Title: Major Rangeland Plants of Idaho: Woody Plants
1Major Rangeland Plants of Idaho Woody Plants
2Antelope Bitterbrush
- Perennial
- Native
- Fair for Grazers
- Good for Browsers
Bright yellow flowers
Wedge-shaped leaf shape with 3 tips
3Big Sagebrush
- Perennial
- Native
- Poor for Grazers
- Good for Browsers
Narrow wedge-shaped leaves with 3 tips
Flowers have no petals same color as leaves
- Perennial
- Native
- Poor for Grazers
- Poor for Browsers
Serrate leaf margins
Alternate leaf arrangement
Poisonous This plant can produce a cyanide
5Coyote Willow
- Perennial
- Native
- Fair for Grazers
- Good for Browsers
Alternate leaf arrangement on stem
Linear leaf shape
6Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany
- Perennial
- Native
- Poor for Grazers
- Fair for Browsers
Leaves rolled under/enrolled hence the name
White/gray stems
- Perennial
- Native
- Poor for Grazers
- Fair for Browsers
Leaves have overlapping scales
Evergreen (non-deciduous)
8Quaking Aspen
- Perennial
- Native
- Poor for Grazers
- Fair for Browsers
Obovate leaf shape
Flattened petiole makes leaf quake in the wind
- Perennial
- Native
- Poor for Grazers
- Poor for Browsers
- two types Gray Rabbitbrush, and Green
Terminal seedheads flowers at top of stalk
Linear leaves
gray rabbitbrush green
10Redosier Dogwood
- Perennial
- Native
- Poor for Grazers
- Fair for Browsers
Red stems
Opposite leaves
- Perennial
- Native
- Fair for Grazers
- Good for Browsers
Leaves white on bottom
serrated margins top entire bottom
Leaves green on top
12Shadscale Saltbrush
- Perennial
- Native
- Poor for Grazers
- Good for Browsers
Ovate or obovate leaves circular like a rounded
Alternate leaves
- Perennial
- Native
- Poor for Grazers
- Poor for Browsers
Oval leaves
Opposite on stem
- Perennial
- Native
- Good for Grazers
- Good for Browsers
Hairy leaf surface
Enrolled leaf margin