Title: Cockroach interactions
1Cockroach interactions
by Aleister Williams Norristown Lucas
Franki Waynesboro
Goal Want to know how cockroaches interact
- Questions
- If you put a few different cockroach species
together overnight where would they be in the
morning? - What happens if you put two different kinds of
cockroaches together will they attack each other
or will they not care?
3Hypothesis 1
Question 1 Hypothesis Different species will be
found together after being left
overnight Alternative hypothesis Different
species will NOT be found together
4Hypothesis 2
Question 2 Hypothesis Different cockroach
species will not interact Alternative hypothesis
Different cockroach species WILL interact
Materials 1. Five cockroach species Blatta
lateralis Turkestan CockroachLecophaga maderae
(Madera cockroach)Periplaneta americana
(American cockroach)Panchlora nivea (Cuban
cockroach)Gromphadorhina portentosa (Madagascar
Hissing cockroach)
62. Apparatus Plastic boxes (15)3 oz paper
cupsPlastic petri dishesLabels, scissors
8Experimental Design (a)
- Experiment 1
- Five species of cockroach
- Five containers with 6 cups in each
- Two hole cut in each cup
- Cups turned upside down
- Left overnight
9Experimental Design (b)
- Experiment two
- Two species of cockroach
- Put them into a petri dish
- Watched how many times they bumped into
each other at one minute intervals - At each minute record if they were together
or not
11Experiment 1 control
Species have different amounts of
sociability Madera cockroach is the most sociable
12Experiment 1 test
Container 1. Hissing and Madera Container 2.
American and Madera Container 3. Hissing and
Madera Container 4. American and Madera Container
5. American, Madera, Turkestan
Hissing, Madera and American cockroaches were
more often together than cuban or Turkestan Cuban
is least sociable, and one escaped!
13Experiment two Control
Two individuals of same species
American and Turkestan interact the most
14Experiment two Test
Two individuals of different species
Hissing and Turkestan interact most
15Result Summary
- Experiment 1 Madera most sociable, Cuban least
sociable. - Experiment 2 American and Turkestan most
Alternative hypothesis was supported different
cockroach species will interact
16- Future research
- Do the experiments more times to be sure of the
result - Better habitat for testing behavior
- Test more species
- Test at different times
- Make sure cockroaches are healthy
- Use ACTIVE cockroaches
17Credits and acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following
people Glenn Holbrook, and his technicians for
supplying the cockroaches. John Grehan for
assisting us with the experiments. Our parents
for bringing us to Bug Camp. And finally, the
cockroaches for being so active, especially the
American cockroaches!