Title: The Chandra survey of the COSMOS field
1The Chandra survey of the COSMOS field
Fabrizio Fiore the C-COSMOS team Particular
thanks to T. Aldcroft, M. Brusa, N. Cappelluti,
F. Civano, A. Comastri, M. Elvis, S. Puccetti, C.
Vignali, G. Zamorani M. Salvato S-COSMOS team
many others
2Table of content
- Presentation of the survey
- C-COSMOS in a context
- Selected scientific results
- Close pairs
- High-z QSOs
- Fraction of obscured AGN
- Summary (what you should bring home after all..)
- Multiwavelength coverage is mandatory
- X-ray is the leading band for all AGN studies
(provided that X-ray coverage is deep enough)
3Co-evolution of galaxies and SMBH
- Two seminal results
- The discovery of SMBH in the most local bulges
tight correlation between MBH and bulge
properties. - The BH mass density obtained integrating the AGN
L.-F. and the CXB that obtained from local
- ? most BH mass accreted during luminous AGN
phases! - Most bulges passed a phase of activity
- Complete SMBH census,
- 2) full understanding of AGN feedback
- are key ingredients to understand galaxy evolution
4The C-COSMOS survey which science
- Black hole growth and census
- XMM has 20 of ambiguous identifications.
Chandra survey secures the discovery and
identifications of rare objects (elusive AGN,
high-z AGN). - The combination of Chandra data and Spitzers
24?m and 3-8 ?m data allows us to unveil highly
obscured accretion, thus providing a complete
census of accreting SMBH - The influence of the environment on galaxy
activity - excesses of X-ray point sources (AGN) within a
few Mpc of clusters at 0.2ltzlt1. - spikes in the redshift distribution of the X-ray
sources - The AGN and galaxy ACF and CCF down to a few
arcsec how the AGNs trace the cosmic web. - AGN pairs with separationlt10-20 galaxy activity
vs. galaxy interaction
5The C-COSMOS survey how
- The Chandra high resolution permits to resolve
sources 2 apart over 0.9 sq. deg., corresponding
to 8-16 kpc separations for z 0.3-0.9, and
locates point sources to lt 4 kpc at any z. Thus
close mergers can be resolved, and AGNs can be
distinguished from ULXs and off-nuclear starbust. - Thanks to the good PFS, ACIS-I is not background
limited, then C-COSMOS reaches 3 times deeper
than XMM-COSMOS in both hard and soft bands and
cross the threshold where starburst galaxies
become common in X-rays. - The low ACIS background enables stacking
analysis, in which counts at the positions of
known classes of objects are co-added to
increase the effective exposure time
6C-COSMOS in a context
7C-COSMOS numbers
- 1.8 Ms total exposure time
- 36 ACIS-I pointings
- 200 ksec average exposure 0.5deg2
- 100 ksec average exposure 0.4deg2
- Flim2x10-16 cgs
- (0.5-2 keV)
- 1759 X-ray sources (probability
- threshold 2x10-5)
Elvis et al. 2008
8The C-COSMOS multiwavelenth catalog
- Identification in the 3.6micron K, and I bands
using a statistical method to match the X-ray
error box to the most likely cp (likelihood
ratio technique) - identification in 3 bands sample 94 !!
- IR identified sample 5
- most interesting sources
- high-z QSOs, obscured QSOs
- ambiguous/unidentified sample 1
- 870 sources in common with XMM 895 NEW sources!!
- 450 spectroscopic redshift already in
hand(SDSS,VIMOS,IMACS) - Photometric redshift already available for 60
of the sample
Civano et al 2008
9Close pairs
- Thanks to the good Chandra PSF it is possible to
study close pairs to search for X-rays from
galaxy interactions. - Wavelet detection algorithm (PWDETECT, Damiani et
al.) optimized to resolve nearby sources
(Puccetti et al. 2008). - A total of 106 sources closer than 12 are
present in the X-ray catalog. gt than expected
from simulation. - Next step is to obtain the spectroscopic
identification to verify the fraction of physical
pairs (Vignali et al. 2008)
10Chandra/XMM comparison
BLUE circles 0.5-7 keV chandra detections.
Green XMM contours
- 50 of the chandra pairs have associated only
one XMM source. In several cases the brightness
of the sources of the pair is similar.
11High redshift AGN
- QSO zgt3 30 deg2
- QSO zgt4 3 deg2
- Chandra 3 times deeper than XMM
- 100-200 QSO zgt3 deg2
- 10-20 QSO zgt4 deg2
- Elvis et al. 2008 Brusa et al. 2008
- Civano et al. 2008
12Obscured AGN
High X/O, high MIR/O
13Evidences for missing SMBH
While the CXB energy density provides a
statistical estimate of SMBH growth, the lack, so
far, of focusing instrument above 10 keV (where
the CXB energy density peaks), frustrates our
effort to obtain a comprehensive picture of the
SMBH evolutionary properties.
Gilli et al. 2007
Marconi 2004-2007
Menci , Fiore et al. 2004, 2006, 2008
14AGN density
La Franca, Fiore et al. 2005 Menci, Fiore et al.
Paucity of Seyfert like sources _at_ zgt1 is real?
Or, is it, at least partly, a selection effect?
Are we missing in Chandra and XMM surveys highly
obscured (NH?1024 cm-2) AGN? Which are common in
the local Universe
15Why multiwavelength surveys
- IR surveys
- AGNs highly obscured at optical and X-ray
wavelengths shine in the MIR thanks to the
reprocessing of the nuclear radiation by dust
16IR surveys
- Difficult to isolate AGN from star-forming
galaxies (Lacy 2004, Barnby 2005, Stern 2005,
Polletta 2006 and many others)
17Why multiwavelength surveys
- Use both X-ray and MIR surveys
- Select unobscured and moderately obscured AGN in
X-rays - Add highly obscured AGNs selected in the MIR
- Simple approach Differences are emphasized in a
wide-band SED analysis
18MIR selection of CT AGN
Fiore et al. 2003
ELAIS-S1 24mm galaxies
Unobscured obscured
Open symbols unobscured AGN
Filled symbols optically obscured AGN
19MIR selection of CT AGN
Fiore et al. 2008a
Fiore et al. 2008b
COSMOS X-ray COSMOS 24um galaxies
GOODS 24um galaxies
Open symbols unobscured AGN Filled symbols
optically obscured AGN photo-z
20 Template highly obscured QSOs
- IRAS091044109
- High L(IR)/Lx ratio
- No PAH emission features in IRS spectrum
- IR SED dominated by the AGN
Abel269075 (Pozzi et al 2007)
Stack of Chandra images of MIR sources not
directly detected in X-rays
Fiore et al. 2008b
22AGN fraction
Chandra survey of the Bootes field (5ks effective
exposure) Brand et al. 2006 assume that AGN
populate the peak at F24um/F8um0 only. They miss
a large population of obscured AGN, not detected
at the bright limits of their survey.
23AGN fraction
Caputi et al. 2007
La Franca et al. 2005 2-10 keV
24CT AGN volume density
GCH 2007 logNHgt24
z1.2-2.2 density IR-CT AGN 45 density X-ray
selected AGN, 90 of unobscured or moderately
obscured AGN z0.7-1.2 density IR-CT AGN 100
density X-ray selected AGN, 200 of unobscured
or moderately obscured AGN The correlation
between the fraction of obscured AGN and their
luminosity holds including CT AGN, and it is in
place by z2
25AGN obscuration, AGN feedback and star-formation
- CT absorbers can be naturally included in the
Menci et al. feedback scenario as an extension
toward smaller distances to the nucleus where gas
density can be high. - If this is the case and if the fundamental
correlation between the fraction of obscured AGN
and L is due to different timescales over which
nuclear feedback is at work - Evolutionary star-formation sequence
- CT moderately obscured
unobscured - Strong moderate
26AGN obscuration, AGN feedback and star-formation
- Log(L5.8/L1.4GHz)4.74 (0.12) 38 CT QSOs
z1.2-2.2 - Log(L5.8/L1.4GHz)5.07 (0.13) 25 QSOs z1.2-2.2
- X-ray selected, type-2 QSO have higher submm
detection rate than unobscured QSO
Page et al. 2004
Stevens et al. 2005 unobscured
27Density of Obscured AGNs
? ?
Dashed lines Menci model, no AGN feeback Solid
lines Menci model, AGN feedback 2-10 keV data
La Franca, FF et al. 2005 Spectroscopic
confirmation very difficult for the CDFS-GOODS
sources (R27, F(24um)100uJy Possible for the
COSMOS sources!! F24um1mJy gt Spitzer IRS AO5
program (Pri. C, Salvato et al.)
- Chandra sensitive survey of the COSMOS field
1758 sources, half new, I.e. not detected by XMM - 100 sources with optical counterpart fainter
than I26.5 gt highly obscured QSOs, high-z
QSOs - Large sample of bright pairs
- gt galaxy interaction vs. galaxy activity
- Combined use of Chandra and Spitzer over a large
field gt discovery of CT type 2 QSOs at z1-2 - gt fraction of X-ray detected and X-ray
emitting AGN in 24um samples is large (50) - All this will allow a precise determination of
the evolution of the accretion in the Universe, a
precise census of accreting SMBH - While multiwavelength coverage is mandatory,
X-ray is the leading band for AGN studies
(provided that X-ray coverage is deep enough)