Galaxy Evolution and Supernovae from a Deep-Wide WFC3 Survey - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Galaxy Evolution and Supernovae from a Deep-Wide WFC3 Survey


Galaxy Evolution and Supernovae from a Deep-Wide WFC3 Survey WFC3 IR observations of 5 well-studied reference fields at high galactic latitude: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Henry204


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Galaxy Evolution and Supernovae from a Deep-Wide WFC3 Survey

Galaxy Evolution and Supernovae from a Deep-Wide
WFC3 Survey
  • WFC3 IR observations of 5 well-studied reference
    fields at high galactic latitude
  • The GOODS fields
  • Encompass the deepest fields from HST, Spitzer,
    Chandra, the VLA, and soon Herschel
  • The Extended Groth Strip
  • A small portion of the COSMOS field
  • The UKIRT Ultradeep Survey Field
  • Optimized for studies of galaxy evolution at
  • Optimized for supernova cosmology

Theories crumble, but good observations never
fade. Harlow Shapley
Merger of two similar proposals
  • Sandy Fabers team proposed a wedding cake
    strategy with 2-orbit depth in the three
    non-GOODS fields, and 50 of GOODS to 15-orbit
  • Our team proposed to cover both GOODS fields to
    intermediate depth and to measure supernovae
    spectra and light curves. We also proposed UV
    observations for GOODS-N.
  • The TAC liked the wedding cake, the supernova
    followup and the UV observations.
  • Teams were merged and told to try to preserve
    these features.

90 Co-investigators
Supernova Cosmology
  • Refine the only constraints we have on the time
    variation of w, on a path to more than doubling
    the strength of this crucial test of a
    cosmological constant by the end of HSTs life.

Supernova Cosmology
  • Obtain a direct, explosion-model-independent
    measure of the evolution of Type Ia supernovae as
    distance indicators at z gt 1.5, independent of
    dark energy.

Supernova Cosmology
  • Provide the first measurement of the SN Ia rate
    at zgt1.5 to distinguish between prompt and
    delayed SN Ia production and their corresponding
    progenitor models.

Supernova Cosmology
  • Refine the only constraints we have on the time
    variation of w, on a path to more than doubling
    the strength of this crucial test of a
    cosmological constant by the end of HSTs life.

Supernova Cosmology
Cosmic Dawn
  • Greatly improve the estimates of the evolution of
    stellar mass, dust and metallicity at z 4-8 by
    combining WFC3 data with very deep Spitzer

Cosmic Dawn
  • Improve by 10x the constraints on the bright
    end of the luminosity function at z7 and 8, and
    make z6 measurements robust using proper 2-color
    Lyman break selection.

Cosmic Dawn
  • Measure fluctuations in the near-IR background
    light, at sensitivities sufficiently faint and
    angular scales sufficiently large to constrain
    re-ionization models.
  • Extragalatic background
  • Integrated galaxy counts below previous detection
    limits form a lower EBL bound
  • Gamma-Ray bursts (e.g Aharonian et al. 2005) form
    upper bound
  • Direct detections are difficult due to the EBLs
    faint intensity
  • Detections currently conflict

Bock et al. 2006
WFC3 Fluctuation Measurements
  • The large angle (? 1/30 ) peak (green curve)
    is a linear-theory prediction of clustering of
    reionization sources.
  • Small scale power is sensitive to the slope and
    normalization of the luminosity function.
  • large area surveys with WFC3 can (barely) reach
    large angle peak

Reionization Simulation from Trac and Cen 2007
Large ? ????? ????? Small ?
Cosmic high-noon
  • Test models for the co-evolution of black holes
    and bulges via the most detailed census of
    interacting pairs, mergers, AGN, and bulges,
    aided by the most complete and unbiased census of
    AGN from Herschel, improved Chandra observations,
    and optical variability.

Cosmic high-noon
  • Detect individual galaxy subclumps and measure
    their stellar mass, constraining the timescale
    for their dynamical-friction migration to the
    center leading to bulge formation.
  • Reveal the presence of fully formed passively
    evolving bulges out to z gt 3, measure the
    bulge/disk ratio, and provide constraints on the
    relative ages of the bulge and disk populations.
  • Measure the rest-frame optical morphologies of
    passive galaxies up to z2 and beyond, and
    combine with ACS data to quantify UV-optical
    color (age) gradients.

Cosmic variance
Observing strategy
  • Wide fields
  • 750 sq. arcmin
  • 2/3 orbits J (debating F125W vs. F110W)
  • 4/3 orbits H (F160W)
  • Half the GOODS area covered this way
  • GOODS Deep
  • 130 sq. arcmin
  • 12 orbit depth 444 in F105WF125WF160W
  • At least 12 orbits new ACS F814W
  • UV (GOODS-N)
  • 70 sq. arcmin
  • Primary science is Lyman-escape fractions at
  • 31 ratio in F275WF336W leaning toward binning

Technical Issues
  • We need to reprocess and stack all the existing
    ACS data on these fields (for high-z galaxies)
  • With better geometric distortion corrections and
    astrometry than the original GOODS stacks
  • With CTE corrections (Anderson algorithm?)
  • Need alignment to WFC3 to within 0.1 pixel
  • Correcting crosstalk for the EBL fluctuations
  • We are looking closely at image subtraction and
    galaxy morphology versus number size of dithers
  • We need to worry about scattered earthshine for
    the CVZ orbits
  • Persistence, blobs, etc. will be a challenge for
    the EBL fluctuations measurement.
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