Title: The SETIhome, SERENDIP, SEVENDIP, Astropulse, and SPOCK SETI Programs
1The SETI_at_home, SERENDIP, SEVENDIP, Astropulse,
and SPOCK SETI Programs
Dan Werthimer, Dave Anderson, Jeff Cobb, Paul
Demorest, Eric Korpela, Cecile Kim, Geoff
Marcy University of California, Berkeley
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10Porno in space FUNDED!
11Drake Equation
- NR fs fp ne fl fi fc L
- N number of communicating civilizations in our
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14Planet Detection
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20First Radio SETI
- Nikola Tesla (1899)
- Announces coherent signals from Mars
- Guglielmo Marconi (1920)
- Strange signals from ET
- Frank Drake (1960)
- Project Ozma
- one channel, 1420-1420.4 MHz
21Signal Types
1. Artifact (radio, radar, TV, ????) 2.
Deliberate (easy to decode, pictures, language
First civilization we contact is likely to be a
billion years ahead of us.
22- Targeted Search Strategy
- Project Phoenix - Seti
Institute - Sky Survey Strategy
- Serendip, SETI_at_home - UC Berkeley
- Beta -
Harvard - Southern Serendip - Australia
- Meta II -
Argentina - Seti Italia -
Medicina Obser. -
23Quick History of Berkeley SETI
- Radio SETI
- SERENDIP Search for Extraterrestrial Radio
Emissions from Nearby Developed Intelligent
Populations - SERENDIP I-III (1979-1997)
- SERENDIP IV (1997-)
- SERENDIP V (2004-)
24The Berkeley Radio SETI Family Tree
SETI_at_home Data Recorder
SETI_at_home Clients
SETI Italia
SETHI_at_Berkeley HI Survey
AstroPulse Pulse Survey
SETI_at_home II Data Recorder
SETI_at_home II Clients
25SETI Programs at the University of California
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Photos Courtesy NAIC Arecibo Observatory, a
facility of the NSF
- 168M channels
- 100 MHz Band centered on 1420 MHz
- Carriage House 1 line feed
- Operating since 1997
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36Why SETI_at_home?
- Coherent Doppler drift correction
- Narrower Channel Width-gtHigher Sensitivity
- Variable bandwidth/time resolution
- Search for multiple signal types
- Gaussian beam fitting
- Search for repeating pulses
- Problem Requires TFLOP/s processing power.
Solution Distributed Computing
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40The SETI_at_home Client
41 SETI_at_home Statistics TOTAL
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47Structure of SETI_at_home
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50The Input and Output
- 1 Work-Unit9.8 kHz x 220 samples (107 sec.)
- 256 Workunits across 2.5 MHz band centered on
1420.0 MHz. - Workunits overlap in time by 25 sec.
- Each workunit sent to multiple computers for
result verification - Typically 4 TFLOP/workunit.
- OutputTypically 5 potential signals.
- Power distribution in the Fourier transformed
data is exponential if no RFI. - SPIKE Any bin in the spectrum above 22X the mean
power (7.8x10-25 W/m2)
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- Weighted ?2 fit to beam profile (vs time).
- Gaussian must exceed a power and ?2 threshold
- Score inversely proportional to probability of
arising due to noise - Sensitivity 8.4x10-25 W/m2
- Three evenly spaced spikes above 7.75X the mean
power. (5.3X10-25 W/m2)
- Modified Fast folding algorithm w/ dynamic
threshold - Logarithmically spaced periods from 3ms to 35s
- Sensitivity as low as 10-26 J/m2
57Candidate Identification
- Candidate A signal or group of signals
- Within a positional window (1 beamwidth typ.)
- Within a frequency window (variable)
- Above a score or power threshold (variable)
- With time separation typical transient RFI
timescale - Score
- Relative ranking of a candidates probability of
arising due to random noise. - Should be independent of signal type
- Can also include probability of coincidence /w
celestial objects
58Gaussian Candidates
- Sky survey
- Covers decs 0 to 30
- 3 years of data recorded so far.
- Good time resolution
- Sensitive to 0.4 µs radio pulses at 21 cm
- DM range
- -100 to 100 pc/cm3
- Sensitivity
- 10-18 W/m2 peak (Coherent de-dispersion)
60Pulsed vs. CW
Concentrating power into short bursts can be more
efficient than a constantly on
transmitter. Pulsed signals can be easier to see
above background noise.
eventually becoming very weak. However, we can
correct for dispersion ...
- Only 1.5 searches for single pulses on µs
timescale before (OSullivan, Phinney) - Pulsar searches ms time scales, folded
- SETI_at_home 0.8 ms single pulses.
- With interesting astrophysics as well as SETI
applications. - Evaporating primordial black holes?
- Pulsars, Other astrophysical exotica?
but it takes a lot of CPU time! To search DMs
up to 100 pc/cm3 in real time, we need about 500
GigaFLOPs. (This would take 1000 years of your
PC working full time)
Conclusion We need more computers!
- Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network
Computing - General-purpose distributed computing framework.
- Open source.
- Will make distributed computing accessible to
those who need it. (Starting from scratch is
- AstroPulse will be the first to use BOINC.
- It is a good beta-test application
- Simple data analysis/reduction.
- Only needs a few thousand computers.
- Other projects which plan to use BOINC
- SETI_at_home II
- Global climate modeling/prediction (Oxford)
66AstroPulse Testing
Sample batch of data run through shows expected
noise characteristics, and little else so
(hopefully) little RFI contamination for this
type of signal.
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68HI Column Density
- Pulsed laser power output continues to grow.
- Petawatt pulses achieved at Livermore Labs.
(Mjoule in 1nS) - can detect at earth technology at 1Kpc
- little background noise, even from bright stars
in whole visible band
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72OSETI Detector
- 3-Photomultiplier fast coincidence detector
- Sensitive to 1ns pulses
- Low background
- False alarm rate 1 per 300 hours (10-6 Hz)
- Double false alarm rate 1 per 600 years!
- Good sensitivity
- 10-8 W/m2 peak
- 10-19 W/m2 average
73Optical SETI
- Uses Leuschner Observatory (UCB)
- Automated 0.8m telescope
- Targeted Search
- Nearby F,G,K,M stars
- 2,000 stars observed so far
- Soon to include galaxies
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75Amy Reines and Geoff Marcy
7610-meter Keck Telescope
Hipparcos V lt 8.5 B-V gt 0.55 (F8V) Sep gt 2
arcsec Age gt 2 Gyr
77Doppler Instruments
- Echelle Spectrometer
- Resolution 60,000
- Iodine Abs. Cell.
- Superimpose I2 lines
- Wavelength Calib.
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80Piggyback ALFA Sky Survey
- SETI Instruments
- Dedicated spectrometer (SERENDIP V)
- 300 MHz bandwidth, 2 pols, 7 beams
- 5 109 channels, 0.8 Hz resolution
- SETI_at_home II data recorder
- 10 MHz, 1 pol, 7 beams
- Steps across 300 MHz band
81Piggyback ALFA Sky Survey
- Improved sensitivity
- Tsys, integration time
- Uniform sky sampling
- galactic plane concentration
- Multibeam RFI rejection
- Larger Bandwidth
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86Our Generous Sponsors
- The Planetary Society
- The University of California
- Sun Microsystems
- Friends of SETI_at_home
- Network Appliance
- Fujifilm
- Quantum
- HP
- Xilinx
- The SETI Institute
- Informix
- Netscreen
- Intel
- OReilly Associates
- SpaceSounds
- Dillon Engineering
- NAIC, Arecibo Observatory
- 4 million volunteers
Maybe, someday, the U.S. Government
87 88 Seti.berkeley.edu
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