Title: Wide-field Surveys with Subaru
1Wide-field Surveys with Subaru
Toru Yamada
2 - A Review of Subaru Wide-Field and Deep
Surveys some prospects for HSC/ WFMOS era
- Introduction to the two very wide-field deep
survey with Subaru SCDXT, SSA22-NB
4Distribution of Distant Red Galaxies (J-Kgt2.3)
near HDF
7 arcmin
Kajisawa et al. 2006
5Previous wide-field observations with Suprime Cam
FoV deg2 SCam Other wavelength notes Teams
Subaru Deep Field 0.25 BVRiz,921,816,711,503,497, IBs NIR, MIR deepest images with Subaru Obs. Project SDF Kashikawa et al.
GOODS-N 0.05 (0.2) BVRiz,497,(921) X, UV,HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio world standard field Ohta et al. / Capak et al. ?
Lockman Hole 0.25 BVRiz X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio low HI column Capak et al.
NEP Survey 0.25 BRiz MIR, sub-mm, radio Akari survey Matsuhara/Hanami et al.
EIS 0.5 BRIz NIR ESO field Arimoto et al.
Subaru XMM Deep Field 1.2 BVRiz,921,816,711, 503,497, IBs X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio deep and wide Obs. Project SXDS Sekiguchi, et al.
COSMOS 2 griz,921, 816, IBs (21bands) X, UV, HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio HST ACS COSMOS COSMOS / Taniguchi et al.
PISCES clusters BVRiz NIR, HST, X Survey at known clusters Kodama et al.
SSA22 3 B,V,497 NIR z3.1 Hayashino et al. / Yamada et al.
SCDXT (UKIDSS/Scam) 9 (B),I NIR/MIR UKIDSS DXS fields Yamada et al.
33 deg Survey (33) R Lensing Miyazaki et al.
These are not all the surveys by Subaru
6Comoving Volume ( Mpc3 / unit z ) _at_ z1-10 Main targets
1 deg2 107 Galaxy Formation/Evolution
10 deg2 108 The most luminous objects Clusters, LSS
100 deg2 109 Quasars Mass Distribution of the Universe
1000 deg2 1010 BAO, and other precise cosmology
c.f., comoving volume sampled by Suprime Cam NB
Lya Redshift V (comoving)
NB497 Z3.1 7x105 Mpc3/deg2
NB711 Z4.9 7x105 Mpc3/deg2
NB921 Z6.6 1x106 Mpc3/deg2
7Previous wide-field observations with Subaru
FoV SCam Other wavelength notes Teams
Subaru Deep Field 0.25 BVRiz,921,816,711,503,497, IBs NIR, MIR deepest images with Subaru Obs. Project SDF Kashikawa et al.
GOODS-N 0.05 (0.2) BVRiz,497,(921) X, UV,HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio world standard field Ohta et al. / Capak et al. ?
Lockman Hole 0.25 BVRiz X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio low HI column Capak et al.
NEP Survey 0.25 BRiz MIR, sub-mm, radio Akari survey Matsuhara/Hanami et al.
EIS 0.5 BRIz NIR ESO field Arimoto et al.
Subaru XMM Deep Field 1.2 BVRiz,921,816,711, 503,497, IBs X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio deep and wide Obs. Project SXDS Sekiguchi, et al.
COSMOS 2 griz,921, 816, IBs (21bands) X, UV, HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio HST ACS COSMOS COSMOS / Taniguchi et al.
PISCES clusters BVRiz NIR, HST, X Survey at known clusters Kodama et al.
SSA22 3 B,V,497 NIR z3.1 Hayashino et al. / Yamada et al.
SCDXT (UKIDSS/Scam) 9 (B),I NIR/MIR UKIDSS DXS fields Yamada et al.
33 deg Survey (33) R Lensing Miyazaki et al.
8SDF (deepest) - Unveiling the Re-Ionization Era
Subaru Deep Field
(north, difficult to observe from ALMA)
Kodaira et al. 2003, Taniguchi et al. 2004,
Kashikawa et al. 2005 Iye et al. 2006 (for the
z6.96 object), Ota et al. 2007 submitted
9SDF The deepest search for the highest-redshift
SXDS Tracing Structure Formation and Galaxy
10Iye et al. 2006
11Witnessing the Re-ionization of the Universe?
Haiman 2002
Kashikawa et al. 2006
12Observing Cosmic Reionization by (the clustering
of) Lya Emitters
average neutral fraction
SDF z6.6
McQuinn et al. 2007
13There are also studies about continuum selected
- Lyman Break Galaxies at z3-7
- luminosity function and star-formation history
- clustering
- ? Ouchi et al., Yoshida et al., Shimasaku et
al., - Iwata et al. (GOODS)
- z2 (BzK) galaxies
- Motohara et al., Kong et al.
- (EIS)
Yoshida et al. 2006
14Previous wide-field observations with Subaru
FoV SCam Other wavelength notes Teams
Subaru Deep Field 0.25 BVRiz,921,816,711,503,497, IBs NIR, MIR deepest images with Subaru Obs. Project SDF Kashikawa et al.
GOODS-N 0.05 (0.2) BVRiz,497,(921) X, UV,HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio world standard field Ohta et al. / Capak et al. ?
Lockman Hole 0.25 BVRiz X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio low HI column Capak et al.
NEP Survey 0.25 BRiz MIR, sub-mm, radio Akari survey Matsuhara/Hanami et al.
EIS 0.5 BRIz NIR ESO field Arimoto et al.
Subaru XMM Deep Field 1.2 BVRiz,921,816,711, 503,497, IBs X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio deep and wide Obs. Project SXDS Sekiguchi, et al.
COSMOS 2 griz,921, 816, IBs (21bands) X, UV, HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio HST ACS COSMOS COSMOS / Taniguchi et al.
PISCES clusters BVRiz NIR, HST, X Survey at known clusters Kodama et al.
SSA22 3 B,V,497 NIR z3.1 Hayashino et al. / Yamada et al.
SCDXT (UKIDSS/Scam) 9 (B),I NIR/MIR UKIDSS DXS fields Yamada et al.
33 deg Survey (33) R Lensing Miyazaki et al.
These are not all the surveys by Subaru
TY (at least partially) involved or leading
15Panoramic Deep Image Subaru/XMM Deep Survey
Galaxy evolution can be studied in fairly large
sub-mm (SHADES), etc.
16SDF The deepest search for the highest-redshift
SXDS Tracing Structure Formation and Galaxy
17Distribution of Galaxies in SXDS (1)
B-drop LBGs (ilt27)
Ouchi et al. 2005
18Distribution of Galaxies in SXDS (2)
Yamada et al. 2005
19Connecting Different Type of Galaxies at
different epoch by their clustering properties
20UKIDSS-UDS SXDS K-band LF evolution up to
z2 Cirasuolo et al. 2007
K_ABlt22.5 22000 sources (0.6 deg2)
Number density evolution of red and blue bright
21COSMOS Subaru provides the ground-base
multi-band data
Massey et al. 2006 Taniguchi et al. 2007
COSMOS-21 (Taniguchi) Broad-Band Intermediate-Ba
nd Narrow-band
22Narrow-band Surveys at SDF, SXDS, COSMOS,
23z3 simulation at larger scale (Benson et al.
141 h-1 Mpc
N-body semi-analytic treatment
BW CDM Colord Galaxies
24Large-Scale Structure of Lyman Alpha Emitters (1)
Shimasaku et al. 2003, 2004
25Large-Scale Structure of Lyman Alpha Emitters (2)
Clump A ?v 180 km/s M1x1013Msun
Ouchi et al. 2005, ApJ, 620, L1
26Large-Scale Structure of Lyman Alpha Emitters (3)
Subaru Narrow-Band Observation of the SSA22
Proto-cluster (z3.1) region
Lya Emitters (LA)
- 2 x 10-17 erg/s/cm2
- EWobs gt 160 Ã…
- 283 objects
Lya Absorbers
Hayashino et al. 2004
LAE average local density
Steidel et al. 2000
27Some Prospects for HSC / WFMOS era Hyper Suprime
Cam 2 deg2 8 x FoV of Scam (Miyazaki-sans
- Precision Cosmology favors 1000-10000 deg2
surveys - (other many talks in this WS)
- Broad-Band Imaging (photo-z)
- Spectroscopy (z1, z3)
- Galaxy Deep Surveys
- deepest 10 deg2
- wide and deep 100 deg2 especially for NB
survey - Broad-Band, Narrow-Band, maybe Intermediate
Band - Deep Opt IR Spectroscopy for the selected
28Whatre the Desirable Deep Survey Strategies
for HSC ?
Deepest ( highest-z) Survey Strategy
survey area filters time
Ultra Deep 10 deg2 (HSC 5FoV) g, r, i, z, y NB711, 816, 921, 980 BB 10h (AB27 _at_ z) NB 10h
- Primary Goals
- Obtain Comprehensive View of the
Re-ionization Era - Synergy with
- Thirty-Meter Telescope (Subaru/NAOJ
?) - James-Webb Space Telescope
- ground-base deepest NIR
(VISTA/WFCAM/Subaru??) - space NIR Very Wide Field Imager
29Whatre the Desirable Deep Survey Strategies
for HSC ?
HSC i-drop z6 galaxies z-drop z7
galaxies HSCNIR optical-drop z gt 8
Ouchi 2005
30Re-Ionization Era and Earliest Galaxies
Important Questions (reionization) ? When and
How Cosmic Re-ionization Occurred ? LAE
luminosity-dependent number-density evolution
evolution of
luminosity-dependent clustering ? What are the
source of ionization ? UV-selected
objects (LBG) luminosity function, color
But the knowledge of escape fraction below
Lyman Limit is essential ? How
reionization affects galaxy formation?
31Re-Ionization Era and Earliest Galaxies
Important Questions (galaxy formation) ? How
galaxy formation proceeds at z5-10?
ALMA .. Dust emission (for brightest objects
100M/yr)) High-J CO?
(z6 maybe detectable z10 difficult)
IR-bright objects near
UV-selected sources? TMT/JWST ..
redshift identification
(relatively rare bright objects AB25-26)
stellar contents
metal lines metallicity,
excitation, kinematics
AGN signatures ? Search for galaxies at z7-10
(z-drop, y-drop) JWST wide-field
NIR imaging survey? ground-based IR
camera brightest galaxies
32Thirty Meter Telescope (Caltech / UC / Canada)
33Previous wide-field observations with Subaru
Suprime Cam
FoV SCam Other wavelength notes Teams
Subaru Deep Field (SDF) 0.25 BVRiz,921,816,711,503,497, IBs NIR, MIR deepest images with Subaru Obs. Project SDF Kashikawa et al.
GOODS-N 0.05 (0.2) BVRiz,497,(921) X, UV,HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio world standard field Ohta et al. / Capak et al. ?
Lockman Hole Deep 0.25 BVRiz X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio low HI column Capak et al.
NEP Survey 0.25 BRiz MIR, sub-mm, radio Akari survey Matsuhara/Hanami et al.
EIS 0.5 BRIz NIR ESO field Arimoto et al. Kong et al.
Subaru XMM Deep Survey (SXDS) 1.2 BVRiz,921,816,711, 503,497, IBs X, UV, NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio deep and wide Obs. Project SXDS Sekiguchi, et al.
COSMOS 2 griz,921, 816, IBs (21bands) X, UV, HST,NIR, MIR, FIR, sub-mm, radio HST ACS COSMOS COSMOS / Taniguchi et al.
PISCES clusters BVRiz NIR, HST, X Survey at known clusters Kodama et al.
SSA22 3 B,V,497 NIR z3.1 Hayashino et al. / Yamada et al.
SCDXT (UKIDSS/Scam) 9 (B),I NIR/MIR UKIDSS DXS fields Yamada et al.
33 deg Survey (33) R Lensing Miyazaki et al.
These are not all the surveys by Subaru
TY involved
34Two Subaru Very Wide Field Deep Surveys
- SCDXT Suprime Cam/ UKIDSS Deep eXtragalactic
Survey (DXS) - Ten Square Degrees Survey
- - search for clusters and
proto-clusters at z1-2 - (working report)
- - A Proto-cluster at z3.1 and Galaxy Formation
- Subaru (Suprime Cam, FOCAS, MOIRCS) /
Spitzer / - / VLT (VIMOS) / JCMT-SCUBA / XMM /
UKIDSS / Chandra
35Suprime-Cam/UKIDSS DXS 10 aq.deg. Survey I26
36SCDXT Field of View Lockman Field and ELAIS N1
Lockman Hole
2300000 sources down to I26 (AB 25.5 26.0
_at_ 90 completeness)
37I-band IRAC 3.64.5 Two-Color Diagram
3.6 lt 20.5 sample
Redshifted Coma-elliptical passive mdels
Model grid Bruzual and Charlot z0-3, Age
0-Tuniv, E(B-V)0
38Cluster Finding Distribution of galaxies is
converted to the density map by smoothing with
various kernels. (e.g., Gaussian FWHM45) Peak
finding with the criteria matched with the
smoothed scale. Optical/NIR MOS spectroscopic
follow-up Being proposed MOIRCS / FMOS
1.0 lt z lt 1.2
1.2 lt z lt 1.4
Lockman hole
1.4 lt z lt 1.8
1.4 lt z lt 1.8
1.2 lt z lt 1.4
1.0 lt z lt 1.2
39A Proto-clusrter around SSA22 field a z3.1
(Steidel et al. 1998)
Steidel et al. 2000
LAE average local density
Hayashino et al. 2004 Matsuda et al. 2004 Subaru
Scam NB 7h
40New Very Wide-Field Lya Emitters Survey at
SSA22 area
- 2 x 10-17 erg/s/cm2
- EWobs gt 120 Ã…
Lya Emitters
w/ Hayashino, Matsuda, Nakamura, et al.
41Estimation of the Large-Scale Over-density
Control fields SDF, SXDS, (GOODS-N)
Vs.CDM linear theory
Millenium Simulation Over-density distribution of
SF galaxies
Vs. False LAE in Millenium Simulation
42Lya Emission Equivalent Width and IMF
Constant continuous SF history 1/20solar
metallicity Model A Salpeter IMF x2.35 Model
B Top heavy IMF x0.5 Ml1 Msun Mu120 Msun
EW0 gt 240 Ã… POPIII ? If constant continuous SFH
Malhotra et sl. 2002 Charlot and Fall 1993
43Summary Previous Subaru Wide-Area Surveys ? The
deepest search for the highest-redshift objects
0.25 deg2 (1 Scam FoV) SDF, others.. ?
Tracing Structure Formation and Galaxy
Formation/Evolution 1 deg2 (4 Scam FoV)
SXDS, COSMOS, others.. ? 10 deg2 limited
band/depth coverage Future Prospects w/HSC
Precision Cosmology favors 1000 deg2 surveys
Galaxy Deep Surveys deepest 10 deg2
wide and deep 100 deg2 especially for NB