are brighter than mag 20 but remain
non-identified because of lack of observational
data/identification efforts. The recent
identifications of CVs and SSs by Masetti et al.,
2005, 2006, indicate that at least for some
fraction of the sources this is may be true. - Surely, the selection effect plays a role since
so far, the mean-class telescopes have been used
to identify the sources
7Archival sky patrol plates
- There are more than 3 millions archival plates in
the world, lim mag up to 23, gt 5 x 5 deg in most
cases - Suitable for dense long-term photometry (up to
100 years, up to 2000 points, up to 23 mag) - Suitable to detect rare events - years od
CONTINUOUS monitoring easily possible - Use of scanners, powerful computers and
innovative software allows the effective data
extraction and evaluation for the first time
8Various types of astronomical plates
(digitised) automated analyses with novel
algorithms - task mainly for informatics students
Multiple exposure
Spectral image Direct Image
9Suitable Databases for INTEGRAL
- The Sonneberg Field Patrol and Leiden/Johannesburg
Franklin Adams Plates represent suitable
database for identification and analysis of
INTEGRAL sources - They both provide numerous data for regions along
the Galactic Plane and in the Galactic center
10Sonneberg Field patrol
- Northern regions along the Galactic Plane (but
also other fields) covered by numerous (typically
50500) astrograph plates. Typical Field of View
(FOV) is 10 x 10 deg and the typical limiting
magnitude is B 17. - In exceptional cases, also low-dispersion
spectral plates are available
11Leiden/Johannesburg Franklin Adams Plates
- These plates were taken in Johannesburg by the
high quality Franklin Adams refractor (Taylor,
1904) in years 1923-1952 within the project
originated by Prof. E. Hertzsprung and are
located in Leiden. - The plates cover selected fields along the
southern Galactic plane as well as the Galactic
centre. - The typical number of plates per field is
300400, FOV is 10 x 10 deg and limiting
magnitude 17.
12UKSTU Plates (ROE, UK)
The deepest astronomical plates in the world
- faint limits, mag 19 - 23
- FOV 40 sq. degrees
- various colors/filters
- spectral plates down to mag 18
- 18 000 plates over 30 years
- Unfortunately end of operation in 2001
13Digitized Schmidt plate, TLS Tautenburg, lim mag
20, field M92. Newly detected variable objects
with light amplitude gt 2 mag are indicated.
Example of the use of the powerful computer and
novel dedicated software on digitised plates.
14Analogous study can be also performed by CCD
imaging monitoring. On CCD images separated in
time by weeks to years, the variable objects can
be easily found. This is suitable for searches
for objects with variability scales less than one
year We have started to monitor the IGR positions
by robotic telescopes and, more recently, by a 60
cm CCD telescope at the Brno Observatory
15Monitoring of IGR sources by robotic CCD
telescopes BART and WATCHER
16The proposed analysis
- Using the data mentioned here, the optically
identified INTEGRAL sources with objects brighter
than mag 17 can be investigated for long-term
changes covering 10 50 years. - In addition, these data can be used to search for
new optical identifications of non-classified
INTEGRAL sources on hand of their optical
variability. This has been used already
succesfully for ROSAT (Greiner and Richter,2006)
17Distribution of Sonneberg Field Patrol Fields and
Franklin Adams Fields (blue) in Galactic
coordinates.The densely covered fields are
18The coverage of INTEGRAL IBIS for revolutions 1 -
- Additional prospects
- analyzing the light curves for flares and flaring
activity like these seen in V1223 Sgr and TV Col - trying to fit the flare profiles
- trying to look for possible periodicities and
recurrence - study of colors and color changes with time, with
consequent physical discussions and
interpretations. - correlations with other objects, with related
conclusions toward physical processes and
physical models. -
20Optical analyses of INTEGRAL gamma ray sources
- Promising task for our group, taking into account
our facilities and our experience - Also for other HE satellites and observing
campaigns - Examples LSI 61 303 mag 10, optical counterparts
of fast X-ray transients-massive stars, INTEGRAL
CVs and symbiotics, etc.
21 TV Col is an intermediate polar (IP) and the
optical counterpart of the X-ray source
2A0526-328 (Cooke et al. 1978, Charles et al.
1979). This is the first cataclysmic variable
(CV) discovered through its X-ray emission. TV
Col displays three types of variation in the
optical (a) basic 0.2163 d photometric
variation with an amplitude of 0.27 mag (Motch
1981). (b) spectroscopic period of 0.22868 d
(Hutchings et al. 1981). (c) beat period of 4.024
d between the photometric and spectroscopic
period (Motch 1981). (d) flickering (0.1 mag) on
the time scale of minutes or dozens of minutes
(Motch 1981). (e) brief outbursts lasting for
hours with an amplitude of 2 mag (Szkody and
Mateo 1984).
22Photographic light curve of TV Col including
segments densely covered by the observations. The
detected outbursts are marked by the vertical
lines. The data are connected by the line in the
densely covered intervals for convenience. The
photographic magnitudes were calibrated to the B
magnitudes. The empty triangles denote the upper
limits of brightness.
23Outbursts of TV Col Date JD
Max. (mag) Duration
Source 2434420.348 B12.60
lt1 day Hudec et al. 2005 2434475.265
B13.29? lt 1 day Hudec et
al. 2005 2439031.625 B13.38
lt 1 day Hudec et al. 2005 2439059.510
B12.33 lt 1day Hudec et
al. 2005 2440572.398 B12.25
lt1 day Hudec et al. 2005 2444295.819
V12.3 3 hr, 1 d Szkody and
Mateo (1984) 2446125.73 V11.9
4.5 hr Schwarz and Heemskerk
2446133.50 V12 6 hr
Schwarz and Heemskerk (1987) 2447122.6
DB1.2 6 hr
Augustein et al. (1994) 2447125.7
DB1.8 6 hr Augustein
et al. (1994) 2447133.6 DB1.8
8 hr Augustein et al.
(1994) 2448600.375 V12.4 6
hr, 3d Hellier and Buckley
(1993) Note corresponds to the full decline
of outburst.
24Decay time scale of dwarf nova (DN) outbursts tD
(in days/mag) versus the orbital period Porb. The
solid line marks the fit to non-magnetic DN
(empty circles) (Warner 1995). Intermediate
polars are denoted by the solid circles. The
upper and lower symbols for HT Cam mark the
initial and final tD, respectively. The outburst
data for IPs come from Hellier et al., (1997),
Ishioka et al. (2002), Schwarz et al. (1988),
Å imon (2000, 2002), van Amerongen and van
Paradijs (1989), Warner (1995).
25- Conclusions
- Alternative identification method based on high
quality astronomical archival plates has been
proposed - In addition, already identifies sources can be
effectively monitored in optical light - Important also for searches for brightenings in
IBIS data
26 The End