Title: FOSS resources on the Internet
1FOSS resources on the Internet
2Internet limitless number of possibilities
- Exchanging information and knowledge
- Main mean for distribution of the free software
- Main mean for maintenance and upgrade of free
software applications - The Internet plays key role in the development of
the free software ant its familiarity with the
customers worldwide.
3Upgrading FOSS on the Internet
- Upgrading a complete Linux distribution
- Upgrading a complete BSD distribution
- Upgrading applications from source
- Upgrading applications from packages
- Installing patches for already installed software
- How does the free software develop and upgrade?
- Concurrent Versions System system for
controlling multiple different versions of the
same software package - It provides developers worldwide to work on a
same project. - The customers have direct access and snapshot of
the very last version of the software
5Documentation on the Internet
- Support for open source software
- Tutorials and HOWTO documents
- http//www.google.com
- http//www.wikipedia.org
- Forums and mailing lists
- Web pages for bug fixes
6When should we ask for help on the Internet
- Every application has its own documentation
- Creating a global picture about the problem
- Localizing the problem
- When asking questions, please give as much as
information about your system that you can. - Make sure you check the latest versions of the
software and its changelog.
7Macedonian web pages supporting open source
- www.slobodensoftver.org.mk
- www.linux.net.mk
- www.lugola.net
- spodeliznaenje.blogspot.com
- mailing list - http//hedona.on.net.mk/mailman/lis
tinfo/ossm-members - MT-News-Group
- http//mirror.on.net.mk
8Other resources on the Internet
- Links for documentation
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Linux_d
istributions - http//www.linuxjournal.com
- http//tldp.org
- http//techrepublic.com
- http//www.linuxdocs.org
9Other resources on the Internet
- Links for system security
- http//insecure.org
- http//tldp.org/HOWTO/Security-HOWTO/
- http//www.linuxsecurity.com
- http//netfilter.org
- Linux as a router
- http//www.lartc.org/
- http//www.zebra.org
10Other resources on the Internet
- Where can we found FOSS projects and new
applications? - http//freshmeat.net
- http//sourceforge.net
- http//openoffice.org
- http//www.gnome.org
- http//www.kde.org
- http//www.google.com
- http//rpm.pbone.net, http//www.rpmfind.net
11Valuable applications which you must have
- Office Applications
- OpenOffice.org - http//openoffice.org
- Kpdf - http//kpdf.kde.org
- Mozilla Firefox - http//mozilla.com/firefox
- Mozilla Thunderbird - http//mozlla.com/thunderbir
12Valuable applications which you must have
- Applications for monitoring the network
- Nagios - http//www.nagios.com
- MRTG - http//www.mrtg.com
- Cacti - http//cacti.net
- Snort - http//www.snort.org
- Ethereal - http//ethereal.com
- Wireshark - http//wireshark.org
13Valuable applications which you must have
- Server-side open source software
- ApachePHPMysql
- http//www.apache.com
- http//www.php.net
- http//www.mysql.org
- Joomla http//www.joomla.org
- Drupal http//www.drupal.org
- SugarCRM http//www.sugarforge.org
- Postfix, Qpopper, Squiremail, Spamassasin, Clamav
14What is the meaning of the Internet concerning
the free software?
- Availability of new versions, new software
packages - Patches are updated frequently and at a time
- New modules and interconnections between various
applications are made every day - One giant library
- Why is Windows so dominant?
- Does Windows have better support and
documentation than Linux? - How concerned are we really about the security
and privace of the information in our company? - Will You try Linus?
- Is there something that you can do on Windows,
but you cant manage to do on Linux?