Title: Chapter 4 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
1Chapter 4Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
- Position vector in three dimensions
2Instantaneous velocity
The direction of the instantaneous velocity
of a particle is tangent to the path at the
particles position.
The components of are
3Instantaneous acceleration
44-5 Projectile Motion
- In projectile motion, the horizontal motion and
the vertical motion are independent of each
other that is, neither motion affects the other.
A projectile with an initial velocity can
be written as (see figure 4-10) -
- The horizontal motion has zero acceleration, and
the vertical motion has a constant downward
acceleration of - g.
5- The range R is the horizontal distance the
projectile has traveled when it returns to its
launch height.
6Examples of projectile motion
7Horizontal motion
8Vertical motion (Equations of Motion )-
1 )
2 )
3 )
9The equation of the path
- In this equation, x0 0 and y0 0. The path, or
trajectory, is a parabola. The angle is
between and the direction.
10The horizontal range
To find t time of flight, y - y0 0 means
- This equation for R is only good if the final
height equals the launch height. We have used the
relationsin 2 2 sin cos . - The range is a maximum when 45o
11Sample Problem 4-6
- In Fig. 4-15, a rescue plane flies at 198 km/h (
55.0 m/s) and a constant elevation of 500 m
toward a point directly over a boating accident
victim struggling in the water. The pilot wants
to release a rescue capsule so that it hits the
water very close to the victim.
12(a) What should be the angle of the pilot's
line of sight to the victim when the release is
- Solving for t, we find t 10.1 s (take the
positive root).
13(b) As the capsule reaches the water, what is
its velocity in unit-vector notation and as
a magnitude and an angle?
When the capsule reaches the water,
14Sample Problem 4-7Figure 4-16 shows a pirate
ship 560 m from a fort defending the harbor
entrance of an island. A defense cannon, located
at sea level, fires balls at initial speed v0
82 m/s.
- (a) At what angle from the horizontal
must a ball be fired to hit the ship?
Which gives
There are two solutions
16(b) How far should the pirate ship be from the
cannon if it is to be beyond the maximum range of
the cannonballs?
- SOLUTION Maximum range is -
The maximum range is 690m. Beyond that distance,
the ship is safe from the cannon.
17Sample Problem 4-8Figure 4-17 illustrates the
flight of Emanuel Zacchini over three Ferris
wheels, located as shown and each 18 m high.
Zacchini is launched with speed v0 26.5 m/s, at
an angle 53 up from the horizontal and
with an initial height of 3.0 m above the ground.
The net in which he is to land is at the same
- (a) Does he clear the first Ferris wheel?
- The equation of trajectory when x0 0 and y0 0
is given by
Solving for y when x 23m gives
Since he begins 3m off the ground, he clears the
Ferris wheel by (23.3 18) 5.3 m
19(b) If he reaches his maximum height when he is
over the middle Ferris wheel, what is his
clearance above it?
- At maximum height, vy is 0. Therefore,
and he clears the middle Ferris wheel by (22.9
3.0 -18) m 7.9 m
20(c) How far from the cannon should the center of
the net be positioned?
21Avoid rounding errors
- One way to avoid rounding errors and other
numerical errors is to solve problems
algebraically, substituting numbers only in the
final step.
22Uniform Circular Motion
- A particle is in uniform circular motion if it
travels around a circle at uniform speed.
Although the speed is uniform, the particle is
- The acceleration is called a centripetal (center
seeking) acceleration.
- T is called the period of revolution.
23(No Transcript)
24- Thus, , which means that is directed
along the radius r, pointing towards the circles
25Sample Problem 4-9
- Top gun pilots have long worried about taking a
turn too tightly. As a pilot's body undergoes
centripetal acceleration, with the head toward
the center of curvature, the blood pressure in
the brain decreases, leading to loss of brain
function. - There are several warning signs to signal a pilot
to ease up when the centripetal acceleration is
2g or 3g, the pilot feels heavy. At about 4g, the
pilot's vision switches to black and white and
narrows to tunnel vision. If that acceleration
is sustained or increased, vision ceases and,
soon after, the pilot is unconsciousa condition
known as g-LOC for g-induced loss of
26What is the centripetal acceleration, in g units,
of a pilot flying an F-22 at speed v 2500 km/h
(694 m/s) through a circular arc with radius of
curvature r 5.80 km?
- If a pilot caught in a dogfight puts the aircraft
into such a tight turn, the pilot goes into g-LOC
almost immediately, with no warning signs to
signal the danger.
27Relative Motion in One Dimension
- The coordinate xPA of P as measured by A is equal
to the coordinate xPB of P as measured by B plus
the coordinate xBA of B as measured by A. Note
that x is a vector in one dimension.
28- The velocity vPA of P as measured by A is equal
to the velocity vPB of P as measured by B plus
the velocity vBA of B as measured by A. Note that
v is a one dimensional vector. We have deleted
the arrow on top.
29Because VBA is constant, the last term is zero.
- Observers on different frames of reference (that
move at constant velocity relative to each other)
will measure the same acceleration for a moving
particle. Note that the acceleration is a one
dimensional vector.
30Sample Problem 4-10For the situation of Fig.
4-20, Barbara's velocity relative to Alex is a
constant vBA 52 km/h and car P is moving in the
negative direction of the x axis.
- (a) If Alex measures a constant velocity vPA
-78 km/h for car P, what velocity vPB will
Barbara measure? - SOLUTION
31(b) If car P brakes to a stop relative to Alex
(and thus the ground) in time t 10 s at
constant acceleration, what is its acceleration
aPA relative to Alex?
32(c) What is the acceleration aPB of car P
relative to Barbara during the braking?
- To calculate the acceleration of car P relative
to Barbara, we must use the car's velocities
relative to Barbara. The initial velocity of P
relative to Barbara is vPB -130 km/h. The final
velocity of P relative to Barbara is -52 km/h
(this is the velocity of the stopped car relative
to the moving Barbara).
- This result is reasonable because Alex and
Barbara have a constant relative velocity, they
must measure the same acceleration.
33Relative Motion in Two Dimension
34Homework (due Sept 27)
- Question 10
- 17E
- 19E
- 25P
- 43E
- 51P