Title: Energy Descent Pathways project
1Energy Descent Pathways project
- Introduction
- Scenarios Workshops
- TTT groups
- July 2008
2- Workshop Agenda
- Intro. EDAP project to date
- 2030 - where are we now?
- Scenarios
- EDAP Indicators
- 2030 poster
3- EDAP project to date
- Overview
- What makes TTT EDAP special?
- Framework / threads
- Project development plan 2008/9
- Logo Info. leaflet in progress
4Framework / threads
- Timeline
- Peak oil decline / availability / cost
- Global warming / carbon pollution / sea level
rise - Issue themes
- Building Housing
- Economics Livelihoods
- Education
- Energy
- Food
- Health Wellbeing
- Heart Soul
- Local Government
- The Arts
- Transport Traffic
- Waste
- Water
- Contingency planning
TTT Groups public to inform
5EDAP Project development plan 2008-09
Create Totnes Energy Descent Action Plan 2009 -
Develop a framework
Allocate budget
Establish assumptions
Promote Publicise
Identify vision pathways
6(No Transcript)
7Develop a Framework
- Research
- Timeline
- Indicators Baseline
- Methodology - Tools
- Locality Society
8Totnes DistrictMarket Town Initiative Area
9Who lives in South Hams ?
10Society in South Hams (Sports England)
11Establish Assumptions
- Drivers of change
- (proposed)
- Peak oil
- Catastrophe
- Climate Change
- Political Response
- Spiral Dynamics
- Technology
- Economic climate
- Socio-demographics
Build Future Scenarios
12Possible Future Scenarios ?
- Business as usual
- Climate Change catastrophe
- Techno-fix
- Enlightened Transition
13Energy Descent Pathways Heart of the Plan
- Outreach
- Scenarios Workshops
- Views, ideas, needs, inspiration
- enlightenment
- Visualisation
- Back casting
- Contingency planning
- Cross-checking
- Feedback / review
14- EDAP Content
- Who will provide
- Information ideas?
TTT groups Transition Teams
- Local Organisations, businesses, service-
- providers, representatives individuals
- Outreach programme
- Peak oil talks Scenario workshops
- Public exhibition
- On-line forum
Key local organizations to be involved in
other themes e.g. Waste Water
Other EDAP initiatives
Other sustainable community initiatives
15What will the EDAP look like?
- 1 Introduction why EDAP
- 2 Timeline Peak Oil, Climate Change etc.
- 3 Chapters key themes
- TTT working groups
- 4. Pull out timeline / frieze of pathways
threads of - common themes
- visions along the way
- 5 Methodology
- 6 Recommendations
- 7 Reference
- 8 Appendices map etc
16Project timescale - content / input
- 2008
- July 1st round of scenario workshops with TTT
groups - Sept. 24th Public launch of project in Totnes
- Sept Oct Talks and meetings about EDAP with
other sectoral organizations and groups - 2nd round of scenario workshops with TTT
groups develop indicators,
visualisation backcasting - Nov 1st round Public Scenario Workshops -
specific themes - 2009
- January 2nd round Public Visualisation
Backcasting workshops on specific themes
with TTT groups involved - 3rd round of scenario
visualisation workshops with TTT groups
tuning issues, indicators actions - Feb - March Draft plan for internal public
review - Exhibition discussion groups - April Review workshops - TTT groups et all on
feedback - May / June TTT EDAP
- To print
- To website
- Implementation 2009 -
17project info contact detailsjacqihodgson_at_gmai
l.comtel.0560 153 8658(mob. 079 22411266)
Energy Descent Pathways project