The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SETI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SETI


... astroengineering projects that are visible from great distances ... Project Argus (1995-) SERENDIP IV (1996-) Southern SERENDIP (1998-) SETItalia (2000 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SETI

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
(SETI) Friday, February 22, 2008
Midterm Marks - Distribution
The probability of success is difficult to
estimate but if we never search, the chance of
success is zero. - Morrison and Cocconi
Signatures of Life and their Detection
  • the current (and forseeable future) search and
    detection of life on other worlds is dependent
    primarily upon remote sensing and robotic probes
  • living systems alter their environments and
    generate signatures of their functional processes
  • three types of signatures are possible
  • biosignatures the direct consequences of
    biological activity
  • geosignatures the effects and alterations of the
    geological environment by living systems
  • geoindicators planetary characteristics that can
    be detected that are likely consistent with the
    presence of life

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
  • SETI is a misnomer because there is no known way
    to detect intelligence across interstellar
  • the best that we can do is to search for a
    manifestation of another technology and, having
    detected it, infer the existence of intelligent
    technologists, who may or may not still be
    associated with the detected technology
  • which technology might an extraterrestrial
    civilization use, and what are the observable
    consequences using current terrestrial remote
    sensing equipment?

The Kardashev Classification
  • Nikolai Kardashev felt that our civilization
    might progress through four different stages, and
    that other alien civilizations might be
    categorized as being in one of those four
    distinct stages
  • classifies possible extraterrestrial
    civilizations according to the energy at their
    disposal (i.e., transmission power)

Type 0 This civilization has only just begun to
tap planetary resources such as solar power,
geothermal power wind power. Most of its power
generation is still based on non-renewable fossil
fuel resources, e.g., oil, coal and natural
gases. This stage of civilization is like our
own. Type 1 These civilizations can
effectively control the entire resources of their
planet they can predict weather patterns and
earthquakes very accurately, and even control
them using artificially induced greenhouse
effects or space-based lasers. A Type 1
Civilization could conceivably halt an ice-age.
Has the power capability of an entire sun.
Type 2 These types of civilizations have
extended their power to their entire Solar System
by harnessing the power of their suns through
Dyson spheres. Having colonized or at least
extensively explored all the planets within their
Solar System, they are a largely space- faring
race and have launched expeditions to other stars
using interstellar craft. Type 3 These
civilizations have colonized thousands if not
millions of solar systems in entire galaxies.
They can harness the power of galaxies.
Therefore, there are no type 3 civilizations in
the Milky Way galaxy.
Signatures of More Advanced Life
  • Local Technologies
  • examples of technologies employed for the sole
    use of civilizations that invented them include,
    generating energy, local transportation, etc.
  • advanced civilizations might revel themselves
    through major astroengineering projects that are
    visible from great distances
  • these types of engineering technologies would
    only be visible through unintended manifestations
    of their technologies
  • artifacts left behind, either deliberately or

Dyson Sphere
  • the Dyson sphere was originally proposed by the
    astronomer Freeman Dyson as a way for an advanced
    civilization to utilize all of the energy
    radiated by their sun
  • it is an artificial sphere the size of an
    planetary orbit
  • the sphere would consist of a shell of solar
    collectors or habitats around the star, so that
    all (or at least a significant amount) energy
    will hit a receiving surface where it can be used
  • this would create a huge living space and gather
    enormous amounts of energy

Signatures of More Advanced Life
  • Spacecraft
  • extraterrestrial civilizations may be capable of
    interstellar travel and interstellar information
    exchange, can build spacecraft with us in mind
  • spacecraft might leave behind telltale signs of
    their operation

Signatures of More Advanced Life
  • Electromagnetic Radiation
  • the majority of searches for extraterrestrial
    intelligence have concentrated on finding signals
    that are the result of exchanging information
    either unintentional leakage or directed beacons

Optimal Requirements for Transmitting Information
  • there is little chance of discovering
    extraterrestrial life via direct contact
  • the best method to communicate is by radio waves
    (electromagnetic radiation photons)

Optimal Requirements for Transmitting Information
  • electromagnetic (EM) waves have three physical
    characteristics - wavelength, frequency and
  • the velocity of all EM radiation is constant at
    'c' (the speed of light)
  • wavelength and frequency are inversely
    proportional to each other, and the energy is
    directly proportional to the frequency
  • in other words, as the frequency and energy
    increase, the wavelength decreases

Optimal Requirements for Transmitting Information
  • therefore radio and microwaves, being of such
    low frequency, have very low energy
  • other exotic, massless particles proposed by
    theoretical physicists may also travel at the
    speed of light, but we do not know how to
    manipulate them
  • if such exotic particles are the choice of
    technologies more advanced than our own, the only
    strategy for detecting such strategies is to
    survive as a technological species until we learn
    to generate and capture them ourselves

Optimal Requirements for Transmitting Information
  • photons are the ideal carriers of information
  • are massless
  • travel at the speed of light
  • have very small energies
  • can carry information
  • are easily generated and detected
  • are undeflected by galactic magnetic fields
  • at many frequencies have a very small probability
    of being scattered or absorbed

Optimal Requirements for Transmitting Information
  • the search for electromagnetic signals is the
    methodology of SETI
  • having decided on the methodology, it is
    necessary to decide
  • where to search (three spatial dimensions)
  • when to search (one temporal dimension), and
  • what to search for (a frequency, two possible
    polarizations, a modulation scheme, and a signal
    strength a combination of transmitter power and
  • this is the nine-dimensional cosmic haystack

The Drake Equation
How likely is it that there are other
civilizations in the universe capable of
What do we need to know about to discover life
in space? - Frank Drake, 1961
The Drake Equation
  • there are over 300 billion stars in the Milky Way
    galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe
  • how can we estimate the number of technological
    civilizations that might exist among the stars?
  • the Drake Equation is an attempt to quantify
    estimates of the number of civilizations in our
    galaxy capable of interstellar radio
  • identifies specific factors thought to play a
    role in the development of such civilizations
  • although no unique solution to this equation, it
    is a generally accepted tool used by the
    scientific community to examine these factors
  • the terms are listed in decreasing estimates of

N R fp ne fl fi fc L
  • N the number of communicative civilizations.
    The number of civilizations in the Milky Way
    Galaxy whose radio emissions are detectable
  • R the rate of formation of suitable stars. The
    rate of formation of stars with a large enough
    "habitable zone" and long enough lifetime to be
    suitable for the development of intelligent life
  • fp the fraction of those stars with planets.
    The fraction of Sun-like stars with planets is
    currently unknown, but evidence indicates that
    planetary systems may be common for stars like
    the Sun
  • ne the number of "earths" per planetary system.
    All stars have a habitable zone where a planet
    would be able to maintain a temperature that
    would allow liquid water. A planet in the
    habitable zone could have the basic conditions
    for life as we know it

N R fp ne fl fi fc L
  • fl the fraction of those planets where life
    develops. Although a planet orbits in the
    habitable zone of a suitable star, other factors
    are necessary for life to arise. Thus, only a
    fraction of suitable planets will actually
    develop life
  • fi the fraction life sites where intelligence
    develops. Life on Earth began over 3.5 billion
    years ago. Intelligence took a long time to
    develop. On other life-bearing planets it may
    happen faster, it may take longer, or it may not
    develop at all
  • fc the fraction of planets where technology
    develops. The fraction of planets with
    intelligent life that develop technological
    civilizations, i.e., technology that releases
    detectable signs of their existence into space
  • L the "Lifetime" of communicating
    civilizations. The length of time such
    civilizations release detectable signals into

How Reliable is the Drake Equation?
  • on the basis of 300 billion stars in the Milky
    Way galaxy, Frank Drakes current estimate of the
    number of communicating civilizations is 10,000
  • the Lunar Planetary Laboratory of the
    University of Arizona estimates the number at 15
  • the real value of the Drake Equation is not in
    the answer itself, but the questions that are
    prompted when attempting to come up with an
    answer, and to identify areas of research
  • obviously, there is a tremendous amount of guess
    work involved when filling in the variables
  • as we learn more from astronomy, biology, and
    other sciences, we'll be able to better estimate
    these variables

Where Do We Search?
  • a radio transmitter can be pointed in all
    directions and communicate simultaneously with
    many different civilizations
  • interstellar dust absorbs optical radiation, but
    not radio waves, so in the plane of our Galaxy,
    radio signals can penetrate to great distances
  • if you point your radio telescope at the sky
    there are all kinds of signals - the sky is very
    noisy at low frequencies because of the planets
    and comets, giant clouds of gas and dust, and
    stars and galaxies, emit light at many different
    wavelengths, and at higher frequencies due to
    atmospheric noise

Search Strategies
  • figure displays the average natural background
    radiation from astrophysical sources
  • to be detectable at a given frequency, a
    transmitted signal, or the portion of it that
    enters a particular detector, must have an
    intensity that can successfully compete with this
    background, as well as the instrumental noise of
    the receiver
  • plane and pole - background radiation from Milky
    Way Galaxy
  • CMB 2.7 K
  • IR infrared emission from warm dust and gas
  • optical (visible) emission is light from stars
    and galaxies
  • UV - red-shifted alpha emission from ionized gas
    within distant galaxies
  • X-ray gamma-rays distant galaxies

Search Strategies
  • figure shows the height above sea-level to which
    radiation at any given wavelength can penetrate
  • SETI observations have concentrated on microwave
    radio searches (1 to 10 GHz), where the natural
    background is low and where atmospheric
    transparency approaches 100

Targets or Sky Sweeps?
  • two strategies to search systematically for ETC
    signals in the cosmic haystack
  • sweep the sky and look in all possible directions
  • focus the search on directions that seem a priori
    more likely to contain a technological
    civilization, i.e., targeted search strategy

Sky Sweeps
  • in this method, you survey large chunks of the
    sky, one at a time, for signals
  • a wide-field search allows the entire sky to be
    searched at a low resolution in a short period of
  • if a signal is detected, however, it would be
    difficult to pinpoint the exact source without a
    subsequent high-resolution search
  • smaller telescopes, with larger beams on the sky
    and detectors that respond in the short time
    available to look at any particular direction,
    are better suited to sky surveys

Targeted Search
  • since the only such civilization we know about
    has evolved on a planet in orbit about a G2 V
    star, solar analogues are the usual targets for
    the focused strategy
  • in this method, you make intensive investigations
    of a limited number (1,000 to 2,000) of sun-like
    stars for ET signals
  • the targeted-search allows for more detailed
    investigations of small areas that we think might
    be probable locations of ET, such as stars with
    planets and conditions favorable for life (as we
    know it)
  • this approach, however, ignores large portions of
    the sky and might yield nothing if the guesswork
    is wrong
  • large telescopes with detectors that can analyze
    data for a long time to achieve good sensitivity
    on weak signals are routinely used

Radio SETI
  • techniques of radio SETI use a large radio dish
    almost always a radio telescope
  • in a targeted search, a radio telescope is
    pointed in selected directions on the assumption
    that not all locations are equally probable for
    sites of intelligent life

Aerial view of the Arecibo radio telescope,
Puerto Rico.
Which Frequency Range?
  • figure presents a more detailed look at the
    background radiation encountered by radio
  • a frequency band of 1-10 GHz defines a low-noise
    terrestrial microwave window called the water
    hole ideal for sensitive observations from the
    Earths surface
  • atmospheric molecules responsible for the various
    absorption bands are shown
  • this noise can be eliminated by going into space
    orbits (or on the far side of the Moon)
  • IGAL - galactic synchrotron radiation from cosmic

(No Transcript)
Current Radio SETI Projects
While todays radio SETI experiments are vastly
more sensitive and comprehensive than previous
experiments, they are limited by two major
  • all current projects use radio telescopes that
    are used for other purposes, and thus get only
    limited observing time
  • terrestrial radio interference, especially from
    radar and orbiting satellites, is an increasing

SETI Projects
  • Five radio SETI surveys
  • META II (1990-)
  • Project Argus (1995-)
  • SERENDIP IV (1996-)
  • Southern SERENDIP (1998-)
  • SETItalia (2000-)
  • Seven targeted surveys, including
  • Project Phoenix (1998-2004)
  • Six optical SETI (OSETI) programs
  • Columbus Optical SETI (1997-)
  • Harvard Optical SETI (1998-)
  • Princeton Optical SETI (2001-)
  • Berkeley (1998-)
  • Lick (2001-)
  • OZ SETI (2000-)

Project Phoenix Targeted Search System
  • 800 stars, F, G, K
  • within 200 ly
  • 1 3 GHz

  • Project Phoenix was the world's most sensitive
    and comprehensive search for extraterrestrial
    intelligence between 1998 to 2004
  • to detect extraterrestrial civilizations by
    listening for radio signals that are either being
    deliberately beamed our way, or are inadvertently
    transmitted from another planet
  • Phoenix was privately funded and is the successor
    to the NASA SETI program that was cancelled in
    1993 by a budget-conscious US Congress
  • Phoenix searched the vicinities of nearby,
    sun-like stars likely to host long-lived planets
    capable of supporting life
  • 800 stars were targeted for observation by
    Project Phoenix, all within 200 light-years

Project Phoenix Targeted Search System
  • the goal of Project Phoenix was to discover
    evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations
    through detection of microwave signals generated
    by their technology
  • the Targeted Search System (TSS) is a
    transportable SETI system that is used in
    conjunction with existing radio telescopes for
    high sensitivity SETI observations
  • it is composed of several subsystems, each
    responsible for one aspect of the signal
    processing and controlled by sophisticated
    software for highly automated operation

  • computers simultaneously listen to millions of
    radio channels
  • Phoenix looks for signals between 1 and 3 GHz,
  • signals that are at only one spot on the radio
    dial (narrow-band signals) are the "signature" of
    an intelligent transmission
  • the spectrum searched by Phoenix is broken into
    very narrow 1 Hz-wide channels, so two billion
    channels are examined for each target star

Project Phoenix used the facilities of
the Aercibo Observatory located in Puerto Rico
and Lovell Telescope.
Allen Telescope Array
  • the Allen Telescope Array will consist of 350
    antennas of 6 m diameter each manufactured by the
    makers of satellite dishes, resulting in an
    instrument with a collecting area exceeding that
    of a 100 m telescope
  • because of its ability to study many areas of the
    sky at once, with more channels and for 24 hours
    a day, the Allen Telescope Array will permit an
    expansion from Project Phoenixs stellar
    reconnaissance of 800 stars to 100,000 or even
    1,000,000 nearby stars

Allen Telescope Array
  • 350 - 6.1m dishes
  • inexpensive to make
  • commercial, massproduced electronics

SETI Institute UC Berkeley RAL
Allen Telescope Array
  • the advantage of the Allen Telescope Array is
    that it will dedicated to the search for ETCs 7
    days a week, 24 hours per day
  • the radio telescope at Aericibo is only available
    for the
  • search for ETCs six weeks a year

  • in general, large radio telescopes allow you to
    detect weak signals and resolve them -- so, the
    larger the dish, the greater the resolution of
    the signal
  • however, large dishes are difficult and expensive
    to construct and maintain
  • to get around this problem, radio astronomers use
    a technique called interferometry
  • interferometry combines the signals from several
    small radio telescopes spread out over a large
    area to achieve the equivalent of one large dish
    over the same area

42 Down, 308 To Go!
Optical SETI
  • some SETI researchers have considered the
    possibility that alien civilizations might be
    using powerful lasers for interstellar
    communications at optical wavelengths
  • using both dedicated and piggyback instruments,
    the aim is to detect laser pulses with time
    scales of a few nanoseconds (billionth of a
    second) emitted by extraterrestrial societies
  • two main problems
  • lasers are highly "monochromatic", i.e.,, emit
    light only on one frequency, making it difficult
    determine which frequency to look for
  • however, emitting light in narrow pulses results
    in a broad spectrum of emission, with the spread
    in frequency becoming higher as the pulse width
    becomes narrower, making it easier to detect an
  • the other problem is that while radio
    transmissions can be broadcast in all directions,
    lasers are highly directional, i.e., a laser beam
    could be easily blocked by clouds of interstellar
    dust, and Earth would have to cross its direct
    line of fire by chance to receive it

SETI Results
  • so far, no SETI experiment has turned up a
    confirmed extraterrestrial transmission
  • however, in 1977, an Ohio State astronomer found
    a signal so impressive that he wrote Wow on the
    printout margin
  • the Wow signal, was never seen again despite
    repeated attempts at the same frequency and sky

Searches for extraterrestrial intelligence have
at least partially scanned for Earth-level radio
transmitters out to 4,000 light-years away from
our planet (yellow circle) and for so-called type
I advanced civilizations out to 40,000
light-years (red circle)
  • Using the frequency channel of 1.42 gigahertz
    (hydrogen), no signal has ever been detected,
    which means that any civilizations either are out
    of range or do not transmit with enough power to
    register on our instruments
  • the null results therefore rule out certain types
    of civilizations, including primitive ones close
    to Earth and advanced ones farther away.

(Crawford 2000)
The dashed circle marks the galactic disk, the
cross its center and the dot marked Sun is the
position of the Earth. Solid circles indicate
distances from which travel times of radio waves
to the Earth are multiples of 10 000 years.
Possible radio-emitting societies somewhere in
the galaxy are shown as dots.
If next society is located roughly a galactic
radius, 50,000 Ly, away from us, and because of
the finite speed of light, their first radio
signals will not reach us until 47,500 years in
the future. This shows that with our present
receivers we will not be able to detect the
initial radio transmissions from our closest
temporal neighbors, but only signals from older
more advanced societies that live closer.
Fermi Paradox
  • if intelligent extraterrestrial life is
    commonplace, where are they? Should their
    presence not be obvious?
  • the Milky Way galaxy contains roughly 300-500
    billion stars, and if the Earth is not unique, if
    even a very small fraction of these have planets
    which develop technological civilizations, there
    must be a very large number of such civilizations
  • if any of these civilizations produce cultures
    which colonize over interstellar distances, even
    at a small fraction of the speed of light, the
    galaxy should have been completely colonized in
    no more than a few million years
  • since the galaxy is billions of years old, Earth
    should have been visited and colonized long ago
  • the absence of any evidence for such visits is
    the Fermi paradox

Solutions to the Fermi Paradox
  • we are alone - civilizations are so rare that we
    are the first to have arisen in the galaxy
  • civilizations are common, but no one has
    colonized the galaxy
  • technological difficulties, e.g., interstellar
    travel is difficult or expensive
  • sociological considerations no desire to leave
    their home systems
  • self-destruction
  • there is a galactic civilization, but it has
    deliberately avoided revealing its existence to

What if We Detect a Signal?
Six international space organizations have
endorsed the Declaration of Principles
Concerning Activities Following the Detection of
Extraterrestrial Intelligence Essentially, the
document states that upon confirmation of the
detection of an extraterrestrial civilization,
this information should be widely disseminated,
but that no response to a signal or other
evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence should
be sent until appropriate international
consultations have taken place. For more
information lthttp//
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