Triangle Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Triangle Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions


Shawn Fitzpatrick, NC Solar Center. Mike Lanier, Orange County Agricultural Extension Agent ... M. King Hubbert - the first to predict an oil peak. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Triangle Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions

Triangle Conference on Peak Oil and Community
  • Duke University
  • March 25, 2006

Co-sponsored by NCPowerdown and the Duke
University Greening Initiative.Keynote address
by Larry Shirley, State Energy Office Director
  • How will the global peak in oil production
    affect our community and change our lives? What
    can we do to prepare ourselves, our families and

Presenters Directory
  • Presentations on energy, transportation, food
    production, and planned communities speakers
  • Patricia Allison, Earthaven Ecovillage
  • Giles Blunden, Carrboro Collaborative Development
  • Rachel Burton Lyle Estill, Piedmont Biofuels
  • Shawn Fitzpatrick, NC Solar Center
  • Mike Lanier, Orange County Agricultural Extension
  • Tami Schwerin, Chatham Marketplace Coop
  • Tim Bennett and Sally Erickson, Director and
    Producer, What a Way to Go

Production of oil has been greater than
discoveries for a quarter century
What is Peak Oil?
  • Peak Oil is the simplest label for the
    problem of energy resource depletion, or more
    specifically, the peak in global oil production.
    Oil is a finite, non-renewable resource, one that
    has powered phenomenal economic and population
    growth over the last century and a half. The rate
    of oil 'production,' meaning extraction and
    refining (currently about 84 million
    barrels/day), has grown in most years over the
    last century, but once we go through the halfway
    point of all reserves, production becomes ever
    more likely to decline, hence 'peak'. Peak Oil
    means not 'running out of oil', but 'running out
    of cheap oil'. For societies leveraged on ever
    increasing amounts of cheap oil, the consequences
    may be dire. Without significant successful
    cultural reform, economic and social decline
    seems inevitable.

Why does oil peak? Why doesn't it suddenly run
  • Oil companies have, naturally enough, extracted
    the easier-to-reach, cheap oil first. The oil
    pumped first was on land, near the surface, under
    pressure, light and 'sweet' (meaning low sulfur
    content) and therefore easy to refine into
    gasoline. The remaining oil, sometimes off shore,
    far from markets, in smaller fields, or of lesser
    quality, takes ever more money and energy to
    extract and refine. Under these conditions, the
    rate of extraction inevitably drops. Furthermore,
    all oil fields eventually reach a point where
    they become economically, and energetically, no
    longer viable. If it takes the energy of a
    barrel of oil to extract a barrel of oil, then
    further extraction is pointless.

M. King Hubbert - the first to predict an oil
  • In the 1950s a U.S. geologist working for
    Shell, M. King Hubbert, noticed that oil
    discoveries graphed over time, tended to follow a
    bell shape curve. He posited that the rate of oil
    production would follow a similar curve, now
    known as the Hubbert Curve (see figure). In 1956
    Hubbert predicted that production from the US
    lower 48 states would peak in 1970.

Big Oil Denies Reality
  • Shell tried to pressure Hubbert into not making
    his projections public, but the notoriously
    stubborn Hubbert went ahead and released them. In
    any case, most people inside and outside the
    industry quickly dismissed Hubbert's predictions.
    In 1970 US oil producers had never produced as
    much, and Hubbert's predictions were a fading
    memory. But Hubbert was right, US continental oil
    production did peak in 1970/71, although it was
    not widely recognized for several years, and only
    with the benefit of hindsight.

The Looming Energy Crisis
  • No oil producing region fits the bell shaped
    curve exactly because production is dependent on
    various geological, economic and political
    factors, but the Hubbert Curve remains a powerful
    predictive tool.
  • Although it passed by largely unnoticed, the U.S.
    oil peak was arguably the most significant
    geopolitical event of the mid to late 20th
    Century, creating the conditions for the energy
    crises of the 1970s, leading to far greater U.S.
    strategic emphasis on controling foreign sources
    of oil, and spelling the begining of the end of
    the status of the U.S as the world's major
    creditor nation. The U.S. of course was able to
    import oil from elsewhere, and life continued
    there with only minimal interruption. When
    global oil production peaks however, the
    implications will be far greater.

So when will oil peak globally?
  • Hubbert went on to predict a global oil peak
    between 1995 and 2000. He may have been close to
    the mark except that the oil shocks of the 1970s
    slowed our use of oil. As the following figure
    shows, global oil discovery peaked in the late
    1960s. Since the mid-1980s, oil companies have
    been finding less oil than we have been

54 of 65 Oil Producers have already peaked.
  • Of the 65 largest oil producing countries in the
    world, up to 54 have past their peak of
    production and are now in decline, including the
    USA (in 1970/71) and the North Sea (in 2001).
    Hubbert's methods, and variations on them, have
    been used to make various projections about the
    global oil peak, with results ranging from
    'already peaked', to the very optimistic 2035.
    Many of the official sources of data used to
    model oil peak such as OPEC figures, oil company
    reports, and the USGS discovery projections, upon
    which the international energy agencies base
    their own reports, can be shown to be very
    unreliable. Several notable scientists have
    attempted independent studies, most notably Colin
    Campbell and the Association for the Study of
    Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO).

ASPOs Analysis
Regular oil peaked in 2004
  • ASPO's latest model suggests that 'regular' oil
    peaked in 2004. If heavy oil, deepwater, polar
    and natural gas liquids are considered, the oil
    peak is projected for around 2010. Combined oil
    and gas, as shown above, are expected to also
    peak around 2010. Other researchers such as
    Kenneth Deffeyes and A. M. Samsam Bakhtiari have
    produced models with similar or even earlier
    projected dates for oil peak. Precise predictions
    are difficult as much secrecy shrouds important
    oil and gas data.

Independent studies agree.
  • Other quite different types of analysis have
    provided supporting evidence to these 'early
    peak' scenarios, most notably UK Petroleum Review
    editor Chris Skrebowski's Oilfields Megaproject
    reports, and energy banker Matthew Simmons'
    analysis of Saudi Arabian oil fields.
  • The effects of natural gas peak are more
    localized due to the economic and energetic
    expense of liquefying and transporting natural
    gas as LNG. Both British and North American
    natural gas production have already peaked, so
    these nations may be facing dual energy crises.

What does Peak Oil mean for us?
  • Our industrial societies and our financial
    systems were built on the assumption of continual
    growth growth based on ever more readily
    available cheap fossil fuels. Oil in particular
    is the most convenient and multi-purposed of
    these fossil fuels. Oil currently accounts for
    about 43 of the world's total fuel consumption
    PDF, and 95 of global energy used for
    transportation PDF. Oil is so important that
    the peak will have vast implications across the
    realms of geopolitics, lifestyles, agriculture
    and economic stability. Significantly, for every
    one joule of food consumed in the United States,
    around 10 joules of fossil fuel energy have been
    used to produce it.

The Hirsch Report
  • A risk mitigation study on Peak Oil was released
    in early 2005, commissioned by the US Department
    of Energy. Prepared by the Science Applications
    International Corporation (SAIC), and titled
    Peaking of World Oil Production Impacts,
    Mitigation and Risk Management PDF, it is
    known commonly as the Hirsch Report after its
    primary author Robert L. Hirsch. The executive
    summary of the report warns that "as peaking is
    approached, liquid fuel prices and price
    volatility will increase dramatically, and,
    without timely mitigation, the economic, social,
    and political costs will be unprecedented. Viable
    mitigation options exist on both the supply and
    demand sides, but to have substantial impact,
    they must be initiated more than a decade in
    advance of peaking." Emphasis added.
    Unfortunately nothing like the kind of efforts
    envisaged have yet begun.

But it's just oil - there are other fossil fuels,
other energy sources, right?
  • To evaluate other energy sources it helps to
    understand the concepts of Net Energy, or the
    Energy Returned on Energy Invested ratio (ERoEI).
    One of the reasons our economies have grown so
    abundant so quickly over the last few generations
    is precisely because oil has had an unprecedently
    high ERoEI ratio. In the early days of oil, for
    every barrel of oil used for exploration and
    drilling, up to 100 barrels of oil were found.
    More recently, as oil recovery becomes more
    difficult, the ratio has become significantly
    lower. Certain alternative energy 'sources' may
    actually have ERoEI ratios of less than one, such
    as some photovoltaics and most methods of
    industrially producing biodiesel and ethanol.
    That is, when all factors are considered, you
    probably need to invest more energy into the
    process than you get back.

Hydrogen Fuel
  • Hydrogen, touted by many as a seamless
    solution, is actually an energy carrier, but not
    an energy source. Hydrogen must be produced using
    an energy source such as natural gas or nuclear
    power. Because of energy losses in
    transformation, the hydrogen will always contain
    less energy than was invested in it.

Wind Hydro-Power
  • Some alternatives such as wind and
    hydro-power have much better ERoEI, however their
    potential expansion may be limited by various
    physical factors. Even in combination it may not
    be possible to gather from renewable sources of
    energy anything like the amount of energy that
    industrial society is accustomed to. Richard
    Heinberg uses the metaphor that whereas fossil
    fuels might be considered a massive energy
    inheritance, and one spent perhaps unwisely,
    renewables are much more akin to a hard won
    energy wage.

Small-scale Hydro Power
What can be done?
  • Many people are working on partial solutions at
    various different levels, but there is probably
    no cluster of solutions which do not involve some
    major changes in lifestyles, especially for the
    global affluent. Peak Oil presents the potential
    for quite catastrophic upheavals, but also some
    more hopeful possibilities, a chance to address
    many underlying societal problems, and the
    opportunity return to simpler, healthier and more
    community oriented lifestyles.

The Post Carbon Institute Outposts.
  • The Post Carbon Institute is a think tank devoted
    to exploring the implications of, and preparing
    for, Peak Oil, focusing on relocalization. They
    write, the most important initiative of the Post
    Carbon Institute is working with groups of
    concerned citizens to prepare their community for
    the Post Carbon Age. These groups are Outposts in
    the sense that they are community-based
    extensions of the Post Carbon Institute they
    operate autonomously yet receive guidance and
    electronic infrastructure from the Institute.
    Outposts work cooperatively in their local
    community to put theory about living with less
    hydrocarbons into practice while sharing
    knowledge and experiences with the global network
    of outposts. www.postcarbon.orgwww.relocalize.n

The Community Solution
  • Many excellent resources are available through
    the website of this US based organization
    "dedicated to the development, growth and
    enhancement of small local communities... that
    are sustainable, diverse and culturally
  • The Community Solution has organized two recent
    grassroots Peak Oil conferences, and has
    developed a case study of Cuba, a country which
    has relatively successfully adapted to an
    artificial oil peak.

  • Permaculture is a 'design science' which can
    allow us to live in relative abundance with
    minimal resource use. Permaculture principles can
    be used to functionally redesign social systems,
    built environments, ecological and agricultural
    practices for energy descent. David Holmgren's
    recent book, Permaculture Principles and
    Pathways Beyond Sustainability, deals explicitly
    with the global oil peak and proposes
    permaculture as the best set of strategies for
    dealing with 'energy descent'. www.permaculture.o
  • Local

Intentional Communities
  • Intentional Community (IC) is an inclusive term
    for ecovillages, cohousing, residential land
    trusts, communes, student co-ops, urban housing
    cooperatives and other related projects and
    dreams... ICs represent one of the sanest ways of
    dealing with energy peak.www.ic.orggen.ecovillag

Where can I get more information?
  • Several articles already published on this site
    provide good introductions to this topicThe
    coming global energy crunch. A great introductory
    article by Aaron NaparstekPlan War and the
    Hubbert Oil Curve, an interview with Richard
    HeinbergThe Petroleum Plateau by Richard
    Heinberg on the current plateau in world oil
    production.Debunking the mainstream media's lies
    about oil by Dale Allen Pfeiffer The oil we eat
    by Richard Manning looks at modern agricultures'
    dependence on fossil fuels
  • There are some great introductory websites
    likeWolf at the Door A Beginner's Guide to
    Oil Depletion - available in French, Polish and
    English.Life After The Oil Crash a question
    and answer style introduction. Peak Oil Center -
    a very concise introduction.

Break Out Sessions
  • Doers at the Cutting Edge

  • Shawn Fitzpatrick, NC Solar Centerserves as a
    clearinghouse for solar and other renewable
    energy programs, information, research, technical
    assistance, and training for the citizens of
    North Carolina and beyond. http//www.ncsc.ncsu.ed
  • Dr. Ed Cox, NC Sustainable Energy Assoc.serves
    as a clearinghouse for action on sustainable
    energy alternatives here in NC.http//www.ncsusta

  • Lyle Estill Rachel Burton, Piedmont Biofuelsa
    cooperative where people can buy clean, renewable
    biodiesel fuel. http//www.biofuels.coopLocal
    Blue Ridge Biodiesel in Asheville
  • Patrick McDonough, The Village Projecta
    community design facilitation

  • Aaron Newton, Land Planner and Community
  • Tami Schwerin, Chatham MarketplaceChatham
    Marketplace is a co-op grocery that will be
    located in Chatham Mills, an 80,000-square-foot
    former textile mill located just north of
    Pittsboro, NC. It will offer a full selection of
    organically and sustainably grown produce as
    much as possible from local growers.

Intentional Communitiesand Low Impact Lifestyle
  • Patricia Allison, Earthaven Ecovillagean
    aspiring ecovillage in a mountain forest setting
    near Asheville, North Carolina. We are dedicated
    to caring for people and the Earth by learning,
    living, and demonstrating a holistic, sustainable
  • Giles Blunden, Carrboro Collaborative Development
    Associationestablished in 2001 to fill a void in
    the market place for consciously designed
    neighborhoods that address critical issues of
    environmental impact, walkability, and the
    building of relationships in new neighborhoods.

Video Resources
  • How Cuba Survived Peak Oil by The Community
    SolutionHow Cuba adjusted after the fall of the
    Soviet Union and the cutoff of its oil
  • What a Way to Go - Life At the End of Empireby
    Tim Bennett and Sally Ericksonhttp//www.whataway

Our in-car community
  • Patricia Allison permaculture teacher
    consultant from Earthaven Ecovillage in Black
  • Peggy Earthaven intern?
  • Jerome Chambless founder of Zap-A-Doo, a
    biological preparation that contains a
    bio-diverse mixture of micro-organisms plus the
    essential nutrient supplementation necessary to
    completely recycle animal waste without the
    production of foul odors. 
  • Andrew Allenbaugh economist with a background
    in environmental services, disaster relief
    efforts, and customer support marketing
  • Alan McRae founder of McRae Management Corp, a
    computer management consulting firm, with a
    specialty in application software, network
    security, and internet marketing. Also,
    lodgekeeper webmaster of Maggies Place
    BB/Retreat Center in Waynesville.

Conference Follow Up
  • With Spring coming, what actions can we take to
    improve sustainability in our lives in our
  • How can we help each other to reach a larger
    audience with our skills, products, services and
    creative ideas?

The End
  • Feel free to distribute this, edit it and help
    motivate others to get involved in sustainability.
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