Title: Farmers Helping Farmers Global Warming and Carbon Credits
1Farmers Helping FarmersGlobal WarmingandCarbon
2Global WarmingandGreenhouse Gases
- no longer controversial
- human activity is causing global warming
- the problem is now very serious
3Global Warming and Africa
- Africa is highly vulnerable to the various
manifestations of climate change (IPCC 2001) - ? rain in general
- ? desertification
- ? agricultural production
- ? floods on coastal areas
- ? disease problems
4Wood Consumption in Africa
- wood burning accounts for 40 of primary energy
consumption in Africa - primarily for cooking
- family of 4
- burns about 2.5 T of wood
- generates almost 5 T of CO2
- consumption gt growth deforestation
5Global Warming and Canada
- How does Canada measure up as a greenhouse gas
Tonnes of CO2 per capita
6Global Warming and Canada
- 56 countries produce 90 of all greenhouse gases
- Ranking by Climate Action Network Europe (2007)
- Best 5
- Sweden
- Germany
- Iceland
- Mexico
- India
- Worst 5
- Saudi Arabia
- US
- Australia
- Canada
- Luxembourg
7Global Warming and Canada
- Where do Canada's greenhouse gases come from ?
personal expenditures 37
8What Can An Individual Do ?
- home energy consumption
- driving
- air travel
9Home Energy Consumption
- heating oil
- 2,000 L ? 5.4 T
- electricity
- 10,000 Kwh) ? 7.2 T
- average driving of 20,000 km / yr
Toyota Prius? 2 T
Lincoln Navigator ? 7.2 T
11Air Travel
- round trip (economy class) to
12The Solution ???
- reduce
- do whatever you can to reduce your emissions
- offset
- for emissions you can't avoid ....
- invest in projects which reduce emissions from
other sources - carbon credits
13Farmers Helping FarmersCarbon Credit Program
- funds from carbon credits that you purchase ...
- are invested in technologies in Kenya that ...
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- significantly improve the lives of Kenyan farm
14Wakulima Dairy
- our partner in Kenya
- FHF has worked with them for 10 years
- 7000 small scale dairy farmers
photo of dairy
- two technologies that
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- provide significant benefits to Kenyan farm
families - biogas generators
- fuel efficient cookers
16Biogas Generators
- compost cow manure
- generate methane gas used for cooking
- cost about 500
17Biogas Generators
18Biogas Generators
- replace open fire cooking
- with a methane burner
19Biogas Generators - Advantages
- reduced CO2 emissions
- less smoke in house
- reduced respiratory disease
- women and children
- less time gathering wood
- better fertilizer
20Fuel Efficient Cookers
- primarily institutional use
- 20 L pot
- very efficient
- reduced wood consumption
- chimney to eliminate smoke
21Carbon Credit Program (1)
- go to FHF web site
- www.farmershelpingfarmers.ca
- click on the Carbon Credit Program link
- compute the carbon emissions that you want to
offset - purchase credits
- all funds sent to Wakulima Dairy
22Carbon Credit Program (2)
- Wakulima Dairy sells biogas generator
- 2/3 of cost from carbon credit program
- 1/3 from family
- deducted from milk payments over several years
- funds from sales reinvested in program
- you get
- a statement of purchase
- a tax receipt
- a photo of installation (purchases over 100)
23Carbon Credit Program (3)
- fuel efficient cookers
- paid fully by carbon credit sales
- institutional installations
24Carbon Credit Program (4)
- advantages of FHF carbon credit program
- cost effective
- most carbon credit programs cost about 20 per T
- FHF program 15 per T
- tax deductible (FHF is a registered charity)
- significant other benefits for Kenyan families
25Initial Response to Biogas Generators
- survey of 10 installations in Wakulima area
- saved collection of 4 bundles of wood per week
- saved 1 ½ days per week
- most common reasons for wanting a biogas
generator - time consuming and difficult to get firewood
- reduce the cost of cooking
- reduce time spent cooking
- Interviews were very positive
bundle as much as 1 person can carry
26Farmers Helping FarmersandCarbon Credits
- win win win
- Kenyan farm families
- the environment
- you