Title: Hebrew: The Living Letters
1HebrewThe Living Letters
An in-depth teaching series on the Hebrew Alef-Bet
2Aleph ox, echad, unity
Bet house, blessing, two
Gimel camel, service, 3
3Dalet door, David, 4
Hey behold, teshuvah, 5
Vav nail, man, joined, 6
4Zayin weapon, zakar, 7
Chet fence, sin, grace, 8
Tet basket, birth pain, 9
5The tenth Hebrew letter is the yud. This was
YHWHs letter and a picture of a hand.
6We can call upon the name of YHWH as He
has commanded.
7Death and life are in the power of the HEBREW
tongue, And those who love it will eat its
fruit, Proverbs 1821 / Mishlei 1821
8- Psalms 11981-88My soul faints with longing for
your salvation,       but I have put my hope in
your word. -  My eyes fail, looking for your promise      Â
I say, "When will you comfort me? - Â Though I am like a wineskin in the
smoke,       I do not forget your decrees. -  How long must your servant wait?       When
will you punish my persecutors? -  The arrogant dig pits to trap me,      Â
contrary to your law. -  All your commands are trustworthy       help
me, for I am being persecuted without cause. -  They almost wiped me from the earth,       but
I have not forsaken your precepts. -  In your unfailing love preserve my life,      Â
that I may obey the statutes of your mouth.
9- Jay Leno was recently named the 2008 Educator of
the Year because of his efforts to raise
awareness to the lack of education - in America through the jaywalking segment of
his - tv show.
10- http//www.nbc.com/The_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno/
video/clips/jaywalking-1015/770948/ - http//www.nbc.com/The_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno/
5762/ -
11What if a street survey asked What is the
purpose of creation and main theme of the Bible?
12Kavod Revelation 411 Colossians 116
13Kavod glory, weight, heaviness,
significance, praise, power, moral beauty,
character, physical presence, honor
14Kavod Psalm 85 Romans 323
15While in exile we have been given a symbol of our
relationship and purpose with YHWH.This symbol
is the head covering.
16Headcoverings 1 Corinthians 11 1 Corinthians
920 Contradiction?
17Kippah in Hebrew starts with the kaf. Many
kaf words deal with the issue of our discussion.
18 The kaf is the 11th Hebrew letter. It has the
k sound as in kite. When it is written with a
dot it has the ch sound as in bach.
19 Some Kaf words include Keter Kohen Kippah Kippu
rim Kelev Cochavim
20Kavod is spelled kaf, vet, vav, dalet. It is
the number 20.
- Twenty years Jacob waited to get possession of
his wives and property, Gen 2138,41. - Twenty years Israel waited for deliverance
through Samson, Judge 1520, 1631. - Twenty years the Ark of the Covenant waited at
Kirjath-jearim, 1 Sam 72. - Twenty years Solomon was waiting for the
completion of the two houses, 1 Kings 910 2
Chron 81. - Twenty years Jerusalem waited between its capture
and destruction and - Twenty years Jeremiah prophesied concerning it.
21Kaf is similar in design to the vet except that
it is curved. It also has a final letter form.
22- Exodus 196
- Exodus 281
- Numbers 816
- Exodus 284
- Exodus 299
- Exodus 3928
- Leviticus 106
- Leviticus 2110
23Exodus 299 Exodus 3928 word for bonnet is
h4021 migbaah whose root word is h1389 and
means cap or hill
24Priests wore a special kippah Exodus 299
Exodus 3928 word for bonnet is h4021
migbaah whose root word is h1389 and means
cap or hill
25High Priests wore something different Exodus
296 Leviticus 89 word for mitre is h4701
mitsnepheeth whose root word is h6801 and
means roll or wind up
26The style is clear but what is the purpose of the
kippah? 2 Samuel 1530-37 Ezekiel 2415-17,
20-23 Daniel 321
27The headcovering has been perverted by Islam and
Catholicism and Christianity.
28Yshua restored the priesthood to what it was
intended to be Hebrews 724-28 1 Peter 25
29The message of the Kaf is submission and
glory 1 Corinthians 117-12, 16-19
The headcovering brings glory to YHWH!
30The yod was picture of a hand. The kaf is an
open palm. It resembles a king with a crown.
31 The kaf was first a picture of an open palm. It
has retained its meaning in the modern design.
32 The literal meaning of the word kaf is palm.
33 The kaf / palm is the area of submission. Revela
tion 1316-17 1920 204
34 The kaf / palm is used to bless others. Genesis
4814 Isaiah 4916
35Kaf reminds us of the keter of kavod of YHWH that
was placed upon man.
The kavod / keter was lost because of sin.
Numbers 518
361 Corinthians 113 Paul asked a rhetorical
question Is it right for a woman to pray
37Yshua came to restore the kavod that mankind
lost. Luke 29,14, 32
38Kavod will be with Yshua when He
returns. Matthew 1627
39As we prepare for His return we should seek the
kavod of YHWH.
1 Corinthians 1031
40Regardless of what we face, we are to seek His
2 Corinthians 129-10
41Colossians 127 Isaiah 1027 Haggai 27,9 1
Peter 54 Isaiah 601
42- We shall wear keter / crowns in the Olam Haba.
- Hebrews 27, 31
43 Keter HaChayim James 112 Keter Simcha 1
Thessalonians 219 Keter HaTzedekah 2 Timothy
48 Keter Olam 1 Corinthians 925 Keter
HaKavod 1 Peter 54
44Kol Ha Kavod All the Glory
45www.emetministries.comVisit our web site
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46(No Transcript)