Title: January 1, 2004 through March 31, 2005
1Project Clearwater Morro Bay Watershed
January 1, 2004 through March 31, 2005
2- Morro Bay Watershed
- 48,450 acres
- The Chorro Creek drains 27,670 acres.
- Los Osos Creek drains 16,933
- Land Uses
- Rangeland
- Chaparral
- Cropland
- Woodland
- Urban
- Irrigated Pasture
3- Project Clearwater Goals
- Implementation of BMPs within the watershed to
- Projects to Reduce
- Sediment
- Bacteria
- Nutrient loadings
- Restore and Protect
- Aquatic habitat
- Riparian habitat
- Sensitive and threatened species habitat
4Chorro Valley Watershed Project Status
Projects completed 10 Projects in
implementation 2 Projects in planning 3
5 PC 02-09 Chorro Creek Bank StabilizationProject
Description Stream bank stabilization project
on Chorro Creek. The steam bank failure area is
50-60 feet long and extends from the channel bed
at a 11 angle into an access road. The failure
involves both hydraulic scour and secondary
geotechnical failure from loss of toe support.
Eroding stream bank
6PC 02-09 Stream Bank Stabilization NRCS
Practice 580 - Extent 0.05 acresEstimated
Sediment Load Reduction 684 tons/year
Cabled boulders root wad
Biolog installation
7PC 04-04 Mitigation ProjectProject Description
The CSLRCD was contacted assistance in selecting
a suitable mitigation site for a development
project proposed by the SLO County Office of
Education near Pennington Creek. The
dysfunctional fish ladder located on Pennington
Creek was selected as mitigation for the
development project.
8PC 04-05 Pennington Creek Hwy 1 Culvert Baffle
RetrofitCalifornia Salmonid Stream Habitat
Restoration ManualExtent 180 ft
CCC Crew member removing lower baffles
Outlet end of baffles fill with gravel
9PC 04-18 Spring development and-off creek water
systemNRCS Practices 574, 516, 614, 560, 624,
283CProject Description Grazing management for
a 320 acre ranch in the Chorro Valley. Prescribed
grazing methods reduce gully and stream bank
erosion, prescribed grazing reduces populations
of undesirable plants, and nutrient input to the
watershed is also reduced.
Off-creek water trough with gates allowing
controlled access from multiple pastures
10CF 04-01b Chorro FlatsProject DescriptionThe
clear and snag operation removed debris an excess
vegetation form the stream channel improving
steelhead trout passage and habitat. The bank
stabilization and critical area planting reduced
erosion and sedimentation. NRCS Practices 326,
580, 342, 595 Estimated Sediment Load Reduction
684 tons/year
Chorro Creek before clearing and snagging
Chorro Creek after clearing and snagging
11CF 04-01b Chorro Flats
Chorro Creek bank stabilization
12PC 04-07 Riparian fencing, off creek water
system, and access road improvementProject
DescriptionChorro Valley-Off creek water system
and riparian fencing for controlled grazing on
400ac of rangeland. The project will reduce
nutrient input to the watershed and improve
riparian habitat.NRCS Practices 516,614, 560,
574, 587, 382, 533, 342
13Los Osos Valley Watershed Project Status
Projects completed 8 Projects in
implementation 1 Projects in planning 7
14PC 04-13 Warden Creek clear and snagProject
Description Clear and snag 2000ft of Warden
Creek and a tributary. Project also included
critical area planting.The project reduced
flooding, bank erosion, and sedimentation.NRCS
Practices 326, 342, 322Estimated sediment load
reduction 704 tons/yearÂ
Warden Creek after clearing and snagging
Warden Creek before clearing and snagging
15PC 04-16 SLO County Roads Department
recommendationProject Description Multiple
drainage ditches and culverts along Los Osos
Valley Road were clogged with sediment and
debris. The condition of eachculvert and ditch
was assessed. Solutions recommended were spot
clearing and snagging, and spot sediment removal
by scoop and lift to clean out the ditches
adjacent to the culverts. Â
Blocked culvert
Overgrown drainage ditch
16PC 04-16 SLO County Roads Department
Where is the culvert ?
17PC 04-17 04-15 Clear and snag, and exotic weed
removal Project Description The project site
was on lower Los Osos Creek. The project improved
stream flow and steelhead trout passage reduced
flooding and erosion, and reduced sediment input
to Morro Bay.NRCS Practice 326Estimated
sediment load reduction 488 tons/year
Debris jams in Los Osos Creek
18Summary of Project Clearwater Highlights
- Number of conservation projects completed 18
- Chorro Valley 10
- Los Osos Valley 8
- Participating landowners 13
- Number of NRCS BMPs 28
- Planned Grazing Systems 2,174 acres
- Fencing installed for Grazing Systems 24,000 ft
- Water pipeline installed for Grazing Systems
5,750 ft - Stream Corridor Improvement 6,190 ft
- Estimated Sediment Load Reduction 2,446
tons/year - Chorro Valley 1,784 tons/year
- Los Osos Valley 661 tons/year
19Project Clearwater Budget Report January 1, 2004
through March 31, 2005
- MBNEP Clearwater Expenses 87,491 (46)
- Cost Match for MBNEP Funds 104,781 (54)
- Total Project Clearwater Costs 192,272