AST 112 Introduction to Computers
Applications Arizona State University Instructor
Professor Windhorst By Team Con May 1, 2014
- Do Extraterrestrials (ETs) exist, or not?
- Could Extraterrestrials have been here (Earth) or
not? - What does that mean for us?
- Fermis Paradox
- Drakes Equation
- Chemical Abundance
- Temperature
- Habitable Zones
- Big Contradiction probability vs. evidence
- Age of Universe vs. our Galaxy
- Reasons for visit
- Exploring,
- Colonizing,
- Survival
- Colonization, survival, habitability would
require similar composition (bio chemistry) to
ours thus would not survive the intergalactic
Speed of the galaxies and temperatures In case
that there are older ET civilizations they would
obviously need to do intergalactic travel.
- Some galaxies travel as fast as 20 of the speed
of light, thus creating temperatures as high as
10 million Kelvins, creating very high x-ray
radiation. - It would take some truly awesome material in
order not to have it melted during this travel -
material not know to us yet that exists in the
- Moves through Galaxy Cluster at the Speed of 7
Million KM per hour
- R is the average rate of star formation in our
galaxyfp is the fraction of those stars that
have planetsne is the average number of planets
that can potentially support life per star that
has planetsfl is the fraction of the above that
actually go on to develop life at some
pointfi is the fraction of the above that
actually go on to develop intelligent lifefc is
the fraction of civilizations that develop a
technology that releases detectable signs of
their existence into spaceL is the length of
time such civilizations release detectable
signals into space.
- Components
- Factor for Error
- Probability
- There are four main elements needed to spark life
- Oxygen (64) , Carbon (18) , Hydrogen (10) ,
Nitrogen (3) , Other (4)
Each element has a key role in the human
body. Oxygen plays a vital role in breathing, in
metabolism, and is what keeps our organs active.
The only living cells that do not need oxygen are
a few anaerobic bacteria that obtain energy from
other metabolic processes. (Unlikely to evolve
into a life form as complex as humans). Carbon
when carbon bonds break down with energy, it
allows the dynamic organic chemistry to go on in
human cells. Hydrogen is involved in the energy
our bodies create by creating ATP, (which is a
nucleotide produced in cells), it also helps
build our muscles, cells, bones, and
blood. Nitrogen is in the nucleic acids that
make up DNA, and it also in amino acids that make
up protein.
Without these four elements it is highly unlikely
for life to exist Next, a list of elements that
the planetary bodies consist of (considering that
atmospheric and temperature conditions, rule out
life beyond it
The earth is composed of multiple elements that
contribute to the evolvement and continuity of
life. Many of these elements are things that
other planets lack.
Pluto Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide
Neptune Hydrogen, Helium, Methane
Saturn Hydrogen, Helium, Methane, Carbon
Uranus Hydrogen, Helium, Methane
Earth Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Iron,
Oxygen, Silicon, Magnesium
Mars Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Argon, Helium,
Jupiter Helium, Hydrogen, Water, Ammonia,
Methane, Carbon
Venus Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Helium, Neon,
Mercury Sodium Potassium
- Iron Required for the production of red blood
cells but it also binds to the oxygen and
facilitates its transport from the lungs. The
immune system is also dependent on iron for its
efficient functioning and physical and mental
growth. - Oxygen Slide one - It plays a vital role in
breathing, in metabolism, and is what keeps our
organs active. Many people believe that because
there is oxygen found on mars, that there must be
life. However, the atmospheric and surface
conditions make it unlikely. (volcanos) - Silicon Helps to grow and maintain strong bones,
also it is responsible for cross-linking collagen
strands which contributes to the strength,
integrity, and flexibility of connective tissues
such as those found in skin, bones, nails, and
arteries. - Magnesium Is a cofactor in enzyme systems that
regulate biochemical reactions, include protein
synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood
glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.
It also contributes to the structural development
of bones and is required for the synthesis of DNA
and RNA.
- When astronomers search for life on other
planets, they automatically begin looking for
water. Organisms are composed of from 50 water
to over 90 water.
Water acts as both a solvent and a delivery
mechanism, dissolving essential vitamins and
nutrients from food, and delivers them to cells.
Water acts as a medium in which organic compounds
could mix with one another.
Water facilitated the formation of the planet's
first life forms, possibly even protecting them
from the suns radiation.
Water is also used in our bodies to flush out
toxins, regulate body temperature and aid our
Every organism we know of needs water to survive.
In fact, without water, life on Earth would have
never begun. Astronomers have found traces of
water on a few other planets.. but earth is the
only known planet to have water near the surface.
Making it hard to have access to, if is deep
beneath layers of ice.
Scientists are certain that life requires a
liquid of some sort to survive. The only other
alternative is liquid ammonia. The problem with
that is, liquid ammonia only exists at extremely
cold temperatures, making it unlikely that
organisms could find the energy to support
If there were life forms on other planets would
needing the same elements as us
Without nitrogen all ETs would die because
plants need that nitrogen to form certain
compounds to live.
Without iron hemoglobin does not exist and it is
essential for blood, no life without blood.
Without magnesium ETs would experience
gallstones, kidney stones, and their organs would
start shutting down and eventually cause them to
have a heart attack. (assuming they have organs)
Without oxygen their ozone layer would
disappear considering it is made up of it and
because the ozone blocks the majority of UV
light, all life would then burn to death. Another
thing that would happen is every living cell
would explode, due to the haze of hydrogen gas.
Without carbon the plants would die.. resulting
in no food source and even more important, no
oxygen source. Carbon also triggers the brain to
tell their lungs to breath.. therefore without
carbon, they would suffocate.
Without hydrogen there would be no water hence no
- Interstellar medium
- Extremely tenuous by terrestrial standards
- (Ohio State)
- Most of the molecular matter in hot parts of the
- ISM are ionized
- Cold parts of ISM is about 100 Kelvin (UCSD)
- Hot parts can easily exceed 1000 Kelvin (UCSD)
- The very hot gas in the ISM has been shock
- heated by supernovae
- Travelling at speeds necessary for interstellar
- travel means that we cant come in contact with
- an molecules in the ISM because our speed
- would create so much force upon contact with
- the gas that the spacecraft would explode.
- Habitable zones required in order to support life
are referred to as - Circumstellar Habitable Zones (CHZ) aka the
Goldilocks Zone - Region around a star within which planetary-mass
objects with sufficient atmospheric pressure can
support liquid water at their surfaces
(iopscience) - Numerous planets have now been discovered in the
CHZ. Most are super-Earths or gas giants this is
because more massive planets are easier to
detect. (Nytimes) - However, The nearest such planet is 12 light
years away
The habitable zone needed in order to support life
- Radio Frequency/
- Light Spectrum
- Speed of Light
- Biological Diseases/
- Origins
- SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
Institute has not yet received a confirmed
extraterrestrial signal. SETI receives little to
no funding by the U.S. government because of the
minimal concrete results produced by the
Institute -
- Searching for Signals from ETs
- Researchers, who search for narrow-band signals
in the Microwave Window in the radio spectrum,
often confuse signals caused by narrow-band,
polarized and coded signals produced by our own
planet (Military radar and telecommunications
satellites) - Sending Signals to ETS
- The signal from a radio transmitter dilutes as it
moves farther and farther from Earth, so the
radio telescopes a distant civilization must have
to detect TV or radio signals from Earth would
have to dwarf our most powerful radio telescopes
on Earth.
- Wow signal picked up at the Ohio State Radio
Observatory in 1977 possibly could have fit
criteria for an extraterrestrial radio signal but
only lasted 72 seconds and was never heard of
again. - Researchers did rule out this was an ET signal
and wanted verification by observing a repeat of
the signal coming from the same part of the sky.
While a number of searches for a repeat signal
were undertaken, none was ever successful.
- If the tables were turned and ETs were trying to
send a signal to us, they wouldnt know if we
received it or not. Just in the same way that a
DJ doesnt know if you have tuned into his or her
radio show. - The complete exchange of messages would also take
decades due to the finite speed of light
- Even if ETs sent a signal through the radio
spectrum, the Earth only has had the capability
of sending and receiving signals for
approximately the last 60 years. A very short
period of time compared to how long the universe
has existed. - Therefore, it is not probable that ETs have been
to Earth given that it has been such a short
period of time that they could have received a
radio signal from Earth.
- It is a general scientific belief that the speed
of light restricts interstellar and intergalactic
space travel. Even if a spacecraft existed that
could travel at a velocity of 299.79km/sec (speed
of light) it would take 4.3 years for the craft
to reach our sun's nearest neighbor the star
known as Alpha Centauri. To reach solar systems
or galaxies located at greater distances could
take hundreds and even tens of thousands of light
years. - Albert Einstein once said that only light itself
can travel at the speed of light. Therefore, any
solid spacecraft will never be able to reach
light speed, or go faster.
- Sub-light speeds would be necessary, prolonging
an already long journey in light years - For any spacecraft to travel through space (let
alone our own solar system), it would need an
extremely large fuel tank and large storage area
for the unused fuel as well. - Even if ETs had advanced technology to travel at
speeds close to the speed of light, could use
antimatter as fuel, and could manipulate light
and create wormholes within the universe, it
could still take upwards of hundreds of years to
reach earth.
- While cruising at speeds below the speed of
light, ETs and their spacecraft would be torn
apart by space debris, meteors, and even
planetary bodies in their path. - The chances that a spacecraft could travel that
fast throughout the universe without hitting an
object is virtually 0. - Even if this was all possible, the effects of
traveling at the speed of light for years would
prove disastrous to the physical bodies of the
ETs aboard the craft
- Definition
- Diseases are spread by many parts
- Vectors (Insects Animals)
- Examples
- Biomarkers
- Disease Causes1. External source2. Internal
dysfunction - Human Immune System
- Non-specific Immunity (innate)
- Specific Immunity
- The European Colonization Effect on Native
Americans - Bird to Human Transmission of Disease
- Notable Zoonotic Diseases
- 1. Chlanydiosis
- 2. Salmonella
- Limited Elements
- Gold Abundance
- Payment
- Elimination
Gold only element of value to offer Abundance
Gold is included in the less than 0.1 Other
Category Non-Reactive Conductive Infrared
- It is logical to automatically presume that any
living organism would need to be fairly similar
to us humans since we are indeed living. The
chemical composition and elements in the universe
are extremely important without them, life
cannot exist. So, for us this means that IF there
was an ET somewhere out there, it would need
every single element together on one planet, and
would also need a reasonable environment to
sustain life. As explained previously, the
chances are highly unlikely. - Additionally, if a source of payment was sought,
we would only have the limited resource of Gold
to offer as payment as it is not in abundance in
the universe and is a limited element. - What would this mean for us? The use of our
resources and limited elements as payment (such
as gold) may result in the elimination of mankind
in order to procure earth for the continuity of
their species.
- With the evidence mounting against the idea of
extraterrestrials, and whether they have visited
us, it is increasingly clear that we are alone.
However, we are still infantile in the grand
scheme of the universe. We must grow, develop,
and explore on our own. The responsibility lies
solely with us on Earth.
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