Title: Some Things We Cannot
1Some Things We Cannot
2Escape DEATH?
- Then the LORD said to Moses, Behold, the days
approach when you must die. . . (Deut. 3114,
NKJV) - For we will surely die and become like water
spilled on the ground. . . (2 Sam. 1414) - Now the days of David drew near that he should
die, and he charged Solomon his son, saying I go
the way of all the earth. . . (1 Kin. 21, 2,
3. . .DEATH
- For the living know that they will die. . .
(Eccl. 95, NKJV) - For as in Adam all die. . . (1 Cor. 1522,
NKJV) - And as it is appointed for men to die once, but
after this the judgment (Heb. 927, NKJV)
- to experience death is to experience separation
- one cannot experience death without being
separated from the body! - For as the body without the spirit is dead, so
faith without works is dead also (Jas. 226)
Gen. 3518
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- For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all
shall be made alive (1 Cor. 15 22, NKJV) - Just as sure as all die, so all will rise!
- Do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in
which all who are in the graves will hear His
voice and come forththose who have done good,
to the resurrection of life, and those who have
done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation
(Jn. 528, 29, NKJV)
7. . .Resurrection?
- Assured by
- Christs word
- Christs deeds (e.g., Lazarus)
- Christs own resurrection
- But each one in his own order Christ the
firstfruits, afterward those who are Christs at
His coming (1 Cor. 1523, NKJV) - Terminates deaths reign
- 1 Corinthians 1524-26
8Escape The JUDGMENT?
- And as it is appointed for men to die once, but
after this the judgment (Heb. 927, NKJV) - as it is appointed for all to die, it is
appointed for all to be judged! - For we must all appear before the judgment seat
of Christ, that each one may receive the things
done in the body, according to what he has done,
whether good or bad (2 Cor. 510, NKJV)
9America Will NOT Escape It!
- All the nations will be gathered before Him, and
He will separate them one from another, as a
shepherd divides his sheep from the goats (Matt.
2532, NKJV) - no super power is exempt!
10How Can We Not Be Judged?
- culture that defends sexual perversity
- teachers sodomizing minors. . .no or little
punishment! - Hollywood harbors homosexuality
- 4 Golden Globe Awards Brokeback Mountain sic.
Breaking Marriage and Morals Mountain - You shall not lie with a male as with a woman.
It is an abomination (Lev. 1821 cf. Rom.
11How Can We Not Be Judged?
- murderous mothers!
- 700,000 abortions in America every year after 9
weeks of pregnancy - for every two babies born in America, 1 is
aborted - 1.3 million every year
- 3,600 babies every day
- 1 baby every 25 seconds
- 46 million since 1973
- 93 chose to abort as an act of birth control
- 1 for rape/incest
- 3 for abnormalities
- 3 for mothers health
Link To Article
12Proverbs 616-19
These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are
an abomination to Him A proud look, A lying
tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart
that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in
running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren (NKJV)
These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are
an abomination to Him A proud look, A lying
tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart
that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in
running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren (NKJV)
13How Can We Not Be Judged?
- robbery, dishonest gain
- gov. taking houses/lands from citizens
- e.g., taking a home from a widow in New York to
make it into a casino! - Woe to him who covets evil gain for his house,
That he may set his nest on high, That he may be
delivered from the power of disaster! You give
shameful counsel to your house, Cutting off many
peoples, And sin against your soul. For the stone
will cry out from the wall, And the beam from the
timbers will answer it (Hab. 29-11, NKJV)
14Acts 1731
- because He has appointed a day on which He will
judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom
He has ordained. He has given assurance of this
to all by raising Him from the dead (NKJV) - as death is appointed for man, so judgment is
appointed on a given day - are you prepared to meet your God?
- repent and be baptized today (Acts 238)
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