Title: Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
1Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
Moderator Pamela Lein
Rapporteur Holger Knaut
2Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
1. Summary of Talks
2. Summary of Discussion
3Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
1. Summary of Talks
2. Summary of Discussion
4Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
Use of Developing Chick Embryo to
Assess Neurotoxins and Teratogens
Susan Smith
5Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
Why use chicken in DNT screening?
1. Low cost
- eggs are cheap
- low maintenance
- automation (vaccine production)
- genetic lines available
6Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
Why use chicken in DNT screening?
2. Neurodevelopment well-characterized
- Detailed Knowledge of Anatomy
- Plethora of Tools
- closest non-mammalian model to humans
- toxicology screening already done
7Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
Why use chicken in DNT screening?
3. Behavior
- Amenable to Behavioral Studies
8Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
Drosophila Models of Simple and Complex
Diseases, and their Uses in Therapeutic Screening
Alice Schmidt
9Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
Why use fly in DNT screening?
1. In-Depth Knowledge of Neurodevelopment
2. Plethora of Tools (Possibility to mimic Human
Diseases by Mis-Expressing Human Disease
3. Embryos amenable to High-Throughput Screening
10Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
Why not use fly in DNT screening?
1. Flies do not absolutely mimic human disease
2. Validation of hits in flies will take a long
11Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
Sea Urchin Embryos and Larvae as Biosensors for
the Study of Teratogens by Pre-Nervous
Neurotransmitter and Retinoic Acid Receptor
Jean Lauder
12Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
Why use sea urchin in DNT screening?
1. Pre-Nervous Neurotransmitter system
crosstalk with Growth Factors
2. Amenable to High-Throughput Screening
13Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
1. Summary of Talks
2. Summary of Discussion
14Discussing Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
1. Scientific Validity of the Model
1. Extrapolation of Dosage among Models and
Humans is Difficult
2. Is a Negative a real Negative/Is a Positive a
real Positive?
3. Caveats of Models
Chicken - Neurodevelopment partly different
(no Corpus Callosum) -
Analysis of Behavior not Amenable to High
Fly - Evolutionary Distance
- Time Consuming Validation
Sea Urchin - limited to Pre-Nervous System
(Early Development) - limited to Studies of
Neurotransmitter/Growth Factors
15Discussing Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
2. Integration of Models into DNT Screening
Lower Priority
Screening in Alternative Models
Screening Battery (no one Alternative Model will
do it)
Further Mechanistic Testing
Design Smarter Mammalian Tests
16Discussing Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
3. The Future (What next?)
1. More Communication among Three Players
(Industry, Regulatory Agencies, Academics)
2. Identify Reference List of Known Positives and
3. Identify Endpoints of DNT, Assess which Models
Address these Endpoints Best, Test Reference
List of Positives and Negatives
17Discussing Birds, Flies and Sea Urchin
4. Additional Points
1. Risk Communication (Credibility of in vitro
Testing, Convey to Public)
2. Conundrum/Liability No Animal Use vs. Best