Title: Race, Class,
1Race, Class, Crack Sentencing (Cont.)Study
- According to the ACLUs Cracks in the system
report, why is 1001 crack-powder sentencing
disparity arbitrarily imposed and what have the
consequences of this been in the last 20 years? - Mandatory minimums
- Consequences
- Family structure
- Voting Rights
- Employment opportunities
- Social services
2Race, Class, Crack Sentencing (Cont.)Study
- According to the ACLUs Cracks in the system
report, how have many of the assumptions used in
justifying the 1001 ratio been proved wrong by
empirical data? - Harm
- Prenatal exposure
- High-level drug trafficking
- Dangerous conduct
3Race, Class, Crack Sentencing (Cont.)Study
- According to the ACLUs Cracks in the system
report, what can be done to change current
policy? - Federal and State Equalization
- High-level traffickers
- Judicial discretion
4Race, Class, Crack Sentencing (Cont.)Other
Study Questions from Cracks in the System
- What are the myths associated with Crack cocaine?
- What has been Congresss response to the
Sentencing Commission Reports of 1995 and 2002?
5Race, Drug Sentencing, and the LawStudy
- According to David Cole, how are criminal
defendants who make selective drug prosecution
based on race claims caught in a catch-22a? Why
was this important in the case of Christopher Lee
Armstrong? - Of discovery and dismissal
6Case Study in Unintended Consequences New
Yorks Rockefeller Drug Laws
- The Kingpin Loophole and the use of Mules
- Lifetime probation provision
- 80 first time felons
7Discussion QuestionWhy are the unintended
consequences of New Yorks Rockefeller Drug Laws
relevant for understanding what happened to
Elaine Bartlett in Life on the Outside?
- How does the book Life on the Outside demonstrate
the hidden consequences of our nation's
punishment policies on Elaine Bartlett and her
family? - Do you believe that alternative programs such as
community or drug court may have benefited Elaine
and/or members of her family?