Title: Chapter Five Development and Plasticity of the Brain
1Chapter Five Development and Plasticity of the
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Biological Psychology, 8th Edition
Chapter 5 Development and Plasticity of the
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2Growth and Differentiation of the Brain
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- CNS begins to form when embryo is two weeks old
- By 7 weeks the hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain
are differentiated - At birth, brain weighs 350g
- About 9 months after birth the prefrontal cortex
is developed enough for child to achieve object
permanence - At end of first year brain weighs 1000 grams,
close to adult weight of 1200-1400 grams
3Figure 5.3
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- Figure 5.3Â Â Human brain at five stages of
development. The brain already shows an adult
structure at birth, although it continues to grow
during the first year or so.
4Growth and Development of Neurons
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- Proliferation cells in ventricles divide
- some stay as stem cells
- some become primitive neurons and glia that go to
new destination - Migration cells follow chemical path toward
final destination - Gene or poison that interferes with proliferation
and migration can produce mental retardation
5Growth and Development of Neurons cont.
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- Differentiation axons and dendrites are formed
while migrating - Myelination addition of insulating sheath that
speeds transmission (still forming up to 20 years
of age) - Synaptogenesis formation of synapses continues
throughout life
6Determinants of Neuron Survival
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- We produce more neurons than we need, probably to
be sure that there are enough for each receiving
cell - Survival requires two conditions
- must form synapse with target cell and receive a
nerve growth factor (a neurotrophin) from that
cell - must also be stimulated to release
neurotransmitters into synapse - Apoptosis programmed cell death that occurs when
synapses receive little NGF - Competition among neurons for survival is a
selection process that has been termed neural
7Chemical Pathfinding by Axons
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- Axons seek specific connections
- Weiss (1924) axons from normal leg branched to
corresponding muscles of grafted leg - Sperry (1943) cut axons from optic nerve to
tectum and rotated eye of newt, but axons
returned to their original site (newt saw world
upside down and backwards) - Axons follow chemical gradients
- In newt, protein (TOPDV) is concentrated more in
the dorsal than ventral retina, and more in the
ventral than dorsal tectum - axons from retina follow paths to sites on tectum
with similar TOPDV concentrations
8Figure 5.8
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- Figure 5.8 Retinal axons match up with neurons in
the tectum by following two gradients. The
protein TOPDV is concentrated mostly in the
dorsal retina and the ventral tectum. Axons rich
in TOPDV attach to tectal neurons that are also
rich in that chemical. Similarly, a second
protein directs axons from the posterior retina
to the rostral portion of the tectum.
9Fine-Tuning by Experience
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- Experience alters dendritic branching
- enriched environments, exercise increases
branching and develops thicker cortex - education correlated with branching, but they
10Generation of New Neurons
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- Human olfactory receptors replenished from supply
of immature cells - Birds replace specific cells
- songbirds periodically replace cells used in
singing - chickadee grows new neurons in hippocampus each
summer to remember where seed is stored - Still not clear that adult primates, e.g.,
humans, monkeys, can form new neurons
11Effects of Experience on Human Brain Structure
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- Professional musicians have enlarged area in
temporal cortex of right hemisphere - Extensive experience with stringed instruments
enlarges and reorganizes area of post central
gyrus devoted to left fingers - In extreme cases neuronal reorganization can
cause musicians cramp - Experience and chemical effects can combine
- Ex in prenatal environment retinal activity
simultaneously activates adjacent cells - output is sent to lateral geniculate cells which
select groups of adjacent axons and become
responsive to them
12Proportional Growth of Brain Areas
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- Size of one area proportional to others (except
olfactory bulb is smaller in humans) - human brain structure nearly the same as other
mammals and similar to all vertebrates - primates have larger cerebral cortex in
proportion to rest of brain
13Proportional Growth of Brain Areas cont.
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- Brain structure related to way of life
- Ex monkeys swing through trees and so have
larger brain representation of their forearm
muscles - Brain structure depends on length of
embryological development and number of neurons
produced per day
14The Vulnerable Developing Brain
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- Developing brain more vulnerable to effects of
malnutrition, toxic chemicals and infections - anesthesia can kill neurons in infants
- child of diabetic mother may have long-term
attention and memory problems - Fetal alcohol syndrome at birth
- severe health and mental health problems, e.g.,
heart defects, facial abnormalities,
hyperactivity and depression - neurons received fewer neurotrophins, resulting
in increased apoptosis
15The Vulnerable Developing Brain cont.
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- Fetal cocaine exposure
- decrease in IQ and language skills
- Fetal smoking exposure
- low birth weight
- long term intellectual defects
- crib death
- impairments of immune system
16Causes of Human Brain Damage
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- Closed head injury (CHI) sudden trauma that does
not puncture the brain, e.g., an automobile
accident or assault - results from rotational forces driving brain into
skull or blood clots that interrupt blood flow - repeated blows, e.g., from boxing, can cause loss
of memory and loss of movement control
17Different Brain Injuries CNN Today Biological
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18Causes of Human Brain Damage cont.
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- Stroke ischemia or hemorrhage causing a loss of
normal blood flow to a brain area - a chain of chemical events results in
accumulation of sodium, calcium and zinc ions
inside neurons, causing cell death
19Figure 5.20
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- Figure 5.20Â Â Mechanisms of neuron death after
stroke. Procedures that can preserve neurons
include removing the blood clot (immediately),
blocking excitatory synapses, stimulating
inhibitory synapses, blocking the flow of calcium
and zinc and cooling the brain.
20Treatment for Stroke Patients CNN Today
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21Reducing Harm from a Stroke
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- For ischemia, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
breaks up blood clots - One promising drug opens potassium channels,
reducing overstimulation - Most effective lab method is to cool the brain
- cooling human brain for three days improves
survival and behavioral functioning
22Effects of Age on Recovery
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- Recovery generally better if damage occurs at
younger age - younger rats with amygdala damage recover quicker
- after one hemisphere of rat is removed, the other
increases in thickness - 2-year old child with left cerebral damage will
develop some speech but adult would not recover
much language - But, young brain is also more vulnerable
- in rats, after removal of the anterior portion of
the infant cortex, the posterior portion develops
less than normal
23Mechanisms of Recovery After Brain Damage
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- Learned adjustments in behavior
- patients find it easier to accept impairment but
do better when therapy encourages recovery - monkey found it easier to do without one
deafferented limb, but when two were cut then
monkey learned to reuse both
24Mechanisms of Recovery After Brain Damage cont.
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- Stimulants paired with physical therapy enhanced
recovery of stroke victims suffering from
diaschisis, the decreased activity of surviving
neurons - Regrowth of axons
- Crushed, but not cut, axons in peripheral CNS can
regrow but may reattach to wrong muscle - CNS and peripheral axons regrow in fish
- scar tissue and astrocytes and myelin secrete
proteins that inhibit growth in humans
25Mechanisms of Recovery After Brain Damage cont.
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- Collateral sprouting nearby surviving neurons
grow new branches to replace synapses left vacant
by a damaged axon - Denervation or disuse supersensitivity
- after the destruction or inactivity of an
incoming axon, the postsynaptic cell becomes more
sensitive to a neurotransmitter - remaining neurons also increase release of
neurotransmitter - can lead to recovery of near normal functions
26Figure 5.25
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- Figure 5.25Â Â Collateral sprouting. A surviving
axon grows a new branch to replace the synapses
left vacant by a damaged axon.
27Figure 5.27
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- Figure 5.27Â Â Demonstration of denervation
supersensitivity. Injecting 6-OHDA destroys axons
that release dopamine on one side of the brain.
Later amphetamine stimulates only the intact side
of the brain because axons that release dopamine
are damaged on one side. Apomorphine stimulates
the damaged side more strongly because it
directly stimulates dopamine receptors, which
have become supersensitive on that side.
28Reorganized Sensory Representations and Phantom
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- Amputated 3rd finger in owl monkey led to cortex
responding to 2nd and 4th fingers - Monkey lost sensory input from limb
- 12 years later sprouts from facial axons on
several levels of CNS filled vacant synapses - limb was felt when face was touched.
- Same experience in human patients because arm and
head near each other in cortex and in the spinal
cord - note that use of artificial limb dissipates
phantom sensations
29Behavioral Interventions
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- Current emphasis is on supervised practice of
impaired skills - Positive reinforcement therapy helps develop
socially acceptable behavior for persons with
frontal lobe therapy - Research suggests therapists remove distracting
stimuli and help person develop remaining skills - rat with visual cortex lesion can relearn old
skills and eventually new ones - rat with visual cortex damage can learn quicker
when irrelevant stimuli were not present
30Figure 5.31
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- Figure 5.31Â Â Memory impairment after cortical
damage. Brain damage impairs retrieval of a
memory but does not destroy it completely.
(Source Based on T.E LeVere Morlock, 1973).
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- Nimodipine (calcium blocker) improved memory on
visual learning tasks - in rats with visual cortex lesions
- Gangliosides (carbohydrate and fat molecules)
help restore damaged brains - through unknown mechanisms
- Women with brain injury recover better than men
and especially if the damage occurs when
progesterone levels were high
32Brain Grafts
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- Neural transplants have been tried to treat
Parkinsons disease - Difficulties include finding suitable donor cells
- Currently experimental
33Transplant Therapy for Brain Tumors CNN Today
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