Title: Kinematics of Rigid Bodies in Three Dimensions
1Chapter 18
- Kinematics of Rigid Bodies in Three Dimensions
218.1 Introduction
- The fundamental relations developed for the plane
motion of rigid bodies may also be applied to the
general motion of three dimensional bodies.
- The current chapter is concerned with evaluation
of the angular momentum and its rate of change
for three dimensional motion and application to
effective forces, the impulse-momentum and the
work-energy principles.
318.2 Rigid Body Angular Momentum in Three
- Angular momentum of a body about its mass center,
418.2 Rigid Body Angular Momentum in Three
518.2 Rigid Body Angular Momentum in Three
- Transformation of into is
characterized by the inertia tensor for the body,
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818.2 Rigid Body Angular Momentum in Three
918.2 Rigid Body Angular Momentum in Three
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1118.3 Principle of Impulse and Momentum
- The free-body diagram equation is used to develop
component and moment equations.
- For bodies rotating about a fixed point,
eliminate the impulse of the reactions at O by
writing equation for moments of momenta and
impulses about O.
1218.4 Kinetic Energy
- Kinetic energy of particles forming rigid body,
- With these results, the principles of work and
energy and conservation of energy may be applied
to the three-dimensional motion of a rigid body.
1318.4 Kinetic Energy
14Sample Problem 18.1
- Apply the principle of impulse and momentum.
Since the initial momenta is zero, the system of
impulses must be equivalent to the final system
of momenta.
- Assume that the supporting cables remain taut
such that the vertical velocity and the rotation
about an axis normal to the plate is zero.
- Rectangular plate of mass m that is suspended
from two wires is hit at D in a direction
perpendicular to the plate. - Immediately after the impact, determine
- the velocity of the mass center G,
- the angular velocity of the plate.
- Principle of impulse and momentum yields two
equations for linear momentum and two equations
for angular momentum.
- Solve for the two horizontal components of the
linear and angular velocity vectors.
15Sample Problem 18.1
- Apply the principle of impulse and momentum.
Since the initial momenta is zero, the system of
impulses must be equivalent to the final system
of momenta.
16Sample Problem 18.1
17Sample Problem 18.1
18Sample Problem 18.2
- The disk rotates about the vertical axis through
O as well as about OG. Combine the rotation
components for the angular velocity of the disk.
- A homogeneous disk of mass m ismounted on an
axle OG of negligible mass. The disk rotates
counter-clockwise at the rate ?1 about OG. - Determine
- the angular velocity of the disk
- its angular momentum about O,
- its kinetic energy
- the vector and couple at G equivalent to the
momenta of the particles of the disk.
- Compute the angular momentum of the disk using
principle axes of inertia and noting that O is a
fixed point.
- The kinetic energy is computed from the angular
velocity and moments of inertia.
- The vector and couple at G are also computed from
the angular velocity and moments of inertia.
19Sample Problem 18.2
20Sample Problem 18.2
21Sample Problem 18.2
2218.5 Motion of a Rigid Body in Three Dimensions
- Transformation of into is
independent of the system of coordinate axes.
- Convenient to use body fixed axes Gxyz where
moments and products of inertia are not time
- Define rate of change of change of with
respect to the rotating frame,
2318.6 Eulers Eqs of Motion DAlemberts
- With and Gxyz chosen to correspond
to the principal axes of inertia,
Eulers Equations
- System of external forces are equivalent to the
vector and couple,
2418.7 Motion About a Fixed Point or a Fixed Axis
- For a rigid body rotation around a fixed Z
axis(?z ?, ?x?z0),
2518.8 Rotation About a Fixed Axis
- If symmetrical with respect to the xy plane,
IxzIyz0 and,
- A rotating shaft requires both static
and dynamic balancing to avoid
excessive vibration and bearing reactions.
26Sample Problem 18.3
- Evaluate the system of effective forces by
reducing them to a vector attached at G and
- Expressing that the system of external forces is
equivalent to the system of effective forces,
write vector expressions for the sum of moments
about A and the summation of forces.
Rod AB with weight W 40 lb is pinned at A to a
vertical axle which rotates with constant angular
velocity ? 15 rad/s. The rod position is
maintained by a horizontal wire BC. Determine
the tension in the wire and the reaction at A.
- Solve for the wire tension and the reactions at A.
27Sample Problem 18.3
- Evaluate the system of effective forces by
reducing them to a vector attached at G
and couple
28Sample Problem 18.3
29Prob. 18.65
- A homogeneous 8 lb disk is mounted on the
horizontal shaft AB. The plane of the disk forms
a 20? angle with the yz plane as shown. - Knowing that the shaft rotates with a constant
angular velocity ? of magnitude 10 rad/sec,
determine the dynamic reactions at points A and B.
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32Prob. 18.78
- The essential structure of a certain type of
aircraft turn indicator is shown. - Each spring has a constant of 40 lb/ft, and the
7-oz. uniform disk of 2 in. radius spins at the
rate of 10,000 rpm. - The springs are stretched and exert equal
vertical forces on yoke AB when the airplane is
traveling in a straight path. - Determine the angle through which the yoke will
rotate when the pilot executes a horizontal turn
of 2250 ft radius to the right at a speed of 500
mi/hr. Indicate whether point A will move up or
33(No Transcript)
34Start of Class
3518.9 Motion of a Gyroscope. Eulerian Angles
- A gyroscope consists of a rotor with its mass
center fixed in space but which can spin freely
about its geometric axis and assume any
- From a reference position with gimbals and a
reference diameter of the rotor aligned, the
gyroscope may be brought to any orientation
through a succession of three steps - rotation of outer gimbal through f about AA,
- rotation of inner gimbal through ? about BB
- rotation of the rotor through ? about CC.
- j, q, and y are called the Eulerian Angles and
3618.9 Motion of a Gyroscope. Eulerian Angles
let I be the moment of inertia about the z
axis let I ' be the moment of inertia about the x
y axes
align fixed x'y'z' coordinate system as shown
attach xyz coord. system to orange frame (inner
3718.9 Motion of a Gyroscope. Eulerian Angles
align fixed x'y'z' coordinate system as shown
attach xyz coord. system to orange frame (inner
3818.10 Steady Precession of a Gyroscope
Steady precession,
3918.10 Steady Precession of a Gyroscope
4018.11 Motion of an Axisymmetrical Body Under No
- Define the Z axis to be aligned with and z
in a rotating axes system along the axis of
symmetry. The x axis is chosen to lie in the Zz
- ? constant and body is in steady precession.
x axis lies in Zz plane (although it doesnt look
like it)
4118.11 Motion of an Axisymmetrical Body Under No
Two cases of motion of an axisymmetrical body
which under no force which involve no precession
4218.11 Motion of an Axisymmetrical Body Under No
The motion of a body about a fixed point (or its
mass center) can be represented by the motion of
a body cone rolling on a space cone. In the case
of steady precession the two cones are circular.
- I lt I. Case of an elongated body. g lt q and
the vector w lies inside the angle ZGz. The
space cone and body cone are tangent externally
the spin and precession are both counterclockwise
from the positive z axis. The precession is said
to be direct.
43Prob. 18.123
- A coin is tossed into the air. It is observed to
spin at a rate of 600 rpm about the axis GC and
to precess about the axis GD. - Knowing that GC forms an angle of 15? with GD,
determine - the angle that the velocity vector of the
coin forms with GD - the rate of precession of the coin about GD
44Prob. 18.123
The total angular velocity of the coin can be
written as
45Prob. 18.123
The angle ß is the solution to part (a). From
slide 40,
46Prob. 18.123
Recall that
From slide 40,
47End of Class