Title: Automated Communication Assignment and Email Generation
1Automated Communication Assignment and Email
2Assignment Process Set-up
3Assignment Process Set-up
- Trigger Operators
- , gt, gt, lt, lt, ltgt
- IN
- LIKE ()
4Run Control
5How it Works
lthtmlgt ltheadgt ltmeta http-equiv"Content-Language"
content"en-us"gt ltmeta http-equiv"Content-Type"
content"text/html charsetwindows-1252"gt lttitlegt
California State Polytechnic University,
Pomonalt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt lttable border"0"
cellspacing"0" style"border-collapse collapse
" bordercolor"111111" width"811" height"702"
id"table1"gt lttrgt lttd width"809"
height"60" valign"top"gt ltimg border"0"
etterhead/top.gif" alt"Letter head - Admissions
and Outreach Cal Poly Pomona" width"702"
height"72"gtlt/tdgt lt/trgt lttrgt lttd
width"809" valign"top"gtlt/tdgt lt/trgt lttrgt
lttd width"809" height"77" align"center"gt
lttable border"0" style"border-collapse
collapse" width"95" id"table4" cellpadding"0"
height"424"gt lttrgt lttd style"font-family
Verdana font-size 10pt" colspan"2"gt
lttable border"0" cellspacing"0"
style"border-collapse collapse
font-familyVerdana font-size10pt"
bordercolor"111111" width"673" height"62"
id"table5"gt lttrgt lttd
valign"top" align"left" width"170"gtHDATElt/tdgt
lttd width"260" valign"top"
align"right" height"1"gtBronco Numberlt/tdgt
lttd width"0" valign"top" height"1"gtlt/tdgt
lttd width"227" valign"top"
height"1"gtHEMPLIDlt/tdgt lt/trgt
lttrgt lttd width"170" valign"top"
align"right" height"19"gtnbsplt/tdgt
lttd width"260" valign"top" align"right"
height"19"gtTermlt/tdgt lttd width"0"
valign"top" height"19"gtlt/tdgt lttd
width"227" valign"top" height"19"gtHTERMlt/tdgt
Custom template for specific communication.
Template contains variables for dynamic content.
6How it Works
Communication set-up page.
lthtmlgt ltheadgt ltmeta http-equiv"Content-Language"
content"en-us"gt ltmeta http-equiv"Content-Type"
content"text/html charsetwindows-1252"gt lttitlegt
California State Polytechnic University,
Pomonalt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt lttable border"0"
cellspacing"0" style"border-collapse collapse
" bordercolor"111111" width"811" height"702"
id"table1"gt lttrgt lttd width"809"
height"60" valign"top"gt ltimg border"0"
etterhead/top.gif" alt"Letter head - Admissions
and Outreach Cal Poly Pomona" width"702"
height"72"gtlt/tdgt lt/trgt lttrgt lttd
width"809" valign"top"gtlt/tdgt lt/trgt lttrgt
lttd width"809" height"77" align"center"gt
7How it Works
Communication set-up page.
8How it Works
9Variable Substitution
10How it Works
11How it Works
Sequence number allows nested variables by
specifying variable substitution order. A higher
sequence numbered variable can be referenced in a
lower numbered sequenced variable.
12Variable Substitution
13Variable Substitution
14Run Control
Multiple communications on a single run control.
15Address Usage
The message is sent to whichever email address is
found with the lowest usage order number.
The mailing address printed in the email or put
in extract file is whichever address is found
with the lowest usage order number.
Address usage is specified on the run control
16Communication Management
Communication management pages are updated after
communication is processed.
17Custom Tracking Page
Integrated with 3C security. Users can only view
communications that their security allows them to
Search page lists all emails sent to specified
18Custom Tracking Page
Displays email header info as well as entire
email content as it was sent and displayed to the
Graphics in template are not stored, but are
hosted on external web server
19Portal Integration
20Portal Integration
21Portal Integration
22Who uses it?
Human Resources
Financial Aid
Student Records
Student Financials
23Global Variables
- Variables available in all communications
24Other Variables
- The following variables are already in use by
some admin functions, but need additional coding
to access them in others.
25Yet More Variables
- The following are more variables in use by
various functional areas. - Not all variables are used by all areas.
26Other Possibilities?
- Allow process to send in batch mode.
- Automate delivery of extract file to other
systems. - Interface with web server that hosts graphics to
provide tracking of if/when email is viewed